Water Source

Zhang Yang looked at the inventory and said proudly.

Truth be told, Zhang Yang did not expect the current situation to be like this. All he knew was that he would be able to do business on this island in the future.

However, Hua Long was already planning to attack him and was searching for his location on the island.

Due to the help of those tools, it was already time for them to harvest the first batch of food. Everyone began to work on harvesting the food.

Finally, they put away all the food. With food, Li Chen and the others did not have to worry about food anymore. They began to work on the weapons and equipment that Li Chen had long planned to get.

On this day, Li Chen brought a few people into the forest. Li Chen used his knife to cut down a few branches. He picked up a branch and studied it meticulously. This kind of branch was relatively thin, but it was straight.

"Let's get more of these branches. They're suitable to be made into arrows," Li Chen said.

Everyone immediately took action. After a while, they gathered a lot. Li Chen planned to bring all these branches back to where they lived and make them into bows and arrows.

"Li Chen, look over there!"

Previously, Li Chen and the others did not realize that bamboo had grown here. Li Chen was extremely excited. With bamboo, he now had all the raw materials to make bows and arrows. Therefore, he quickly gathered bamboo.

After returning to his residence, all the raw materials were ready. Li Chen began to teach the others how to make bows and arrows.

Li Chen first split the bamboo in the middle. After splitting it, he trimmed the bamboo into bamboo pieces and cut them to a suitable length. Next, he tied the two ends with grass rope words. After finishing this step, the bow and arrow would be completed.

Li Chen held it in his hand and tested it. The strength was not bad. With the bow and arrow, they could go hunting in the forest and obtain food faster.

At the same time, the others also used vines to weave new fish baskets. The fishing tools were also improved. Everything was developing in a good direction. Everything was getting better.

However, Wang Qi, who had gone out to collect wild vegetables, did not return for a long time. Li Chen felt a little uneasy.

"Not good, there might be a problem. I'll go out and find her."

As he spoke, Li Chen carried the bow and arrow that they had just made, just in case.

Li Chen quickly looked for her in the forest where Wang Qi had gone. Originally, Wang Qi had entered the forest with the others, but because Wang Qi realized that there were many people on the other side, she went to the opposite side. When everyone was about to return, they realized that she was already gone.

Hence, these people could only come back and tell Li Chen. Li Chen thought that Wang Qi would walk back by herself later, but he did not see her for a long time. At this point, Li Chen could only look for her.

When he arrived at the forest, Li Chen saw the traces left behind by them when they came to collect wild vegetables.

Following these tracks, they continued deeper into the forest until it lead into canyon. Li Chen had been here before. This was where they usually did their activities.

"Wang Qi…"

"Wang Qi, where are you?"

Li Chen shouted loudly, but he did not hear any response.

Li Chen could only walk to the bottom of the valley. Due to the recent rain, the valley had been washed by the rain, which caused a landslide. Thus, the place where the valley was previously had already collapsed.

"Wang Qi…"

Li Chen shouted again.

"Who's calling me? I'm here!" Wang Qi heard Li Chen's shout and hurriedly replied.

"Li Chen! I'm here. Come quickly, look what I found!" Hearing Wang Qi's shout, Li Chen quickly ran over.

"Why didn't you say anything? We were all worried about you." Li Chen couldn't help but blame her.

"I'm really sorry. I just found this place, and I wanted to play. I didn't have the time to tell you."

At this moment, Wang Qi was swimming in a pool. The landslide in the valley caused the water to flow poorly. As for the accumulated water here, it gradually turned into a clear pool. And at this moment, Wang Qi swam happily in it.

"Wang Qi…" Li Chen said helplessly.

Beside her were the clothes Wang Qi had taken off. There were two pieces of black fabric on her jacket. They were her underwear. Li Chen looked at them. This was the first time he hag seen Wang Qi's underwear, which clearly was just taken off.

"Wang Qi, why are you coming up?" Li Chen guessed that Wang Qi was swimming naked inside.

"Ah! You're hateful. Leave quickly!" Wang Qi suddenly reacted.

"Leave quickly and don't come over," Wang Qi said as she quickly swam deeper.

"Alright, alright, alright. Come out quickly." Li Chen retreated with his back facing Wang Qi.

After a while, Wang Qi had already put on her clothes and called Li Chen.

When Li Chen saw this pool, he immediately felt strange. He reached out and dipped his hand in it before putting it in his mouth. Li Chen smacked his lips. It was not salty. It was fresh water!

Moreover, since there was so much water in this valley, there must be a source.

"Let's go, follow me quickly!" Li Chen said anxiously.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Wang Qi asked in confusion.

Li Chen quickly pulled Wang Qi to the top of the valley. A small river flowed down the valley. The source was a depression covered in fallen leaves and mud, but water kept flowing out. This place was closer to their camp.

Previously, the water they drank had to be collected from afar. The appearance of this place reduced the distance Li Chen and the others would have to take to collect water by half.

Li Chen hurriedly broke a thick branch from the side and knelt down to dig crazily. As Li Chen cleaned the mud and fallen leaves on the surface, a clear water source slowly flowed out.

Li Chen quickly continued to clean up the other places. Soon, he cleared a large area. He counted carefully. There were actually five to six springs that were spewing water.

"Come back with me!" Li Chen's excitement shocked Wang Qi. She thought that she had caused some trouble, so she could only obediently follow Li Chen. She did not dare to say anything.

When he returned to his camp, Li Chen did not have time to rest.

"Follow me. Everyone, bring your shovels and pickaxes and follow me!"

"What's wrong? Li Chen?" Everyone asked in confusion.

"Thanks to Wang Qi, we discovered a new water source. Come quickly!"

As Li Chen spoke, the others immediately took action. Everyone immediately came to the place where Li Chen had just discovered the spring. When they saw the clear water coming out, everyone was extremely excited.

However, how to make use of it became another problem. At this moment, a person stood up and observed the terrain here. Then, he observed the place where they lived and said thoughtfully.

"According to the terrain, we'll dig this place down and build a well. Then we can bury a pipe. That way, there'll be water where we live. Depending on the terrain, the water will flow down by itself."

This person's words attracted everyone's attention.

"In other words, we finally don't have to run so far to fetch water in the future?"


"That's great. We can finally have a water source!"

Everyone shouted happily.