
Then, everyone began to take action.

At the mouth of the spring, everyone began to dig down. Soon, they had dug out what looked like a well. That man stood up and gave more instructions. He looked at the depth and shook his head.

After digging further down, it finally satisfied that person. Then, he instructed everyone to find rocks and jumped in directly. Due to the expansion of the spring, the water source in the pit had accumulated a lot.

"Everyone, hurry up and find stones. I want big and small ones. The more the better!"

When Li Chen heard this, he quickly brought everyone to move stones over.

As more and more stones were gathered, the man slowly built a well in the pit. Then, he climbed out and wrung the water from his clothes.

"This way, this place can store water. When the time comes, we only need to cover the mouth of the well so that it can be hidden. As for us using the water, we only need to bury a water pipe in the ground."

Everyone sighed at this person's intelligence. This would ensure the safety of this well and ensure that their water source would not be polluted by the outside world.

The final piece of the puzzle was the water pipe. There were no water pipes on this deserted island, so Li Chen had to think of a solution.

"Come, follow me. I have an idea!"

Li Chen brought everyone to the bamboo forest that they had discovered previously. As Li Chen slashed down one by one, the bamboo fell to the ground. They brought the bamboo back to their residence and then used a thinner stick to break through the inside of the bamboo segment by segment.

Just like that, a water pipe made of bamboo could be used. Everyone immediately went to the water source and began to dig ditches to bury the bamboo. Finally, they buried the bamboo in the place where they lived.

After all the work was done, Li Chen forcefully pulled away the thing blocking the end of the bamboo, and soon clear water flowed out.

"We did it!"

"We finally have water!"

Everyone cheered. That night, everyone lit a bonfire in the courtyard and sat in the middle.

"Li Chen, how did you discover this empty space back then?"

"Haha, it's all thanks to Sister Yu. She was the one who discovered it. We thought that this place is flat and has a hill on its back, so it should be relatively safe."

When everyone heard Li Chen mention Zhao Yu's name, they all looked at Zhao Yu. Zhao Yu lowered her head in embarrassment. The bonfire shone on her face as it gradually turned red.

"We still have to thank Wang Qi this time. She was the one who found the pool, but her actions this time are unacceptable," Li Chen quickly said.

"My bad, my bad. I won't dare to do it again," Wang Qi quickly explained.

Everyone spent this beautiful night in laughter.

"Where's the food?"

"There's nothing left to eat. What do you think we should do?"

When Hua Long woke up early in the morning, he said angrily when he saw the empty cave.

"What do you think we should do? We can't catch anything in the traps these few days. There's nothing to eat!"

Hua Long said angrily. Then, he kicked the stone beside him.

"What should we do now? We can't beat Li Chen. What should we do?" Faced with Hua Long's question, the suited man had a calm expression. He sneered a few times.

"To be honest, when I went out with my brothers that day, I saw that Zhang Yang and the others were doing well on the other side. They even planted crops."

Everyone's eyes lit up at the mention of crops, including Hua Long.

"Stop dreaming. Go find me something to eat first. I'm starving."


As Hua Long spoke, he kicked his lackeys down. At this moment, other than him and the suited man, there were a few others who had been following him. But recently, he caught a few more from the wilderness.

The few of them went to the depths of the forest to check the traps that had been set up.

"Have you heard?"

"Zhang Yang's place is already planted with crops. Let's go there."

"Don't. The last time I escaped, I got lost and was caught by Hua Long. I was beaten half to death. Don't cause trouble this time."

"I don't want to stay here any longer. I want to escape. At that time, I saw Zhang Yang and the others heading east."

"Don't bother. If you head east then, who knows where he is now."

These people began to discuss among themselves. They were the worst among all the survivors.

However, Hua Long's use of force to solve the problem made them really fed up. They felt that they had to escape no matter what. This was their only chance to fight for their lives.

Therefore, they quickly ran towards the east. That was the last place they saw Zhang Yang.

"Why aren't those bastards back yet?!"

"Where are they?"

Seeing that those people had not returned for the entire morning, Hua Long hurriedly came out to check, only to find that they had long fled.

"Those bastards, don't let me catch them again!"

"They actually ran away again. I don't believe that they can escape that far!"

To the east of Hua Long's cave, after passing the highest peak of the mountain, one would find Zhang Yang's camp at the foot of the mountain.

Currently, only Hua Long had gone deep into the forest and was at the center of the forest. Zhang Yang was on the east side, while Li Chen and the others were on the north side. They were all far away from each other.

"Another batch of grain has been harvested. Our granary can't even hold it now."

"That's right. We can't even fit in more now. We have to build another granary again!"

With a mountain behind him, a cliff beside him, and a sea in front of him, Zhang Yang did not have to worry about anyone invading him. Furthermore, his whereabouts were the most secretive.

When he had escaped, he had brought his brothers here with great difficulty. No one would have thought that they would come here.

"Zhang Yang, look! There's someone there!"

Zhang Yang looked along the coastline and saw a few wriggling shadows getting bigger and bigger. Zhang Yang quickly looked over and saw that they were indeed human beings.

"Yes, there's someone there. Let's go!"

Zhang Yang quickly brought a few of his men over to investigate. It turned out that they were the ones who had escaped from Hua Long.

"Why are you guys here?" Zhang Yang looked at them and asked.

"Quick! Fortify your defenses! Hua Long will come sooner or later!"

Zhang Yang treated these newcomers with great hospitality. As they were escaping, the few of them were so hungry that their stomachs were rumbling with hunger. Now, in the presence of food, they started to eat in big mouthfuls. Zhang Yang quickly asked them about their experiences during this period of time.

"Don't mention it. We should have left with you back then…"

The few of them actually shed tears.

"There's no rush. Take your time, take your time." Zhang Yang began to comfort them.

"At that time, you asked us what we were going to do. We originally felt that we could survive by ourselves, so we lived alone in the forest. However, we didn't expect to be captured by Hua Long again. What's worse was that he beat us half to death."

"Now, Hua Long is facing a food crisis, and he's planning to rob. You have to be careful. His bows, guns, and knives are not to be trifled with."

"Bows? Guns?"

"What?" Zhang Yang was shocked when he heard what they said.