
"Yeah, we just escaped from there."

"Oh no!" Zhang Yang's heart skipped a beat. The thing that he was most worried about had happened.

At the news of this, Zhang Yang immediately asked everyone to raise the defense of the camp. However, as they were not prepared beforehand, they did not manage to get much done.

"I'm so angry! Those traitors!" Hua Long took out the gun that the suited man had given him.

"Looks like if I don't get serious, they don't know who they are dealing with."

Hua Long raised the gun and made an aiming motion, fiddling with the delicate pistol in his hand.

On the other side, Li Chen and the others had a fresh water supply. The cultivated land also had water irrigation, which allowed them to have more convenience in life and their daily work.

Li Chen suddenly thought of something.

"According to the chronological order of the things given previously, the backpack should give me something else today," Li Chen thought. Then, he opened the backpack.

The backpack gave him another pistol today. Li Chen was very puzzled. He had already received a pistol previously.

Li Chen carefully hid the pistol. He knew that he should not use it unless he had no other choice.

"Li Chen, the weather today is not bad, so we will go out to pick wild fruits," Wang Qi said happily as she pulled Zhao Yu and a few others.

"Go, be careful!" Li Chen instructed them.

At this moment, Hua Long and the others had no food at all. Without anyone to hunt for them, their food source was cut off.

"Pfft, we can't even eat rabbit meat now!" Hua Long took a bite of a wild fruit.

"Pfft, pfft, pfft. What is this? How can I eat this!"

Hua Long threw away the fruit and called his brothers over.

"Brothers, if we continue like this, we'll starve to death sooner or later. Why don't we go rob?" Hua Long voiced his idea.

"I agree, but who should we rob from?" The suited man came out and asked.

"Snatch whose? Of course Li Chen's!"

"The last time we went, we suffered a loss. One of our brothers was even injured because of them." The suited man voiced his concerns.

"Then you want me to find Zhang Yang? Who knows where he is? We'll starve to death before we even get there!"

Hua Long's words made sense. Currently, they had only been to Li Chen's camp and knew nothing about Zhang Yang's camp.

When the suited man heard Hua Long's words, he didn't refuse and nodded in agreement.

Hua Long and the others began to walk towards Li Chen with bows and spears.

"Sister Yu, look at me. I found a lot of wild fruits here!" Wang Qi had picked many wild fruits.

"You have to be careful. There are many bugs in the forest at this time." Zhao Yu reminded.

At this moment, Wang Qi, Zhao Yu, and the others were picking wild fruits, completely unaware that danger was approaching them step by step.


Suddenly, Wang Qi's mouth was covered by a man in black clothes, and she was pulled into the forest.

When Zhao Yu heard Wang Qi shout the word 'save', she hurriedly shouted.

The person who pulled Wang Qi was none other than Hua Long.

When Hua Long saw that it was Wang Qi who was pulled over, his beastly nature immediately erupted.

"My baby, I missed you so much." As he spoke, Hua Long kissed her. Wang Qi struggled desperately.

Hua Long was very strong and threw Wang Qi to the ground. He immediately pounced on her and finally saw the Wang Qi he had been dreaming about.

Hua Long tore open Wang Qi's clothes, revealing Wang Qi's underwear. Without another word, Hua Long lowered his head and kissed her.

"Hua Long, have you forgotten what we're going to do?"

When the surrounding people saw Hua Long like this, they hurriedly stopped him.

"Can't you see what I'm doing now? Get lost!" Hua Long's beastly nature took over his rationality. He didn't care what he was doing now.

At this moment, Hua Long's hands were placed where he should have placed them. It had to be said that they were just the right size.

"Come on! My little baby!" Hua Long said happily.

Wang Qi tried her best to hit Hua Long. At this moment, Hua Long looked down. His hand moved down and he grabbed Wang Qi's pants with both hands, pulling them down completely.

This time, other than Wang Qi's underwear, everything else was exposed. This scene made Hua Long's blood boil.


"Somebody help me!"

Wang Qi slapped desperately and kept kicking, but she was still pressed down by Hua Long.

Just as Hua Long was about to take action…

"Stop it!"

A shout completely disrupted Hua Long's plan. Hua Long hurriedly looked up. It was none other than Li Chen and the others.

"You want to stop me?" Hua Long said as he pulled Wang Qi up.

Everyone saw Wang Qi's current appearance. Her exposed skin was snow-white. This scene even tempted Li Chen.

"Hua Long, there's no enmity between us. What exactly do you want?"

"What do I want? You're so comfortable every day. Can't I be comfortable too?"

"Brothers! Attack!" Hua Long's subordinates drew their bows and began to confront Li Chen and the others.

Li Chen sneered. With a wave of his hand, dozens of arrows flew over from the sky, catching Hua Long off guard.

The arrows were blind. Some of them hit Hua Long's subordinates directly, which caused them to be in disarray.

Suddenly, an arrow flew towards Hua Long.

Seeing this, Hua Long quickly pushed Wang Qi out, hoping that Wang Qi would block the arrow for him. Seeing this, Li Chen quickly stepped forward and took Wang Qi before falling to the ground with her.

Seeing this, Hua Long hurriedly retreated. Fortunately, the arrow had only grazed his skin. At this moment, Li Chen was lying on the ground with Wang Qi in his arms.

"Li Chen, I didn't expect you to be so capable. You are really the real deal!"

"Brothers! Retreat!"

Hua Long had no choice but to give up on his attack plan. He retreated, cursing along the way.

At this moment, Li Chen was happily hugging Wang Qi. He finally touched Wang Qi's skin. This was the first time he was hugging Wang Qi at such a close distance. Suddenly, Wang Qi seemed to have felt something change.

"Li Chen, we're safe now!" Wang Qi said.

These words pulled Li Chen back to reality. Li Chen quickly pulled Wang Qi up and handed her the clothes.

"Thank you. If you had come a step later, I might have…" Wang Qi cried.

"You should thank Sister Yu. She came back to call us!" Wang Qi quickly looked at Sister Yu. Sister Yu seemed to be jealous.

At this moment, Hua Long had returned back to his cave. On the way back, he had hunted some hares and even a wild goat.

"It's my fault this time. I couldn't control myself." Hua Long finally realized his mistake.

"Hmph, you didn't listen to me when I stopped you back then. Do you feel good now?" The suited man mocked.