
"You're going too? Alright, then come with us."

Li Chen agreed to Li Yi's request and handed him a bow. At the same time, he also handed him some arrows, and Li Yi accepted them.

"Let's go!" Li Chen and the others quickly set off.

"Li Chen, you guys have to be careful." Zhao Yu and the others quickly ran out and reminded.

"Don't worry, it's fine. I can handle this."

Everyone felt that it was just going to the savages to save a little girl. What was so difficult about it? It was very easy.

Li Chen and the others followed the original path and arrived outside the savages' tribe. At this moment, they were even closer to the savages' tribe.

During this period of time, the savages had already discovered that Li Yi had escaped. They searched everywhere, shouting and pushing away angrily whenever they encountered something.

"I'm sorry. I should have said it earlier." Li Yi could not help but apologize.

"I thought you were bad people just now. I was afraid that you would hurt my daughter, so I didn't dare to say anything. It wasn't until I arrived at your place that I realized that I've let you down and made you suffer."

"Hey, what are you talking about? It's fine. Let's save your daughter first."

At this moment, the savages seemed to have gone crazy. They actually tore down the house where Li Yi was imprisoned. Just like that, that house was razed to the ground by the savages.

"Where is your daughter?" Li Chen asked Li Yi carefully.

"My daughter should be locked up in that house over there," Li Yi said as he pointed at a house in the distance.

That house should be the safest and most difficult to attack location in the entire savages' tribe, especially now that the savages were moving around the tribe.

"Let's go. Everyone, follow me!"

Then, Li Chen brought everyone carefully to the side of a house and hid behind it. As soon as they walked over, a savage walked over. Right in front of them, there was a savage. Everyone was so frightened that they did not dare to breathe. They were all waiting for this savage to leave quickly.

After a while, the savage finally left. Li Chen and the others used the same method to hide behind another house. Just like that, they finally approached that house.

At the back of the house, Li Chen confirmed it again and again. Li Yi said with certainty that this was it.

Just in case, Li Chen pressed his ear to the wall and listened carefully to the sounds inside. Sure enough, it was a little girl making a fuss inside. She should be afraid of the savages outside.

When Li Chen saw this wall, he tapped it with his hand and immediately had an idea.

"Grab an arrow and dig!" Then he used the arrow to dig at the wall.

Compared to going straight to the front, it was safer to go through the back of the house.

The wall was made of mud, so it was easy to dig. After a while, a big hole was dug. Li Yi shouted into the hole impatiently.

"Daughter, I'm your father."

The little girl inside heard Li Yi's shout and quickly ran over. Then, she crawled out of the hole. Li Chen had saved the little girl, so he planned to bring them back to the camp.

"The house next door is where the food of the savages is stored. They seem to have snatched fruits from somewhere, and they're all inside."

"The houses over there are where the savages' weapons are stored. They've probably put back all the weapons they've made, but they're just bones so they're not much use."

"What? Fruits?"

"Aren't these fruits what they stole from us?" Everyone immediately reacted.

Li Yi quickly brought them to the house where the savages stored their food and followed Li Chen into the room.

"There's so much food, and it looks pretty full."

"Li Chen, what should we do?"

At this moment, after Li Chen realized that the savages had so much food, coupled with the fact that his food had been robbed, he made up his mind.

"Move them. Everyone will move them to the orchard we came from before moving back to where we live."

Hearing Li Chen's words, everyone quickly took action. Fortunately, the food had been divided into small portions by the savages, so it was easier for everyone to move it.

Soon, all the food was moved to the orchard.

"This is too exciting!"

"Everyone, take a break. Prepare to move the things back to our camp."

"Li Chen, bad news. The savages have discovered us and are chasing after us!"

At this moment, the savages still did not know that their food had been robbed. They only saw Li Chen and the others trespassing their territory without permission and wanted to come out to attack.

"What do we do?"

"You guys cover us. We'll retreat."

"What about the food?"

"At a time like this, who cares about food?"

As he spoke, the savages had already caught up. They held weapons made of large bones and wanted to attack Li Chen and the others.

Then, everyone hurriedly pulled out their bows and began to draw their bows to shoot at them. Seeing this, the savages hurriedly ran back. The savages knew that Li Chen and the others' weapons were more advanced and lethal than theirs.

"We're safe. Let's go. Let's get the stuff back."

Li Chen and the others began to move. They planned to transport the food they had snatched from the savages back to their camp. This way, their food would be enough.

When they returned to their camp, everyone was very excited to see Li Chen and the others return. Moreover, they had brought back so much food.

"Now we have something to eat."

"Finally, I don't have to go hungry."

"Aren't these the fruits we picked?"

Everyone wanted to celebrate, but Li Yi had changed his clothes and cut off all his long hair. After some treatment, Li Yi finally returned to his original appearance.

"Now you look more like a human!" Someone came over and mocked.

"Do you still remember me? At that time, I treated you like a savage and even asked you questions."

Li Yi looked at everyone and laughed loudly. Li Yi's daughter was also cleaned up by Zhao Yu. Finally, she no longer looked the same as when she was imprisoned.

"How did you come to this island?" Li Yi asked carefully.

"Don't mention it. It's a long story." Li Chen told Li Yi everything that had happened to them. Li Yi suddenly thought of something.

Li Chen was very puzzled. He quickly asked Li Yi what he had thought of.

"Back then, before I came to this island, there were already developers planning to develop this place. They also shipped a batch of equipment and hid it in a cave. We might be able to find it if we go there."

"It's just that it's been so many years. I wonder if the equipment inside can still be used."

"Then let's go take a look at dawn," Li Chen suggested.


Li Yi promised Li Chen that after dawn, he would bring them to the cave to see if there was anything that could be used. When everyone heard this, they were even more excited.

After a night, the sky finally brightened. Many people planned to go to the cave under Li Yi's lead to find something useful.