
At dawn the next day, Li Yi set off with Li Chen and the others.

After walking for a long time, they still did not reach the cave that Li Yi mentioned. Li Chen and the others really could not walk anymore.

"Where exactly is it?"

"Can you tell me how far it is? How many years has it been? Did you remember wrongly?"

The others began to ask because they were worried that Li Yi had remembered wrongly. Although it had happened many years ago, after so many years, it was very likely that it had changed.

"I don't think it's far. Everyone, be careful. It should be nearby."

Li Chen looked at the surrounding terrain. There should not be a cave in such flat terrain. There was not even a mountain. How could there be a cave?

"The surrounding terrain doesn't look like there will be a cave."

Someone asked. Li Yi thought for a moment and quickly explained that the cave was formed by manually digging down.

"Isn't that just a hole in the ground?"

"Who cares what hole it is? It's nearby. Everyone, search carefully."

Li Chen wondered how Li Yi could not even differentiate between a cave and a hole, so he began to search the surroundings carefully.

"Everyone, come and take a look! I found it!"

Li Chen and the others quickly ran over. Sure enough, there was a hole on the ground that looked like a well. It was clearly dug by someone. Li Chen used his hand to brush away the soil on it.

The well was covered with an iron lid and locked with a lock. It was obvious that this was done by someone in the past. Li Chen quickly went around to find something to open the lock.

Quickly, they found a large rock which looked abnormal compared to the surroundings. Li Chen took the rock and began to smash it. The rock made a loud sound when it hit the lock.

"Li Chen, be careful!"

"It's fine, don't worry!"

Li Chen continued to smash the broken lock with all his might. The lock was already rusty, but it was very huge. It would not take long to break it.

Suddenly, someone noticed something abnormal.

"Li Chen, look over there!"

"Over there, look!"

At this moment, Li Chen was still smashing with all his might and did not have the time to look. The people accompanying him hurriedly pulled Li Chen back. Only then did Li Chen realize that savages were rushing over.

"Not good! Run!"

It turned out that the sound of the lock being smashed had alarmed the savages who were searching nearby. Yesterday, when the savages returned, they realized that their food had been stolen and the people they had captured had been saved. They were very angry, so they all came out to search for Li Chen and the others.


Li Chen shouted and quickly fled with the others. When the savages saw Li Chen and the others running, they quickly chased after them. Li Chen turned around and saw that they were still armed.

Finally, they ran to a hill. Li Chen planned to fight the savages to the death with the advantage of the terrain. Everyone brought their bows and arrows when they came out this time and were prepared.

Seeing this situation, the savages also learned to be smart. They watched from the foot of the hill. After a while, one of the savages took out something. The savages blew on it. It was something to store fire.

"Hurry up and fight! The savages are going to burn us to death!"

As expected, in order to capture Li Chen and the others, the savages actually wanted to set fire to this island. In that case, it was very likely that they would perish together. Seeing this, Li Chen could only give the order to attack first.

Everyone immediately began to draw their bows and shoot. Li Chen suddenly thought of something.

"Shoot their feet, not their bodies. Just chase them away!"

When everyone heard Li Chen's words, they immediately lowered their altitude and shot all the arrows in front of the savages. Seeing this, the savages could only start to retreat. The arrows were effective.

"Give me back that thing!"

At this moment, Li Yi was very excited to see the savages retreat. He seemed to be attracted by something on the savages, and he ran down the hill with all his might.

Li Chen and the others wanted to pull Li Yi back, but it was too late. He quickly ran over and snatched the thing from the savages. Seeing this, the savages began to attack.

The huge bone hit Li Yi's body heavily. Li Yi was knocked to the ground in a few moves, but he still protected the thing he had snatched from the savages.

At this moment, Li Chen and the others released their arrows to cover Li Yi, but it was useless. Fortunately, the arrows hit a few of the savages. When the savages saw that their companions were injured, they quickly fled after beating Li Yi.

Li Chen and the others quickly ran over to help Li Yi up. Li Yi slowly took out the thing from his hand and handed it to Li Chen and the others.

"I'll leave this to you. There's a treasure inside."

"Please don't let the bad guys snatch it away, and please take good care of my daughter."

After saying that, Li Yi closed his eyes. Li Chen could not believe that Li Yi had been beaten to death by the savages. What's more, Li Chen still did not know what he had snatched.

Li Chen had no choice but to put away his things first. Then, he went to the well and continued to smash the door lock with rocks. Finally, after smashing it for a long time, the door lock was finally opened.

Li Chen lifted the iron lid. There was a dark hole below. Li Chen looked down. At this moment, one of the group stood up.

"I'll go down first!"

He took the lead and slowly walked down the stairs. The lower he went, the darker it became. Li Chen regretted not bringing any kindling this time, and the savages did not leave anything behind as well.

Using the light from above, they managed to reach the bottom. There was another door below.

"So this is the cave that Li Yi was talking about."

"I thought a cave had to be in the mountains."

"This is clearly a hole in the ground."

Li Chen realized that this was indeed a hole in the ground, and it was man-made. Li Chen guessed that after the developer came here back then, he had transported the supplies over, but there was no place to store them, so he dug such a hole underground.

This door did not have a big lock, so Li Chen pushed the door open. After opening the door, they walked in.

There was something in this cave! Everyone was looking for it excitedly.

Here, Li Chen and the others found the iron frames, tools, and some oilcloth that the developer had moved over. Further in, they actually found a solar generator and some electrical appliances.

Everyone was stunned by these discoveries. What was even more unexpected was that there were some seeds. There was wheat, corn, soybeans, and even some flower and grass seeds.

These seeds could be stored for many years. Hence, Li Chen decided to move the seeds back first. Then, he would build a cart and move these big things back.

Li Chen and the others each carried a bag of seeds and crawled out of the cave. They began to walk towards their camp. However, enemies were bound to meet on a narrow road. Just as they were about to reach their camp, they encountered the bandits, Hua Long and the others.

"What should we do?" At this moment, Hua Long and the others were approaching them step by step.