The Eve of Disaster

"Li Chen, what do you think we should do?" The others asked.

"Looks like Hua Long is really short of water. It's been a long time since Hua Long came to rob us."

As Li Chen spoke, he could not help but sigh.

"Everyone, store more water to avoid really encountering drought." Li Chen reminded everyone again and again. Everyone quickly stored enough water.

When Hua Long returned, he looked at the three large buckets of water and was overjoyed.

"Li Chen is still the most sensible. When he heard that I needed water, he immediately gave it to me." Hua Long began to show off to the people around him. When the others saw that there was finally water, they smiled happily.

"Big Brother, what should we do in the future? I think that Li Chen kid has no water left. Their fields are all dried up." One of the brothers said.

"The future? We'll talk about it in the future. For now, we've got enough water."

As for whether there would be water in the future, Hua Long felt that it was not important. As long as there was water now, it was enough. At this moment, another brother walked forward and thought for a moment before saying.

"Big brother, if that's the case, why don't we go and rob Zhang Yang again? He must have some water there as well."

When Hua Long heard this, he nodded proudly. "It's called equalizing the playing field, so now both of them won't fall behind. We'll go tomorrow!" Hence, Hua Long immediately decided to rob Zhang Yang's water the next day.

As the water supply in the well was getting lesser and lesser, Zhang Yang and his gang could only keep storing water. The crops in his fields were the same as Li Chen and his gang. They had lost their vitality due to the lack of water for irrigation.

"Sigh, what should we do now?" Zhang Yang sighed.

"It's okay, we still have stored food," the other brothers said.

"Have you heard of this saying? The year of natural disasters will definitely be a year of chaos." After Zhang Yang said this, Zhang Yang felt that once this drought continued, Hua Long, Li Chen, and the others would definitely take action. At that time, he would definitely be involved.

As expected, just as Zhang Yang was worried, someone discovered Hua Long's tracks the next day. Hua Long and the others had already arrived. Zhang Yang quickly went out to check on the situation.

"Hua Long, I know why you're here this time. Bring the things over." As he spoke, Zhang Yang got the others to bring over a few buckets of water. Hua Long smiled smugly when he saw this.

"Haha, are you all so obedient now?"

Hua Long then ordered his men to carry all the water and prepared to return the way they came. Just as they were about to leave, Hua Long suddenly turned around and smiled evilly.

"Zhang Yang, I see that you have a lot of food here. Why don't you be a good person until the end…"

Zhang Yang understood what Hua Long meant. Since that was the case, Zhang Yang asked his brother to bring out some food and gave it all to Hua Long.

"Hua Long, you've seen the situation now. I'll give you something, but you have to be polite to us. If you dare to ambush us, don't blame us for perishing together with you."

Zhang Yang seemed to be threatening Hua Long. When Hua Long heard this, he quickly agreed to Zhang Yang because he knew that if he did anything overboard, he would not have a source of resources.

To be honest, Hua Long had also taken a gamble when he robbed Li Chen and the others last time. Once Li Chen and the others resisted, it was hard to say who would die and who would be injured. However, Hua Long did not expect Li Chen to agree to it so easily.

Hua Long hurriedly asked his brothers to move everything back to his cave. Hua Long felt that since that was the case, no matter what happened outside, he didn't have to worry.

After Hua Long left, Zhang Yang smiled proudly. He felt that it was worth it to spend money to avoid disaster this time. He did not know what tricks Hua Long would use, but now that Hua Long was gone, he was finally at peace.

"Everyone, hurry up and store water. Let's use my method. Put some in the warehouse and less on the surface."

"Alright, Zhang Yang. Don't worry." After saying that, the others quickly got to work.

Li Chen seemed to have encountered quite a bit of trouble. As they stored more and more water, the water flowing out of the bamboo tube decreased.

On this day, the scorching heat woke everyone up exceptionally early. Li Chen was called over by a wave of shouts. He quickly went over to see what had happened.

"Li Chen, look, it's not flowing anymore." Li Chen looked over. Indeed, there was not a single drop of water in the bamboo tube.

"Wait for me. I'll go and check on the situation." Then, the designer volunteered to go and check on the situation. He left very quickly and returned very quickly. When he returned, he had a miserable expression.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Everyone hurriedly asked.

"Don't mention it. It's dry. There's no more water." These words instantly disappointed everyone. Their water source had gone dry. Now, Li Chen and the others no longer had a source of freshwater.

"Let's go. Everyone, follow me out to find a water source. There will definitely be water elsewhere."

"Alright, let's go find a water source." Everyone took their tools and wanted to find a water source.

Although Li Chen and the others had stored some water, there were many of them in the camp. The water would quickly run out sooner or later when they drank it. Only by finding a new water source could they resolve the current problem.

Li Chen and the others went out to search for the entire day and only returned in the evening. Everyone saw that they were all frowning and knew that all of them must not have found a water source this time.

What surprised Li Chen and the others even more was that because of the drought and lack of water, the animals in the forest began to look for water everywhere. That night, Li Chen and the others suddenly heard the cries of wolves.

"What's wrong?" Li Chen got up in a panic and ran to the wall outside to look outside.

"It's wolves!" In the group of people who arrived early, one of them said calmly.

Usually, there were no trees around them, so it was impossible for wolves to appear. It was usually quiet at night.

"Looks like we've encountered a great drought. There will definitely be trouble." That person sighed.

Li Chen quickly lit the torch and threw it out forcefully. The wolves were very far away from them, but they still saw the light from the torch and quickly left.

"The wolves ran away." Li Chen said.

After returning to his room, Li Chen did not sleep for the entire night. He remembered that person's words deeply. Once there was a drought, there would definitely be trouble. Li Chen thought about how to solve this problem.

After a period of preparation, Zhang Yang and the others had run out of water in the well. The others came over and told Zhang Yang about the situation.

"Sigh, let's leave it to fate. Tell our brothers to pay more attention to their safety and try not to go out if there's nothing else."

Zhang Yang had also run out of water. All that was left was the water source that they had stocked up. The people who had gone out to look for water could not find any water source. Zhang Yang was also worried that he would not be able to sleep the whole night. He was worried about what would happen next.

Until the next day, something unexpected happened…