Still Persevering

The next day, when Li Chen and the others came out, they realized that the water in their bamboo pipes had become far lesser. Li Chen was very puzzled.

"Li Chen, did you notice that the water flow has become smaller?"

"That's right. The water flow was very strong before. Why is it so small now?"

"It's alright, leave this problem to me!" The designer from before stood up.

"Let's hurry up and leave. Everyone, let's go and see what's wrong."

Li Chen quickly called everyone to follow this person up the water pipe. They had not gone here for a long time since the last time it was connected to the water pipe.

"Logically speaking, it shouldn't be like this. We hid this place that time," the designer said as he walked.

Along the way, they discovered that the trees seemed to be withering. It seemed like it was caused by a lack of water.

Therefore, they continued to walk towards the source. Finally, they arrived at the source and saw that this place had changed greatly. Li Chen and the others quickly dug up all the soil on it.

Below them was their well. Then, they opened the lid of the well and found that the water inside had fallen by more than half. Moreover, the spring that had been spewing water previously was no longer spewing out water.

"How about this? I'll go down and dig again. There should be too much silt." As he spoke, the man jumped into the well. Then, he began to dig inside. After digging for a while, he did dig up a lot of silt.

Looking at the water coming out of the springs again, everyone knew that it was probably the sludge, so they covered it with mud again and returned to their camp. As expected, the water flow became stronger.

At this moment, the sun above their heads seemed to be melting everything. Li Chen and the others had no choice but to enter the forest to cool down.

"F*ck, we're really going to die from the heat," Hua Long said as he took a sip of water.

"Drink it sparingly. There's no more water." Zhang Xue said.

"This weather can suffocate people. We don't have any more water so we'll dig a well in front of the hole!"

As Hua Long spoke, he took out his tools. The other brothers also began to dig in front of the cave. Everyone got busy and quickly dug very deep, but they still did not find any water seeping out.

"I don't believe it. Let's continue digging." As Hua Long spoke, he waved the pickaxe vigorously and continued digging deeper. Finally, water seeped out from the surroundings.

"Here, give me a container."

Then, people threw down a container to fetch water. Hua Long quickly picked it up and filled the container in a short while. Then, he took it up and waited for the water to clear.

Finally, the water became clear. Hua Long held the water proudly and boasted, "Look, there's water now!"

Then, he took a big sip. As soon as he drank it, he quickly spat it out. "Damn, it's salty. You can't drink it!"

Hua Long was so angry that he poured the water away. Helpless, he could only continue to go out to look for water. In such hot weather, they could not do without water. However, after searching for a long time, they could not find it. They only found the coconuts on the trees.

Hua Long opened a coconut with a knife and handed it to Zhang Xue. Then, he opened another one and drank it in big mouthfuls. After drinking it, he said, "We can't just rely on coconuts, right? There aren't enough coconuts!"

Currently, Zhang Yang and his gang were not doing any better. The reason why he chose to survive here was because of the water coming out of the fountain. He had modified the place into a well. Hence, he relied on the water source there to develop his agriculture.

However, the water in the well was gradually decreasing, and the amount of water coming out was also decreasing. The people who went out to find water could not find a water source anywhere.

"Everyone, quickly put all the water into the wooden barrel and hide the water." Zhang Yang said. At this moment, Zhang Yang had already realized that there might be a water shortage.

Zhang Yang raised his head and looked at the sun above his head. The sun was so hot that he could not open his eyes. Zhang Yang speculated that there was going to be a drought soon.

"Li Chen, from what I remember, it hasn't rained for many days. Moreover, it's still so sunny, and it's so hot. The crops in the fields are about to die," someone came over and said to Li Chen.

"Use the water from our water pipe to water the ground," Li Chen said. After all, he had done this before.

"But I'm afraid we'll be short of water, Li Chen. I think we should store some water first to prevent water shortage."

"Okay!" Li Chen agreed.

Then, everyone quickly took out various containers and stored them all with water. They placed them in the cave behind their house and began to irrigate the fields.

However, Li Chen and the others realized that there was not enough water at all. Just as they finished watering the plants, the fields dried up again. Moreover, the crops had already begun to yellow and wither. Li Chen helplessly told everyone that they had to give up on the crops this time.

Although everyone was very reluctant, they could not plant crops in such weather. Li Chen felt that he needed to find a new water source.

Hua Long and the others searched for a long time but could not find a water source. Hua Long helplessly took out his gun. His brothers also took out their guns. Then, Hua Long called them over.

"Brothers, we can't even find water now. Without water, everyone will die. I think we can only snatch it."

The other brothers agreed, but Zhang Xue didn't. She was afraid that there would be casualties, and that wouldn't be good for anyone. After all, she only wanted to take people under her wing, but she didn't want there to be casualties among her classmates.

Zhang Xue stood up and rejected him. Hua Long raised his hand and threw her aside. He ignored her and walked towards Li Chen and the others with his weapon.

During this period of time, Hua Long had been given a lot of weapons and ammunition in his backpack. Hua Long had long distributed them to his brothers. With guns, Hua Long knew that it was easier to do everything.

They arrived at the periphery of Li Chen and the others' camp and realized that their crops had also withered. However, Hua Long firmly believed that they still had an extra water source.

"Li Chen, come out!" Hua Long shouted when he arrived.

Relying on the fact that he had a gun, Hua Long was not afraid of anything. He called out to Li Chen. When Li Chen and the others heard Hua Long's voice, they hurriedly came out to confront him.

"What do you want?" Li Chen stepped forward and asked.

"Your Grandpa Long has been thirsty recently. There's no water to drink. Hurry up and prepare water for your Grandpa Long. Otherwise, our guns won't have eyes."

As Hua Long spoke, he waved the guns in their hands. Li Chen did not refuse.

"You can ask for water, but we don't have much left. I can only give you some first." Li Chen didn't expect Hua Long to suddenly do this, so he could only agree first.

Hence, he got the others to take out three large buckets of water and handed them to Hua Long. Hua Long smiled smugly when he saw the water. Then, he got his subordinates to carry the water source away. Li Chen watched them leave and felt that something big was about to happen.