This Mission Can't Be Completed By Yourself, Right?

With that in mind, Ivan wondered if the system had been bound to the wrong person.

Any other ambitious and ambitious transmigrator would have been overjoyed to receive this system, as they only needed to follow the instructions of the system and complete the mission step by step, and they would be able to smoothly ascend to the peak of power in the wizarding world!

Even though Ivan often complained about how unreliable the system was, he knew that Knockturn Alley was a good place to start a successful career.

The wizarding world had been in chaos for the past decade or so, and anyone who took the same path as the Dark Lords and tried to rally wizards to their cause was bound to be noticed and feared by the Ministry of Magic.

Knockturn Alley, on the other hand, was far away from the Ministry of Magic and therefore less conspicuous. It was also home to a large number of dangerous Dark Wizards, a force to be reckoned with!

"Unfortunately, I'm not cut out to be the Dark Lord…" Ivan shook his head in self-mockery.

Ivan knew that he had no talent for management, and if he were to recruit a large number of Dark Wizards, he would be asking for trouble.

Therefore, no matter how good the system's mission was, Ivan was not going to touch it. In any case, there was no mission punishment, so he just left it alone.

It couldn't have been completed by itself, could it?

Ivan smiled, remembering that Tom was the one who'd helped him complete the last Dark Lord's Wishes quest. It was a bit of a coincidence…

Deciding that the new task was unlikely to be completed, Ivan pushed it aside and returned to his study of Burke's Alchemy Notes.

Early the next morning.

After a quick breakfast, Ivan went into the Great Hall, intending to get some wolf blood from Fran and the others to brew the latest version of the potion.

Ivan was surprised to find that none of the werewolves were there.

Ivan found this strange and asked Alicia about it, but she told him that they had gone out overnight and had not returned.

They waited until the afternoon, when an exhausted-looking Flun and the others came through the door with two strange wizards on their shoulders.

"Fran, what are you…" Ivan had some guesses when he saw their travel-worn faces, but he wasn't sure.

Without waiting for an answer, Walker said with a grin, "Didn't you tell us to catch Burke's spy? Well, we did!"

"So soon? You didn't stay up all night, did you?" Yvonne confirmed her suspicions, adding them to the ones she had heard from Alicia.

"Hehe, I told everyone last night that you were willing to hire us, but they were so excited that they couldn't sleep, so we discussed it and decided to complete the test you gave us first!" Walker scratched his head and smiled.

Ivan shook his head in frustration. He wanted the werewolves to get rid of the potential trouble for him, but he wasn't in such a hurry. A few days late wouldn't hurt.

"It's better to catch these spies sooner rather than later. Once they're alerted and flee, it won't be so easy to find them again…" Fran explained.

The other werewolf wizards also expressed that they had too much time on their hands and had nothing to do, so they went out to catch a few spies at night to stretch their muscles…

It was also relatively easy to find someone with the clues Ivan had obtained from Burke and the secret code.

Flan released the Dark Wizard from her shoulder and resumed speaking with a more serious expression.

"We've only caught two of them so far, and we haven't found the other four. From what we've been able to gather, it seems likely that they've fled Knockturn Alley… it will take some time to catch them."

Four people?

Ivan, remembering how he and Sirius had killed Burke's four henchmen in Knockturn Alley, smiled.

"You don't have to worry about those four. They should be dead by now."

Flan was taken aback, unsure why Ivan was so sure.

However, Fran did not ask any questions. Ivan was not an ordinary young wizard. If he said so, he must have had a good reason. Perhaps he had received some solid information.

Since the matter involved a Time-Turner, which was too troublesome to explain, Ivan left it at that and told them about his invention of a new Wolfsbane Potion.

"What?" Flan and the others were excited to hear Ivan's new findings.

"Of course, this modified Wolf Venom Potion can't completely cure your illness. It's only an enhanced version of the ordinary Wolf Venom Potion. You'll know the exact effects when I brew it," Ivan added in disappointment, lest they misunderstood.

Fran did not look disappointed. He did not think his decades-long problem would be solved so quickly.

"This is good enough! I can't thank you enough, Hales! I can't believe you've been thinking about the Wolfsbane Potion!"

Walker and the others were equally moved. They thought Ivan had gone to a lot of trouble to give them a normal life!

Improving potions, though they are unknown and difficult, is by no means easy, and often requires a great deal of time and effort.

No wonder Ivan often held a book or notebook in his hands. He must have been researching ways to improve the Wolfsbane Potion.

After thinking it through, many werewolf wizards quickly advised Ivan not to be too eager and to take care of his body and rest. There was still a long time ahead, and they could afford to wait!

Ivan was a little embarrassed. He hadn't spent much time on the wolf venom potion at all, and both recipes were given to him by the system.

However, with everyone's gratitude and encouragement, Ivan couldn't possibly slap himself in the face, so he could only agree shamelessly…

"By the way, I need someone to test my improved potion. Who's willing to help?" Ivan asked, remembering why he was looking for them.

Despite the many unknown risks involved in consuming a modified potion, none of the werewolf wizards present cared, and they all expressed their willingness to be his tester.

After all, Ivan was working so hard as an outsider, so how could they, as werewolves, be afraid of the risks that would drag him down?