The Gryffindor Bowler Is Back!

Luna laughed at the contents of the letter.

His roommates were very surprised.

"Who sent you the letter? Your father? It seems he didn't send you the nonsense newspaper this time…" Aurora mocked.

Luna ignored her and tried to put the letter away.

However, Aurora was angry at her for ignoring her attitude and snatched the letter away.

At first glance, Aurora exclaimed when she noticed the signature at the bottom of the envelope.

"Ivan Hals… was he the one who sent you the letter?"

When the other witches heard this, they crowded forward to take a look.

"Can I have the letter back?" Luna asked, her tone flat and unhappy.

Aurora made no move to return the letter, but instead questioned her suspiciously. "Don't tell me you forged this letter? Why would Ivan Hals send it to you in such a roundabout manner when he was about to enter a Quidditch match? Why not just come and tell you?"

The other young witches in the dormitory were equally incredulous.

As Aurora had said, they were all at the same school, so close to each other. Why would she send a letter over on such a trivial matter?

So Luna might have faked it herself, pretending to have a famous friend, in response to their jeers.

As strange as this was, and no one in their right mind would do such a thing, she was Ravenclaw's Mad Lady, and no one could read her mind.

"Give me back the letter, Aurora!" Luna repeated, her displeasure written all over her face.

Aurora giggled and made no attempt to acknowledge Luna, as if she intended to show the letter to everyone.

Luna drew her wand and pointed it at him!

"Petrify them all!"

An ethereal voice sounded in the dormitory, and white light instantly shot out from the tip of the wand.

Aurora's smile faltered and turned to one of horror.

She did not expect Luna to attack her, and was caught completely off guard.

In just a few moments, Aurora felt her body harden rapidly, and her consciousness stopped there.

Luna's sudden outburst caught everyone by surprise, and her roommates, who had been laughing at her, were stunned.

"My God, how dare you attack Aurora with magic…"

"You're finished, I'll tell Professor Flitwick!"

"Keep an eye on her! I'll get the prefect to come…"

When the witches recovered, they began to lash out in anger and terror, and some even pointed their wands at Luna.

Luna ignored them, acting as if they didn't exist. She took the letter back from Aurora, folded it, and put it away.

Luckily, Luna soon recalled that Ivan had taught her the Cleaning Charm in the corridor a month ago, which might come in handy.

Well… that should be it!

Luna thought about this as she waved her wand in a wonderful melody and whispered to herself.

"Clean it up!"

A gust of magical wind swept over the sign like an eraser, erasing the messy picture marks and revealing the sign for what it was.

The golden writing was originally enchanted, so it was not affected by the Cleaning Charm.

The little witch nodded in satisfaction.

The Cleaning Charm, she had learned…

Two days passed in the blink of an eye, during which Ivan was forced to jump over and over again, unable to rest until the day of the Quidditch match.

The other Quidditch players, on the other hand, were nervous.

Because the difference between their score and Slytherin's was so great, catching the Golden Snitch alone earned them 150 points.


As the gates to the arena opened, Ivan mounted his Firebolt and flew out of the tunnel.

The originally empty seats were now packed with people, and the young wizards enthusiastically raised various signs to cheer on their house's team.

These words were joined by Jordan's enthusiastic explanation.

"Now for the Gryffindor team! As you all know, due to Harry accidentally falling out of the sky due to the Dementors, he unexpectedly lost against the Hufflepuff team, resulting in a gap of over a hundred points between him and Slytherin…

This is extremely unfair, and Harry would have caught the Golden Snitch if he had been able to compete with Cedric unhindered…"

Jordan's commentary was accompanied by a bit of personal emotion, and in the middle of it all, he started talking about what would happen if Gryffindor won the match.

It was only when Professor McGonagall scowled at him that Jordan changed the subject.

However, when he looked at each player and was about to talk about the staffing, he was surprised to see Ivan on the pitch, wearing a Gryffindor uniform and riding a broomstick.

"It's Ivan Hals! My God, he's in the game… What a surprise! It's the Firebolt!! The latest concept broom… Harry has one too, we Gryffindor are saved!"

Jordan shouted with excitement, and with the help of the Resounding Charm, his voice drowned out the cheers and echoed across the stadium.

Like Jordan, many of the lesser wizards on the pitch discovered that the Gryffindor team had been replaced by a new player, and Ivan, who had previously refused to play, returned to the pitch.

The Gryffindor Lions were overjoyed, as they did not expect much from the match due to the difference in points, and were certain they would lose the Quidditch Cup, but Ivan's appearance gave them hope!

After all, Ivan was quite impressive, scoring twenty-five goals in a row last year…

Ivan rode the Firebolt around the stadium with the others, enjoying the cheers.

However, as he passed the Gryffindor table, he heard a strange comment mixed in with the cheers.

"Great, our Gryffindor pitching machine is back!"

Yvonne nearly fell off her broomstick.

Who the hell said that?

Ivan turned his head sharply to look. There were many people sitting in the direction of the voice, but Ivan could tell from the familiar voice that it belonged to Seamus Finnigan!