Is It Really Proper for You to Invite People Like This?

Due to the lack of time, Ivan did not discuss the details of the battle at length. After a brief reminder, he looked around at the crowd, indicating that they were ready to go!

The wizards gathered in the square immediately sprang into action. After establishing their teams and goals, they all used Apparition and disappeared.

The whole process was efficient and fast, taking less than half a minute, and Ivan nodded to himself as he watched.

These wizards did indeed improve from a year ago, becoming less of a patchwork army and more organized and disciplined.

It seemed that Alicia had trained them well over the year, and it was no wonder that Doggett was so confident that the Regulators would be able to take on an Auror with twice the number of them.

With this in mind, Ivan was suddenly struck by the enormity of his power, second only to the Ministry of Magic, and perhaps even to the recently rebuilt Death Eaters and Dumbledore's Order of the Phoenix.

Unfortunately, the wizarding world is different from the Muggle world in that individual spell-casting ability can directly determine the outcome of a small battle.

Ivan did not forget what Doggett told him about the Ministry of Magic's operation to kill Lord Voldemort during the last Wizarding War.

Every one of them was an elite who had been honed by the Wizarding War!

However, even this resistance was defeated by Voldemort!

Due to the lack of survivors, no one knew if Voldemort alone was responsible for the battle, or if someone had leaked the information and Voldemort had used the information to his advantage, gathering his servants for a counter-encirclement operation…

Ivan, by contrast, favoured the former.

As his strength increased, Ivan felt that ordinary wizards were no longer a threat to him.

In a chaotic battle, it would not be a problem for him to take on a dozen Aurors at once, and this was only because he had too little magic, let alone Voldemort.

For a wizard of this caliber, sheer numbers were of limited use.

This meant that even if the Regulators were strong, they would only be useful in keeping the Death Eaters busy, and would not be of much help in a high-level battle.

Even as Ivan thought this, a faint explosion in the distance and the light of a fire caught his eye, bringing his scattered thoughts back to the present…

… .

At the same time, two figures appeared out of thin air on the east side of Knockturn Alley.

"Yes, this should be the place. According to our information, the wizard we're going to invite is living alone, with no one else in the house. He's average in strength and the easiest of all the targets," Grace said enthusiastically, looking at the map in her hand.

"But how do we invite him? Just knock and ask?" Walker asked, scratching his head in confusion.

The smile froze on Grace's face. She hadn't thought about it until Walker brought it up.

In the middle of the night, no one would be likely to say yes to a sudden invitation to go somewhere…

Grace hesitated for a long moment, then said, "Anyway, let's play it safe and try it out. What if he's easy to talk to?"

Walker was worried about alerting them to his presence and allowing them to escape, but he didn't want to attack them directly… not when there was more than one room nearby.

After some discussion, Grace stepped forward and knocked loudly on the door.

Knock, knock, knock…

There was no reply for a long time.

Just as the two of them were frowning and wondering if there was no one inside, a hoarse and nervous male voice sounded.

"What people?"

Grace felt her spirits lift, and she spoke carefully. "Well, sir, we are law-enforcers at the Wizarding Market, and Lord Harls kindly invites you to meet him there at once…"

Grace's words seemed to make the wizard inside breathe a sigh of relief, but his tone soon became irritated and impatient.

"I'm not interested… Get lost, don't disturb my rest!"

Walker's face darkened and Grace bristled.

However, they knew that it was rude to disturb someone's sleep in the middle of the night, so they tried to persuade him otherwise.

However, just as they were about to speak, there was a spatial fluctuation behind them.

Gripping her wand, Grace turned her head warily, but her tense expression quickly relaxed when she saw three Enforcers Apparating with an unconscious wizard over Joseph's shoulder.

"Grace Walker? You haven't finished yet?" Joseph asked, looking at them in surprise.

"Joseph? What are you doing here?" Walker asked in surprise. It seemed unlikely that the goals of every team would coincide.

"Hehe… do you even need to ask? Because his wife is in there, of course!" Joseph pointed at the unconscious wizard on his shoulder and laughed.

Walker and Grace were both confused. From what they had been told, the owner of the room was a wizard who lived alone.

The faint sound of their voices drifted into the small room, and a riot broke out.

"Go, don't let them get away!" Sensing this, Joseph did not hesitate. He waved his wand and used the Opening Charm to break the lock, then rushed in with the wizard on his shoulder.

The other two enforcers were also very decisive. Without a word, they followed Joseph into the house.

The next moment, loud shouts and sounds of fighting came from inside the house.

Walker and Grace hurried to catch up, and within moments the battle was over.

When the two of them entered the house, it was a mess. In addition to Joseph and the others, there were a man and a woman on the ground. They looked disheveled, as if they had just put on their clothes, but were already unconscious.

Joseph was telling a law-enforcement officer to bring the unconscious witch along when he turned to look at the two people who had just walked in. He enthusiastically stepped forward and patted Walker on the shoulder. "Don't worry, I won't steal your credit. I've already caught this person for you. You're welcome!"

Looking at the unconscious wizard, Walker and Grace stared at each other. If they remembered correctly, Harls had told them to "invite" him to the Wizarding Market.