4. "Finally I've Found It"

Lu'naris slowed her descent as she took in the surrounding area; a forest filled to the brim with many trees and strange creatures. She made her body shrink to about the size of a small dog and started to explore the forest. The roots of the trees could be seen breaking from the ground, signifying the age of these grand beings. The smallest one stood at least twenty meters tall; with the trunks being about 8 meters thick. The color of their leaves ranged from bright reds to deep violets. Lu'naris took in this spectacle for a bit before continuing to move on. While it was impressive, she had seen such sights on other planets before. As she was making her way through the vast forest, she heard a series of beeps in her head. "Hm? What was that?" She said as she stopped moving for a bit. As she focused in on the sound a transparent screen appeared. She was surprised by such a thing, as it just appeared out of nowhere.

"This is intriguing." She said as she tried to read the words displayed on the screen. They were strange to her, it looked to be a mix of both Japanese and Greek (not that she knew what those languages were). As she tried to make sense of the words another ding resounded in her head. Suddenly the words became clearer, and another message was added to the top of the words.

[User has acquired the skill [Divine Language Translation.]

[Due to the user absorbing a small amount of ########, the user has been granted special system functions.]

[User has been integrated into the system's logs.]

[User has been granted the unique status [Primordial Divine Beast]. The user will gain the status as a title.]

[The user has gained a multitude of titles.]

[The user's status is ready to be observed.]

[Due to the users' level of power the titles [False Prophetess] and [Divine Existence] have merged and become the title [False Goddess]

As she finished reading the messages, she was surprised to see that there was something she could not read still. "Hmm…perhaps this [Divine Language Translation] skill is not as good as it seems. But wait, what does it mean by titles and this thing called the system?" She asked herself. Then she remembered that force that tried to make itself a part of her body. "Perhaps that pest I devoured was this unreadable word. Interesting to say the least… so in the end it still did what it tried to accomplish. Now then what's this about a status?" As she said these words another screen appeared before her.

[Name: (Currently being deciphered)

[Class: None

[Race: Divine Primordial Astral Ghast of Smoke and Shadows (Unique Divine Beast Species)

[Status: Curious

[Level 1/10

[Exp 0/100,000]

[HP: 3,000,000,000/3,000,000,000

[MP: 400,000,000,000/400,000,000,000

[STA: 6,000,000,000/6,000,000,000

[STR: 5,000,000,000

[INT: 200,000,000,000

[VIT: 1,500,000,000

[DEX: 2,000,0000,000

[END: 3,000,000,000

[RES: 5,000,000,000

[DEF: 10,000,000,000

[SPD: 4,000,000,000

[Special System Functions:

[Skill Maker] [System Assistant] [Passive Exp Gain] [Special Evolution Creator] [Auto Skill Point Allocation]

[Active Skills:

[False Data Reveal] [Divine Entangling Embrace] [Primordial Beast Roar of Intimidation] [Primordial Beast Physique Enhancement] [Primordial Beast Soul Devouring] [Divine Whispering of Madness] [Moment of Omnipotence] [Dark Tendrils of Destruction] [Aura Overwhelm] [Spatial Teleportation] [Divine Thought Processing and Acceleration] [Solidification]

[Divine Magic: Void Attribute]

[Void Magic:Void Walker] [Void Magic: Eternal Nothingness] [Void Magic: All Encompassing Void] [Void Magic: Enhancing Void] [Void Magic: Void Space Creation] [Void Magic: Claws of The Aberration] [Void Magic: Cannon of The Devouring Void]

[Passive Skills:

[Appraisal] [Appraisal Block] [Divine Language Translation] [Aura Release] [Primordial Divine Beast Illogical Physique] [Unnatural Tongue] [Unnatural Existence] [Primordial Beast Indomitable Will] [Primordial Beast Unparalleled Auto MP and HP Regeneration] [Primordial Beast Unparalleled Mental Fatigue Resistance]

[Ultimate Skills:


Step-1 In The Beginning There Was Nothing

Step-2 In The End Everything Returns To Nothing]

[Void Magic: Death Shall Return All To The End]


[Physical Pain Immunity] [High Soul Pain Resistance] [Fire Immunity] [Water Immunity] [Lightning Immunity] [Shadow Immunity] [Dark Immunity] [Earth Immunity] [Ice Immunity] [Poison Immunity] [Acid Immunity] [High Light Resistance] [Medium Holy Resistance] [High Debuff Resistance] [High Mental Attack Resistance]


[The One of Battle and Mischief] [The One Who Was Betrayed] [The One Who Was Destined For Greatness] [System Worker] [User of Divine Attributes] [Primordial Divine Beast] [False Goddess] [#######] [True Shapeshifter] [Kin To The Outer Gods] [Descendant to The Kin of ######] [Visitor From The Stars] [Masterful Elemental Manipulator] [Masterful Magic Scholar]


[Blessing of Loki Goddess of Mischief and Unnatural Beasts] [Blessing of Ares God of War] [Blessing of Ashy'Kyhm God of The Eternal Void]

As she finished reading all the information, Lu'naris heard a sound coming from deeper in the forest. "Wonder what that could be?" She said as she started making her way closer to the sound. As she made her way, she took the time to look at some of the insane numbers that were her stats. 'Now then what do these letters even mean? [STR] for strength maybe, while [INT] stands for intelligence, then we have vitality, dexterity possibly, endurance, defense and lastly speed. I can also see that some of these numbers are double the others, such as [HP] being double that of vitality.' She took a few more minutes to look at her status as she neared the noise she was hearing.

Through her observation she found that the [MP] and intelligence stats were related, the same goes for endurance and [STA]; which she assumed meant stamina, defense and resistance, and speed and dexterity. Strength seemed to be the only stat that didn't have another determine its value. She also took the time to look at some of her skills, specifically the ones that interested her the most. The ones she took a look at were [Primordial Beast Soul Devouring], [Moment of Omnipotence], [Unnatural Tongue], and [Unnatural Existence].

[Primordial Beast Soul Devouring]

[Due to your special nature as a ghast-like being, you have the ability as a Divine Primordial Beast to feast upon your opponent's soul throughout the battle, weakening them while adding their power to your own. Defeating an opponent will grant you a certain amount of their stats; the amount gained is based on how strong your opponent is.

Mp cost-May vary depending on the opponent.]

[Moment of Omnipotence]

[As your existence is considered to be that of a god-like being, but still having the repercussions of mortality, you have been granted the ability to have a minute of pure power belonging to those who have blessed you.

Mp cost-200,000,000,000, physical backlash has been negated due to your race being a Ghast.]

'Hmm, this skill slightly resembles the Words of Ancient Scripture. Perhaps using it in conjunction with them could result in an even more devastating display. Seeing as this skill takes half of my current [MP] to even activate it is definitely powerful. Do other beings on this planet have such power?'

[Unnatural Tongue]

[Your words are full of power, any who hear your mother tongue will instantly be stuck with the [Maddend] status effect causing them to endure great mental pain and killing them on the spot. Beings of the [Divine Class] will be able to resist the effects if they are stronger than you.

As this is a passive skill you have the ability to turn it off whenever you'd like. Does not affect those you see as allies.]

[Unnatural Existence]

[As a kin to the Outer Gods, you very being can cause madness to even those who have the mightiest of mental fortitudes. Those who view your true form will be struck with the [Madded] status effect and will eventually turn into your loyal puppets as their broken minds only wish to serve their new mistress, who has shown them the emptiness of the void. The title [Kin To The Outer Gods] further enhances this effect to the point of causing a viewer's death.

As this is a passive skill you have the ability to lower the effects and turn this skill off when needed. Does not affect those you see as allies.]

'These do seem to be interesting abilities. Who are the Outer Gods though…hmm an inquiry for another time. But looking at this and the rest of these abilities, it looks like I can actually get stronger here on this planet! To think something like this would be possible, I've finally found it, my path to be the strongest.'Lu'naris thought to herself as she started to reminisce about her time traveling throughout the universe. She wanted to take a look at her other abilities but decided to do so after investing the sounds she was hearing.

She eventually made her way to a clearing; there she saw what looked to be a small peaceful village full of people with fox-like ears and tails. Their homes were made of what she assumed to be the bark of the trees and special fibers from whatever plants were in the area. The only problem was that this nice peaceful village was under attack by a group of well-armed people. This new group seemed to lack the animal features of the other group and compared to the simple cloth clothing of the fox-people they had heavy metal armor and sharp swords, the only exception being an older man with long white and golden cloth robes, in his hands he held a golden scepter with many gems encrusted upon its surface. She turned off her [Aura Release] skill, so that her presence wouldn't be noticed and watched as a group of fox-people wearing light leather armor moved to defend their home. The leader looked to be about thirty or fourty and had tanned skin with many scars. His hair was in a short ponytail and was wine red in color, his ears and tail were of the same color. He stood six and a half feet in height, in his hands was a straight sword that shined with a blue hue. He and his group, who all together were twelve, clashed against the superior forces of the other group, which numbered in the thirties. Contrary to her expectations, the group of fox-people were able to stand against their opposers.

It seemed that the heavily armed groups had some people who weren't accustomed to fighting or hadn't been in a fight for their entire lives. Maybe about fifteen to twenty of them were actually battle smart. The man in robes did nothing but stand there, every once and a while his golden scepter would glow, and a light would cover those who were injured. Lu'naris starred in interest at the whole scene. Every once and a while someone would scream out what she assumed to be skills or according to the heavily armed people "Martial Arts". In terms of losses the fox-people have only lost one person, while the opposing group has not lost anyone, most likely due to that robbed man who observed the fight with indifference.

The red headed fox man brought his sword downwards and decapitated a younger looking heavily armed man, his body fell to the ground releasing rivers of blood. As she kept her gaze on the fox man her [Appraisal] skill activated.

[Name: Kasen Stonfold

[Class: Warrior Chief

[Race: Demi-human: Foxkin

[Status: Enraged

[Level 30/40

[HP: 8,000/10,000

[Mp; 600/1,000

"Oh, it seems I accidentally took a look at his status. Why are his stats so low, even though he's a higher level than me?" Lu'naris said to herself as she watched Kasen parry the sword of an invader and then slash the person in the back. "Perhaps it's due to my Divine Primordial Beast status, even then it's not like I lost any power during my travels. So it would make sense for this system to base my stats off my already existing qualities, though now I am curious on how it determined everything."

[Does the user require something of the System] Came a monotonous female voice.

"Ah, and who might you be?" Lu'naris asked the voice.

[I am the designated helper granted to you by the [Special System Functions] skill [System Assistant]. My purpose is to answer any questions the user may have, as well as help with the use of the other skills in your [Special System Functions] skill]

"I see, and what might your name be?"

[I have been given the designation SA-1]

"SA-1 seems a bit idiotic. I shall call you…Asteria."

[As you wish my user]

"You may address me as Lu'naris."

[Error, name not found in database. Forgive me it seems that your name is still being deciphered by my other functions]

"Hmm? Well, that seems a bit odd. I've just told you my name, yet you're unable to understand what I said?"

[Yes, that would be the case]

"Odd. Well anyways, there is something that I would like to know. How did the system generate my stats?"

[The system used the composition of your soul to generate your stats. Due to the uniqueness of your soul and your otherworldly nature, along with the devouring of ######, you were given those stats based on your future possibilities]

"I see, what was that one thing you said? What did I devour?"

[You devoured ##### which is a key component in the system's composition]

"Is there a reason I can't understand what you just said?"

[Your status in the system is not high enough to decipher the meaning of this word, your current status is two levels below the needed one. You can reach that level by increasing in power in the world, or by becoming a true divine being]

"Is that the same for all the other words I can't read?"


"Very well, I shall wait until then I guess. You're free to rest Asteria."

[I do not require rest, but I shall accept the offer anyways. I will be here whenever you require my assistance]

"Thank you, rest well." Lu'naris said as she turned her attention back to the two groups. It seems that the robbed man didn't take too kindly to the fact that his side was taking losses. Each of the remaining heavily armed people had a golden aura around their bodies, increasing their strength, defense, and reaction time. Lu'naris decided to appraise one of the corpses of the heavily armed group.

[Name: Derik Vasquchez

[Class: Noble Born Knight

[Race: Human

[Status: Deceased

"A human? What a weird name for a race, well not that I can say my race name is any better. Though I guess it does accurately describe my being." Lu'naris said as she continued to watch the fight, while also ignoring some system notifications. Kasen dashed through the battlefield with amazing speed and grace, dodging the strikes of his opponent's swords and retaliating with fast but powerful stabs.

One of the humans aimed the sword at Kasen's neck, but the foxkin man was faster, backstepping the attack and then grabbing the outstretched arm of the human pulling him forward while he himself brought his sword to the man's neck for an easy decapitation. As she viewed the field there were a few foxkin who were fighting more than one human, but they were able to do so without a problem. One was even fighting four at the same time. Lu'naris didn't know why but she started to feel like helping out these foxkin. It would seem that their display has earned them her interest.

Before she could float out and assist them, the robbed man finally spoke.

"[Holy Magic: Divine Transportation]!" He yelled as a blinding light filled the area. Once it was gone standing behind the man was another group of heavily armed humans. There were around fifty in this new group. Upon closer look she saw that not all of the group were heavily armed; some wore robes like the man that summoned them and another few wore light leather armor and had a few strange box shaped things behind them. In their hands they held large metal rings with chains connected to them. The heavily armed of the group went to assist the previous group of humans, while the humans in robes, and those in light leather stayed back. The foxkin group started to get overwhelmed as the new group of humans seemed to be more experienced fighters.

The foxkin grouped together as they were surrounded by the group of humans on all sides. "I guess now would be a good time to step in. This should be a good one to use."

(Kasen's POV)

Today was supposed to be a happy day. My best friend Like's first daughter was to marry my son today. A joyous occasion to celebrated along with the harvest season. How could we know that slave catchers would enter the forest on such a day? They started their assault on the eastern side of the village. I gathered my armor that had served me faithfully throughout the years, along with my sword Etheir. I made my way out of my hut and used my movement boosting skills to reach the area quicker, I was later joined by my hunting group. These eleven were like brothers, and sisters to me. Among them were…

Ekliad, a silent stoic man, but reliable, nonetheless. We call him the Indomitable Shield of the group; the man is sturdy like a mountain.

Zhehefa, an older woman of the tribe, but do not let her age fool you, she is the fastest of us. She is known as Lightning Among Us in our little group.

Like, a practical jokester on any other occasion, but in a fight, I'd rather have nobody else than him on my side. He is known as the Laughing Warrior in our group.

Therasera, a strong woman with a warrior spirit, battle shall forever be her calling, till the day she rests with her family. She is known as the Bloodied Knuckle in our group.

Miliak, a quiet but fierce man, his anger will bring all who oppose him to ruin. He is known as the Sleeping Terror in our group. And with them are Habelli, Redukin, Lister, Pomelli, Milliche, and Zaken, while on the younger side, they are all experienced and a well fought group.

Upon reaching the eastern side of the village we find heavily armed humans numbering over thirty ransacking our homes, killing some of our men, while taking others, along with women and children prisoner. A raging fire of hatred becomes a lit within our breasts as we charge forth intercepting the blades of these invaders. Zhehefa the fastest of us goes to free those who have been captured, along with her goes Habelli and Zaken. Me and the rest of the group confront the remaining humans. In the back I can see that they've brought one of those detestable priests from the Apollo church. I wanted to target him first, but I was stopped by a rather young-looking man. Just from the way he was holding his sword I could practically see the green behind his ears. I parried his wild strike and sliced his head off with my sword. Taking note of the rest of my party I could see that they were doing well. Zehefa had also returned and was dashing through the battlefield with Ekilad as her shield. It seems that this group of slave catchers had a few experienced fighters among them, while the rest were greenhorns. My party was easily able to take a few of these humans with ease, even with the veteran fighters in the mix.

"I'm going for the Priest!" I yelled at my party. They all nodded their heads and began to clear a path for me. I started a mad dash towards the robbed bastard, dodging attacks that were aimed at me, and retaliating at a few points. As I got closer, I could see that the priest was preparing some kind of spell. I increased my speed and almost made it but was stopped by a rather large human. We started each other down for a second before both of our swords met in a fierce clash. Sparks flew through the air as we fought for dominance. The man was strong. I'll give him that but using my natural demi-human strength I was able to overpower him eventually. He jumped back as my strike missed his head. Using the opening I purposefully made the man went for my head. Expecting this I jumped back and using my superior speed grabbed his outstretched arm and pulled him forwards, with his back now towards me I slashed at it, my sword Ethier was enchanted, so it easily went through the man's armor and wounded him. I then removed his head from his body and was greeted by a fountain of blood. Undisturbed by the scene I returned to my original objective of killing that Priest. Unfortunately, I was too late.

"[Holy Magic: Heavenly Transportation]!" Yelled the Priest. Behind him a blinding white light flashed, causing everyone present to close their eyes. When it finally dissipated, we were met with the sight of another fifty slave catchers! This time the guys who showed up looked like they had a good amount of experience beneath their belts. They even bought a few more people from the church along with some slave carriages.

"Shit, fall back!" I called out to my group. We wasted no time in doing exactly that, unfortunately for us there were still a good amount of the first group left that kept us from retreating. In the end we were surrounded on all sides. The oldest of us in the group kept the younger ones behind us. Unfortunately, we had lost one of us, the young Redukin. Therasera said he went out like a warrior and had taken four of the slavers with him.'May you rest in the embrace of the Old Spirit's young Redukin.' I thought to myself. As I looked at the rest of my group, they all seemed tired and exhausted. I myself was as well.

"Heh looks like this is where we fall. Eh old Kay?" Came the voice of Like.

"Hmph, as if I'd let these bastards take me down so easily!" I retorted. "Plus, my boy still owes your daughter a marriage, and I'll be there to see it through!"

"Good to see you're still in the fighting mood, old man." Like replied.

"Unlike me I know Zehefa is ready for a nap." I said, trying to lighten the mood. The shorter yellow haired lady looked at me with contempt.

"Don't think I didn't hear you. You better pray to the Old Spirits we don't survive here, cause I'll kill you myself when this is over!" She said.

"Just joking Zehefa." I said with a chuckle.

"If you got time to laugh, then you've got time to fight." Said the stoic Ekilad. As I was about to respond, I was interrupted by the original Priest.

"Seems that you beasts are not intimidated by the might of our kingdom." Said the guy. He was an older human with a healthy white skin complexion, his hair had started to gray in a few spots, but the rest was a cerulean blue. His eyes were a lime green color and looked at me and my group with disgust. It was way past the point, but I tried to be civil with this bastard.

"Why are you here? What have me and my people done to gain the ire of your glorious kingdom?" I said that last line, without a hint of sarcasm in it.

"Why you all have done nothing at all, we are just claiming this piece of land for our territory. You all are just a bunch of animals that need to be herded." He said with a smug smile. Alright well I tried to be civil.

"Animals!? Me and my people have lived in this land for centuries! What gives you the right to come and take it without our consent!? I roared furiously. .

"The fact that we are human, and you are nothing but filthy beast kin and demi-humans. I see no difference between you and your monster variant, the Kitsune. Neither does our righteous God Apollo! Those who hide in the dark and avoid his wondrous light do not deserve to have their own lives, you are nothing but filthy mongrels that live to serve us, those who worship our precious Gods!"

"Hmph, your Gods are nothing but murals on your walls!" I said as me and my group prepared to fight these invaders, giving our lives in the process if we have too.

"It seems these animals don't know their place, show them the might of the Brightlorn Kingdom!" Said the Priest. As the words left his mouth the surrounding humans began to charge on us. Lister gave us a few buffs that increased our stamina, strength, speed, and defense. We prepared ourselves for the onslaught that was about to fall upon us, but then something unexpected happened. I had noticed before how the wind seemed oddly agitated today, and that the trees' vibrant leaves had lost some color. While I had first attributed it to the fact that the humans were attacking us, it seems that I was wrong. A deep demonic voice made its way from the forest, the words it spoke messed with my mind a little but that was it, for those on the enemy side on the other hand. Many started to scream and hold their heads angrily. The voice sounded like it belonged to a creature that should never have existed in this world, it was so unnatural, and it hurt my ears to listen to it.

"̵̹̞͇͆͛͊̏̇̉̅̾͌̊̋̕̚͠[̶̨̨̛͇̳͍̣̘̪̩̱̐̈́̈͌̓͂̄d̵̝̋̽̉̅͑͌̀́͒͛́̒i̷͇͚̤͐̿̑ơ̷̦̾̃̏͛̎͆̒͗̈̚̚͠V̷̲͔̬̭͎͕̜̱͌̆͒͛͆͊͋̀͗̒̚̚͝ ̸̢̡͈͍̞̲̹̖̮̳͆͜͝g̷̬̈́̀́͐̐́n̷͙̩̥̫̝͙̼̬̾͐͋͊͊̈́i̵̬͚̳̙̗̲̯̖̿̏̀̓͘͜s̴̡̨̩̤̞͇͙̙̩̪̝̠̟̭̎̾̾̒̋̃̈̀͑̿͑͝͠ş̴̨̨̨͙̬̪͕͚̣̭̀̆͌̍̿͂͋̀̈͋̿̚͝ą̶̡̝͖͈̼̣̿͐̎͊͐͠͠p̸͇̹͖͓̻̹̏̊̿͗́͋̚ḿ̷̤̞̭͆́̍̌͂̔̊̈̓͂͒͘̚͠ͅò̷̧̧͋͋̈̊̌͑͑͘̕̚͝c̶̢͍̳̜͍͙̤̜͕̪͉̹̫̗͌͐̈͐͗͌̽̈̑̈̓̕̕ͅň̵̫̲̗̖̺̟͍͐̐̊̄̇̉̚Ė̵͙̙̺͍͎̪̺̌̈ ̸͎͐͒̇̓̓̆̋͑̌̄͝l̷̹̻͇̲͆̂͛̐̈́̆͛͗́̎̂̔̐͠l̷͚̫̪̋̌͐A̴̡̩͉̫̱͂̔ ̵̤͍̗͔̗͒̽́̀̃́̅͆̔̒̇̔̃͋̕:̴͎̖̩̭̬̦̮̪̠͓̜̙͎̉̂͂̈́̏͑̿̒̒̕̚c̸̢̪̠̟͕͎͖̤͚̻̜̟̻̲͔͂̍̅̀͆̾͑̓́̈̿̎̕i̷͙̔͛͛̏̎̍͌́̇g̸̨̢̨̛̭̪͔̤̞͕̠̗̘͎͗̂̋́̂̌̏ä̵͚̦̳̩͙͖̤͎́̀̀̇̓̎͊̋͗̊̏̈͘͝͝M̸̫̲̮̪̬͑̑́̒͑̎ ̴̧̨̣̳͔̠̤̥̻̖̰͓͑͊͒̒͆͗̀̽̏̊̕d̷̡̻̙̤̟̫̪͊̃̈́͑̋̂́̐͠i̶̧̝͇̰̞̾̈́̃̐ỏ̸̠̙͛̈́́̾͛̌̄͠͝V̵̺̯̟͉̯͈̰͛̽́̍͌̀̔̉͛͠͝͝]̸̢̯̦̰͈͔̼̥̳͎̠͙̰̄͆̋̆̏́̐̀̎̋͠"̵̺̿́̌̎̎̌͒͘͝͠

As the words were released from the things mouth. All the air from where we were standing suddenly started to swirl and form a vortex that eventually turned into a large dome like structure that fell over a good amount of the humans. And just as suddenly it had appeared, it vanished, leaving only the crumpled and mangled bodies of the humans unfortunate enough to be caught in the attack. Everyone was silent, and none dared to move a muscle. From the tree line floated a dark shape. Its body looked to be made from gas, and within its body were countless shining lights that resembled the night skies stars. It was mesmerizing to say the least. The being seemed not to care as it once again released its terrifying voice.

"̴̖̭̘̿́̇̒͂̊̀̑͒͘[̸̛̰̤͙͉̜͕̝͖̬͔̤͈̮̣̍̌͊̈́̇n̸̨̥̼͓̼͈̣͎͐ͅớ̵̧̺͉̍̈́̓̈́̑́̋̈̾̇͆͘̕i̶̢̟̙͚̜̘͍̘̠̻͚͍͎͇͂̏̅̒ͅt̷̢͉̰̥͍͆̅̕͜a̵̠̞̮͋̽̓̈̊̀͐͐̆̋̿͐͂̕͘r̷̳̟̼̈̇̓͂̈̈͗̕͘͠r̵̜̺͖̭̟̳̹͕̭̮̜͎̣̹̳͌͊̒̉̄̈́̀̔̿͛̎̚ę̴̧̛̭̗̲͖̘̞̪̩̼͇̼͛̑̒́̎͋b̴̫͇͉̈͒͊̋͋̄Ą̶̦̖̟̻̹̟̖̪̞̬͔̬̣͓̔̌̀ ̸̢̡̝͕͈̪̳͚̺͙͍̭̣͍̞͑͝͝ě̵͉̐͠ḥ̴̨͍̙̞̻̦̯͎̩̦̠͙̅͂͋̄̍̑̈́̀̿T̶̨̖͎̖̋̀͐̈̄̍͒̽̓̂̅̊̓͝ ̷̝̲̩̫̹̔̀f̴̢̰̀͊̅͛͠o̵̢̨̩̩͙̠̺̼̝̞̺͚͑́͆͜ ̶̻̗̈̆̈́̉̆̊̌͊̆̃̋̀̈́̂͒s̷̢̤̖͙̣͈̠̪̯͎̱̫̺͔͌̑̀̐̈́̐̌̈́̚͘͜͝͝w̵̡̡̝̤͎̫̬̺̜̞̞̩͊͗̃̀̓͗̎̉͜a̶̖̩͎̻͕̤̤̭͛̎̍͌̋̉́̑͝ĺ̸̯͙͖͈̠̖́̈́C̴̢̫̯̪̘͉̰͈̖̪̟̘̥̪̾̅̀̋̉́̓̒̀́͜ ̴̨̢̳͍̘̫̞̳̗͕͇̖̒̍:̵̡͙̥̬̭̱̝̗̲̍ͅc̶̡̢̱̟̠̰̪̤͈̣̠̽̑ͅi̴̡̡̘̳͇͎̻͙̺̩͔̜̇͛̿g̴͇͖̳̜͍̗̹̙̞̞̱̭͇̥͓͊́͊̇̆̈͌͊ḁ̸̻̦̘̜̻̥̫̹͔̗̼̲͖͈́̀͆͘M̸͙̐̓ ̶̤̠̠̩͈̹̣͈̝̤̥̇̾ͅd̴̢̙̻͇͉̭͕͙͎͖͙̾͊̅̐̋͐͗͑͂̔͝i̷͉̲̾ỡ̴͉̥͔̝̦͓̭̦͈̳̾͛̓͂̎̋̽̓̕͘͝ͅV̵̩͉̌̋͋̓̓̔͑̊̿̓͜͝]̴̢̹̫̫̜͔̱͕͉̦̳̜̬̪͖̄͂̉̐̌̔̚"̶̛̭̗̜̳͚̻͙͉̹̈́̃́̐̉́̈́̓́̕̕͠͠

A dark tear in space made itself known to all present as the titanic hand of a large being came through and sliced through the group of humans like wet tissue paper. The hand was black in color with red pulsating veins covering its surface, it had five fingers, each one ending in a purple claw extending almost ten meters long. In the middle of the hand sat a deep crimson eye that was unblinking. Just after a few seconds another tear in space appeared and a similar had to the first and slashed through another group of humans. Both hands then retreated, and the tears closed themselves. Seemingly tired of the beast's horrific displays of power the Priest and a few other of the church members started to chant and began the formation of a powerful spell. Meanwhile a few of the veteran soldiers began to give orders to the remaining humans.

"Don't just stand there you idiots, coat your weapons in magic and attack the thing. It's a race of Ghast I've never seen before! Normal physical attacks are ineffective!" Said one of them as a fiery red aura coated his blade, some of the soldiers followed his instructions and began to coat their blades in their magical aura, while others were still suffering from hearing the words of the beast. It seemed that its words even had a chance to kill those who were weak enough. I don't know why me, and my group were unaffected, but I didn't want to take too many chances.

"While that thing holds them off, we'll return and start evacuation procedures." I said to my group as they nodded and started to make their way back into the village. Before we could even make it halfway, the voice of the creature was heard again.

"̵̣̳̓̉[̵̯̠̫̠̯̞̇̐͛͑́͛̏̾͊̎͒͠ņ̴̨̳̰̹̝͎͉̰̖̫̼̺̙̈́́͆͂̄͌̆̏̏͗̍̚ͅö̷̢̡̩͈͓͈͓̭͍͖̲͍̭̅̃͝ị̴͌̈̅͛͂͌̈́̓͗̏̔̅͋͘ţ̴̰̭͍̜̮̻̙̫͇͊́͘c̸̉̋̅̿̉̇̈͌̋̓͛͂̔͜͝ŭ̸̫̻̹͈̟͖͚͔̫͍̞͇̟̍̿̈̂̍̍̾͂̕͜͝͝r̴̡̪̞̞̮̫̗͉͕͈̤͌͑̑̊̍̈́̂͐͜t̸̡̢̻̞͔̤̟͍̯̹̀̀̂̈͑̇͆͘͠s̶͓̱̣̬̠̹͓͍͓͛̔̈͗̐͆̈́͂̕͜ȩ̴̢͖̝̤̹̮̦̔̄̇̓́̾͐̾͂́̃̄D̵̖̭̀̋̽̈́͑̋̈́̿̀͠͝ ̶̛͚̮͇͉̞̗̯͉͔͎̫̑̂̈́̓̐͗͑͒̀̏̂̚͝͝f̷̘̯̠̋̀̅̽̑̽ͅơ̵̻̏̇͌̈͊͌͐̈͗̈́͘͘͠ ̷̧̝̖̣̼̥͙̲̋̑̊́͗̉̏̒͛s̷̪͇̗̙̬̣̙͕͙͒͋̈̑͒̒͌͂͐̎͘̚̕l̷̨̡̫̭̰̥͍̜̺̩͇͖̼͋̍̂͊̈́̏̓̌̾͐̓͘͜ì̵̜́r̴̫̱̳̯̗̼͍̬̺͔͕̭̆̓̔̀̾̋͘ͅͅd̸̨̪̤̖̜̺̪̥͉͕̦̍ͅe̴̺͎̳̤̘̦͇̭͈̱̪̐͋̂̋͐̕ǹ̵͖̤̏̉̀̅̉͠T̵̡̞̻̱͓̟̆̆̒̈̈́͑̆̕͝ ̶͚͖̦͉͓̥̓̏͑́̋̂̒̆̚͝ͅͅk̸̨͚̬̗̫͗ͅr̵̢̛̘̘̝̞̻̣̠̖̔͛͆̅̇͂̏̚͝͠ǎ̴̢̧̝̜͠D̷̛͕̂̋̆͛̽́͝͠͝]̵̢̙̗̥̃̓̏̚"̶̙̭̜̞͔̹̼͇̜̮̦͗̈́͆͌́̆͆̃̈́̅͑̚͘͝͝

From the creature's body extended four dark tendrils that smashed and decimated all those who ran at it with the intention of harm, leaving only the Priest and other church members, along with those who were with the carriages. Speaking of the Priest and his buddies, they seemed to have finished preparing their attack.

"""[Tandem Magic: Apollo's Divine Blade]!""" They all said in unison as the image of a large golden sword made of light descended and crashed down upon the creature in divine retribution, leaving the battlefield covered in smoke and debris. Once it cleared the sight of a large ravine in the planet's crust was revealed to all.

"We did it!" Came the excited voice of a young Priest. The rest joined him in his cheer, except for the older one. He was examining the area with his eyes, no doubt using a skill similar to [Area Detection]. His face suddenly became full of horror and disbelief.

"It's…it's still alive!" The older Priest yelled. The younger ones looked at him like he had said something blasphemous.

"Senior Arelin what are you talking about, the might of our God-GAH" Was all the young man said before a dark tendril penetrated his chest. Lifting him from the ground was the form of the creature with its dark shadowy tendril within the young man's chest. The creature threw his lifeless body to the side and floated menacingly towards the remaining priests.

"[Holy Magic: Savio-" Was all another young man could say before his head was rolling on the ground. With that only six priests were left. The creature seemingly had enough of their pointless struggle as it once again spoke in its demonic voice.

"̴̠̖̝̮̆̋̿[̸̧̧̨̜̜̹̹̬͇͌ͅș̸̡̢̥͍̟̝̤̝͈̻̲̩̈́̎s̸̡̮͉͈̞̖̜̳̍͠e̵̜̖̪̦̿̃̔n̶͍̐̌͊̓͒͐̈̓͝d̸̢̜͕̜̰̠̤͖̃a̷̧͉̲̪̙̭̫̞̘͕͕̻̖̒̈́̃̏͑̊͛̕͜͜͝M̸̫̦̤̰͉̮̣̙̤̜̔̎́̂̀̎ ̶͉̘̞͈̼̜̟͑͑̎͆̂̋̕f̶̢̡͎̲̺̭̓̎͌̿ͅơ̵̦͓̮͇̾̋̆͌̊͊́̀͆́ ̸̨̜͈̪̩̒̏͌͋g̴̢̨̨̛̟̝̞̮͖̳̣͔͈̀͑͋̉̓́̀̐͂̀͘͘͜͜͝n̷͕̲͈̹̙̖̈̀̀̆͆͜͠ì̵͔̣̤̤̻̦̮͎̗͖̼̤̖̍̈́r̶͕͇̳͉̖̰͇̺͆̃ę̶̤̜̟̘̟̳̇̈́͛̄̿̃̊͌̈͘̚̕ͅṕ̶̢̧̻̦̙̤̲͓̪͉̮̩̲͊̓̄́̓̍̽̊́ș̴̡̨̝̰̭̹̙͎̬͔͚̑̈́̇̀́̚͝ì̶̡̡̢̖̲̹͍̻̖̲͙͛͋̒̇͆̽̆̈́͛̔̊̒̀͜ȟ̴̨͎̗͖̠̱̹̅͒́̓̓̇̓̚͜͠͝͝Ẉ̴̮̬͉͙̣̳̩͖̽̓̾͝ ̸̧̧̧͎̬̳̖͚̥̲̔̂͑̚͝ę̴̨͓̝͙̮̤̭̯̞̣̲̀̊̾͑͒̈͌̕ǹ̴̨̲͖̥͙̻̚i̷̡̱̙͎̫͇̬̘̦̮̹̦̩̊̓v̵͇͕̮̗̙͇̍̈́̾̌i̸̘͚͕̬̍͗̓͒̃̈́̇͝͝D̵̝͙̱̉̃́̅͆̂͝]̶͔̲͍̠͊"̶̢̬̗́̈́͐͐̍̀́͊͆́̈́̊͠

When the creature finished those words, the gathered priests began to start screaming and convulsing on the ground, the same happened to the slavers who were by the carriages. Suddenly their heads all exploded into gory confetti. Even Arlien, who was the oldest priest among the group had his brain matter join the bloody party.

The creature had single handedly killed every slaver. Me and my group were too mesmerized by its display to keep with our original plan. We soon noticed that the creature was looking at us. We all stood still, and no doubt had the same thought.

Are we next?