5. RING! RING! Loki Calling!

After observing the battle of the foxkin and humans for a little while, I finally decided to help out. I couldn't find out why, but after watching these foxkin fight against the unimaginable odds something within me wanted to help them out. Perhaps the time I spent with the Tatenushins affected me more than I had originally thought.

Maybe deep down I was really just craving some interaction with another intelligent creature. I had spent quite a few years without talking with anyone, and I guess the only thought keeping me sane was gathering strength, to keep getting stronger. But as I spent time with those people they grew within my mind's heart, and I could only come to see them as an extension of my family. My next visit with them wasn't for another fifty years or so. I learned that they could actually live up to about three-hundred and fifty years old, so I would be able to meet them maybe two or three times throughout their lifetime. Although now that I've found what I've been looking for, perhaps I can visit them more frequently. Yes, I think I'll do that from now on. Maybe every one of two years would be a good idea, hmm…I'll think about it later.

Anyways as I thought about all this, I was already massacring these humans. These guys are really squishy, I had turned off my [Unnatural Existence] passive skill as I didn't want them to die from just looking at me. How would I be able to test my skills if they just died in my mere presence? Anyways I combined my [Unnatural Tongue] skill with the magic [Void Magic: All Encompassing Void] to start things off. As expected, nothing I targeted survived the attack, and [Unnatural Tongue] even took out a few before the magic finished. Speaking of the magic, it started off as a swirling vortex, resembling something like a black hole; the only difference being that it did not suck anything in. The end result was a large black dome that fell over the humans, and when it vanished there was nothing left but mangled corpses. Since I hadn't read the skill description I was surprised by the outcome, it was not unwelcomed.

After that everyone on the field stood still in silence, as I flew from the tree line into their sight, I still had my [Aura Release] passive skill turned off, so that they wouldn't die from the amount of sheer pressure I'm sure my aura would've put on them. Both friend and foe were surprised by my appearance, I'm guessing they have never seen my race before, or maybe they have, and they're just surprised that it's a special variant they haven't seen before. After all, this system designates my race as a "Unique Divine Beast Species". In the end I guess I can't blame them. Anyways they were all staring dumbfounded at me for a while, so I took the opportunity to use another one of my attacks.

"[Void Magic: Claws of The Aberration]." I say, while still combining it with [Unnatural Tongue]. I had already designated the foxkin as allies, so they were spared from the madness that ensued. After the words left my mouth a tear in space was made and out came the hand of a titanic beast, whose claws extended over ten meters. I will admit the sight surprised me, but it quickly vanished as I felt some familiarity with the hand, well hands as another tear in space was made and out came another hand. Back to the familiar feeling of the hand, it was like I knew the being who these hands belonged to. It was a strange feeling due to the fact that I've never met such a being in my life, and I'm over ten thousand years old mind you.

Eventually the hands stopped their rampage, leaving the lush green grass drunk with the blood of these humans. After the hands returned and the tears in space closed, I saw the robbed man, who was joined by others wearing the same robes just with a bit less gold, begin to prepare some kind of attack. I was about to go stop them, but another human seemed to have wanted to die first, as he yelled out to his comrades.

"Don't just stand there you idiots, coat your weapons in magic and attack the thing. It's a race of Ghast I've never seen before! Normal physical attacks are ineffective!" He yelled, and soon after his sword was coated in orange flames. Many followed his example, though there were a few who were convulsing on the ground still from my [Unnatural Tongue] skill. The man and his group ran at me, no doubt using some skill that probably enhanced their speed and physical prowess. In the end I never gave them the chance to attack me as I unleashed another skill against them. Instead of void magic, I used one of my innate body skills; this one being…

"[Dark Tendrils of Destruction]". A few more of the humans fell to my words but the majority were obliterated by the tendrils that extended themselves from my body, there were four of them and they each were about two meters long. Using them I easily decimated the humans' pathetic charge attack, leaving them flattened on the ground or bodies missing their heads. As I observed my work, I heard the voices of the robbed man and his companions. Ah I had forgotten about them, didn't I? They had finished charging whatever attack they were making and aimed it at me.

""""[Tandem Magic: Apollo's Divine Blade]!"""" The group screamed. In the sky a golden blade appeared, it was definitely over eight meters in length. The blade fell upon me, while I would've been able to dodge it with a skill, or just by using my raw speed, I decided to take the hit. I reasoned that I would eventually be hit with an attack, and it would make sense to see how much damage a charged attack with an element that I only had a medium resistance against would do. And so, the blade hit me with all its might, and I'll admit it hurt quite a bit. The result of the attack was a deep ravine within the planet's crust. Did these humans not care for the planet they lived on? Well not that it mattered to me really, I just hope they don't destroy it before I get what I came here for. Anyways I decided to look at my health to see how much the attack did.

[Name: (Currently Being Deciphered)

[Class: None

[Race: Divine Primordial Astral Ghast of Smoke and Shadows (Unique Divine Beast Species)

[HP: 2,125,000,000/3,000,000,000

I guess that's a good amount, I mean I'm sure my insane defense and resistance stat helped out as well. All things considered; they did a good job? I don't know really, anyways I'm down in the bottom of this ravine and it seems that my [HP] has already returned to full, I guess my passive hp regeneration is pretty crazy. I remove myself from the debris and use the magic skill [Void Magic: Void Walker] to make my way back up and behind the celebrating robbed humans, while traversing through the void I am able to see many things, especially those that I put my intent on. After exiting the dark abyss, I hear the blue haired robbed man speak.

"It's…It's alive!" He yelled out. Rude really, I have a name. Not that he knows that, but would it have hurt him to ask? Anyways one of the other robbed men said that it was impossible for me to still be alive, and that the might of their god was stronger than some random beast. I mean that's probably what he would've said if one of my tendrils hadn't penetrated his chest with extreme force. I threw him to the side with the flick of my tendril. Another of the robbed men started to cast a magic skill, but I immediately slapped his head off his body with a tendril that I sharpened. The rest of them stared at me in horror. Well, I've had fun testing my skills out so I'll go ahead and end this.

"[Divine Whispering of Madness]" I say, and almost instantaneously the group of robbed men, along with the guys who were still standing by those wooden boxes, began to clutch their heads and start screaming in pain. Something inside me enjoyed their suffering a little too much, I ignored that feeling though as I watched these human's heads explode. It was quite comical in my opinion. When they had all fallen silent, I turned my gaze to the foxkin, who had stopped their plan of running into the village to do whatever it was they were planning to do. I could practically smell the fear and tension in the air, as we stared each other down. 'Maybe I should take a similar form to them.' I thought to myself. And so, I did. My entire body began to shape itself into the shape of a female foxkin. Taking into account my first encounter with the Tatenushins, I made sure to make my appearance more… acceptable.

(Zehefa's POV)

Never in my long life have I seen a display like we had just witnessed. As me and my friends were fighting a losing battle against some slave catchers, we were saved by a monster none of us had ever seen. It looked like your run of the mill Ghastly at first glance, but when you took a closer look, you could see what looked to be the night sky within its body. The creature's beauty had us all mesmerized, the damn slavers included.

That beauty was then destroyed the moment the creature said some words that made my ears feel like they were being constantly screamed in. Its voice could only be described as demonic. As it finished those words, I could feel the mana fluctuations in the word tremble as a devastating spell was released, turning a whole group of humans into mangled piles of meat, while some others began to scream and hold their heads. I don't know what it did, but I was happy I was not the target. The creature continued its monstrous display of strength and magic control. Just how intelligent is this thing? The priests eventually used some kind of Tandem Magic that hit the creature and formed a deep wound within the planet. They began to celebrate over their triumph against the beast, but that did not last long. One of them had their chest penetrated by a smoky tendril that could only belong to the creature they thought dead. The beast threw the human to the side, and then swiftly decapitated another who was preparing a spell. Afterwards it said some words again and the remaining humans instantly began to clutch their heads and scream. The beast watched them struggle, if it had a face, it would no doubt be twisted in sadistic pleasure. Soon all that was left was us and the beast.

We stared and the beast stared right back, it was dead silent within the forest, not even the sound of the wind rustling through the leaves could be heard. Suddenly the beast's body began to wiggle and move erratically. Its body took the shape of an alluring woman that stood about two point two meters in height, with small breasts and a generous waist, its skin was white like snow that fell during the winter months. Its face was that of a young foxkin woman in her twenties. The only way to describe it was as an otherworldly beauty. Its bewitching crimson eyes met ours, as its long white hair fell below its shoulders, ending just below its mid-back. From its back protruded a large fluffy fox tail with white fur all the way until the tip where it transitioned into a wine red. Upon its head rested two fox ears whose fur was white, the inside of its ears had fur inside of them that was also wine red in color. Its new appearance even had my old heart beating a few ticks faster. If it was not for the large tail, the two dagger like front teeth, sharp claws on its hands and feet, and the fact that just a second ago it was a shadowy being that called upon creatures from hell to aid it in battle, then it would have been able to pass off as a normal foxkin lady, well more like a Kitsune. Either way the once shadowy being now stood in front of us completely naked, causing some of the younger males faces to take a pinkish tint. I'll admit even my cheeks were heating up a bit.

Suddenly the being started to walk towards us. Its steps were slow, and from the look on its face it seemed like it wanted to talk to us. I would be lying if I said I didn't have any questions of my own for this strange monster. Though just because they look intelligent, doesn't mean they are. I've seen plenty of creatures that had just enough intelligence to set up a trap and take out a whole group. None were more proficient at it than the Kitsune, a race of monsters that take on the form of attractive men and women to trick adventurers and or civilians. Their real form resembles that of a giant fox that could easily tower over any man, with long sharp claws and monstrous jaws. Once caught in a Kitsune's trap, there is no escape. Kasen, the leader of our group, stepped forward slowly.

"Careful Kay." Said Like. He was Kasen best friend since childhood, and the two have been inseparable ever since, they treat each other more like siblings than friends. Kasen nodded his head as he approached the monster. No matter what it wanted, we weren't going to let it rampage through our village, so the rest of us stood there blocking the entrance. Even with its display of godly powers, we stood firm against it.

(Lu'naris POV)

I was able to easily take the shape of the foxkin people. I decided on a simple color palette of white and red for my hair and tail, and as for my eyes I went with a deep crimson. Hoping that this appearance was enough for them to not see me as a threat, I began to walk slowly towards them in a non-threatening manner. I could see from here that they were all eyeing me with distrust evident in their eyes, though some of them had a pinkish tint around their cheeks. Is that a normal response to danger? Anyways I stopped at about halfway. Kasen had begun to make his way towards me, I gave him the friendliest smile I could muster, but from the look on his face it seemed he misunderstood what I was trying to do. Since it looked like he wasn't going to start speaking anytime soon, I took the initiative and did so.

"You do not have to be afraid Kasen; I mean you and your people no harm." I said gently with a small bow of my head. He seemed to be taken aback when I said his name.

"How do you know my name?" Kasen said as his hand approached the sword on his hip. I took a few steps back, and his movement for his sword stopped.

"I have the skill called [Appraisal], I accidentally took a look at your status during the battle, that is how I came to know your name. I apologize if that action is seen as rude." I said with another humble bow. I had really not meant to look at it, but you can't change the past. So, the best course of action was to apologize. He once again seemed to be confused, but he quickly recovered as he asked me another question.

"What are you, why did you help us?" He asked, looking into my eyes. I took a few moments to think about how to answer his question. I could not say that I was a foxkin, as they had seen me in my original form. Perhaps I can say that I am a special variant of that Kitsune creature Arlien had talked about.

"I am a special variant of the monster you call a Kitsune, as for why I assisted you…I'm not quite sure myself to be honest. I've spent…many years alone with no one to converse with, and perhaps a longing for friendship is what moved me to assist you. There is also the fact that you and your group handled yourselves wonderfully against the superior forces of those humans." I replied to his question as honestly as I could. "Seeing your fighting ability, I couldn't allow such wondrous abilities to be exterminated from the world."

"I see." Kasen said as he fell into thought. After a few minutes he once again asked me a question. "Nothing in this world is truly free, and Kitsune's are known to be proficient in lying and deceit. What do you truly want from us?" I should have guessed it wouldn't have been this easy to get on their good side. Did I really want anything from them, or did I just act on impulse when I stepped in to help them? I don't completely know the answer myself, but at the moment I could think of nothing else but this to say…

"Your friendship would be nice." I said with a smile. Kasen looked at me with skepticism evident in his eyes. I tried to keep my face free of all foolishness to let him know that I was serious about what I said. He let out a long sigh as he motioned for the rest of his group to come over. They did so quickly and looked him over for any injuries or something along those lines. I stood there silently and watched as they started to discuss something quietly among themselves. As they did that, I took the time to look over the messages from the system that I had been ignoring.

[ You have gained 100 Exp from the skill [Passive Exp Gain]

[Calculating Exp from your kills]



[Calculation complete]

[Congratulations! You've defeated Human Knight 55x, Priests of Apollo's Church 10x, and Common Slave Catcher 10x!]

[Congratulations! You've defeated Arlien Davich, Eighty-fifth Archpriest of Apollo's Church 1x]

[Total Exp gained after title and passive bonuses, you've earned 73,500,000 Exp!]

[Your level has increased]

[Level 1→10]

[You may now evol-ERROR]

[User has passed Exp threshold by exponential amounts, please wait while the system fixes the error]

[Please wait]

[Please wait]

[Please wait]

[Please wait]

[Please wait]

[Please wait]

[Please wait]

[System has fixed the error; user has broken through their limits therefore they shall be able to level up without the need to evolve first. Note this will be a onetime occurrence for the user]

[You've increased your level a multitude of times]

[Level 10→735]

[All your stats have increased tremendously, stats stolen by the skill [Primordial Beast Soul Devouring] have been added to your stats]

[You can now evolve]

Pfft…wait a minute! What is going on here? I broke the system once and now I'm suddenly seven-hundred and thirty four levels higher than when I got here! What is going on here? What's the limit of a person's strength here on this planet? 'Asteria, are you there?'

[Always, what do you require]

'How much can a person level up before they reach their full potential in this world?'

[The max level currently set is level 50,000]

'50,000! Well, I guess now I don't feel too bad about this big jump in levels. Just how long can people live on this planet?'

[Most Humans live to be up to a thousand years old, while other races like the Elves, Centaurs, and Dwarves can live up to two-thousand years]

'How come this planet isn't plagued by overpopulation? Based on how long you said people could live, I would've expected this place to be ready to burst.'

[This is due to the fact that the planet is actually bigger than it looks. One continent could easily fit over one-hundred billion people onto it, and that's just on a smaller scale. A larger continent could hold a million times that amount of people. In addition to this many die to monster attacks, and attacks by others of different or their own races. There are also world raids held every century that many die in, and there are also many dangerous dungeons scattered throughout the world.

'I see, so this place is a lot bigger than I gave it credit for. Alright thank you for that Asteria.'

[You are most welcome]

After confirming things with Asteria, it seems that I was worried for nothing over this big jump in levels. Seeing as how the max level of this world is 50,000, I still have a long way to go. Perhaps I will be here on this planet for a long time, before I ever think about going back home. Who knows at this point? "Haaaah…" I release a sigh as I look back at the group of foxkin, they still seemed to be discussing some things. While they did that, I went back to looking at the system, specifically the messages that said something about evolving. What is that?

[It is a way to transcend your body's limits and become stronger. You are classified as a monster, so it brings you greater strength while also changing your appearance and granting you new abilities]

"I see, thank you once again Asteria." I said as I took a look at my options for evolution.

[Available Evolution Options are too numerous, due to the effect of the skill [Special Evolution Creator] all options have been merged into one]

[Current Evolution Options Found: 1]

[Divine Primordial Two-Tailed Ghastly Kitsune of Astral Descent] (Unique Divine Beast Species)

[A never-before-seen race of Kitsune, what events will follow such a being? Only they will know]

[Provides a significant increase to the users [MP] and [INT] stats, along with granting them the use of the illusion attribute and a resistance to the effects of the magic class [Emotion Magic]. All other stats of the user gain a slight increase. The user will be able to switch between a gaseous and physical state whenever needed]

[Magic Attribute: Illusion Magic]

[Illusion Magic: Mirage Screen] [Illusion Magic: False Double] [Illusion Magic: Kitsune's Rampage] [Illusion Magic: One Hundred Eyes of Terror] [Illusion Magic: Culmination of Madness] [Illusion Magic: Moment of Peace] [Illusion Magic: Moment of Horror]

[Ultimate Skill

[Illusion Magic: Reign of The Kitsune Empress]

Well, I really don't know what I expected there. My evolution options were all merged together into one and it seemed that it is a powerful evolution. I even get a new attribute with it, though I am confused on why my evolution has Kitsune in it. Just because I'm pretending to be one, doesn't mean I am. Well, there's no use in complaining, I'll take the increase in strength.

Though it seems I won't be able to do it now as Kasen and his group have finished talking. They all turned their attention to me, and Kasen was the first to speak.

"We've decided to trust you for now, but that does not come without some conditions." He said in a serious tone. I nodded and replied, saying…

"That is understandable, while I would have appreciated your full trust in me, I can understand that you still have some concerns about me. I am willing to listen to these conditions and shall abide by them as long as they are not outrageous." I said as I looked down at him and his group.

"Very well, the first condition is that no matter what, you are to not harm any of our people. Condition two, you shall assist us in our times of need, and three we wish for you to be the protector of this village." Kasen said with determination in his eyes. I put a hand to my chin and thought these conditions over, they didn't seem too bad, but I did have a few questions regarding them.

"For the first condition, what if one of your people is the one causing trouble? For example, what if he betrays your trust and does something that will make events like the one from earlier more commonplace? And for the third condition it may be difficult for me to be the protector of the village, as I have my own plans. I would not be able to be here all the time, how would we work that out?" I asked. Kasen fell into thought for a moment before answering me.

"In the case of the first condition, we will handle the traitor. If they prove to be too strong for us to handle then you may step in, but you must be sure not to kill them. As for the problem with the third, what do you suggest?" He asked. I had nothing in mind when he asked me that question. But then I remembered that I had a certain skill that I could try.

"I may have something I can try, but I haven't tested the skill yet…if that doesn't work, I can try something after my evolution." I replied honestly. I had an idea that might work, but I would need the [Illusion Magic] attribute for it to work, well possibly work. "I can go and give it a test, that is if you all don't mind."

"Do what you must." Kasen said, putting his hand on his sword. The meaning of that gesture was not lost on me. I gave them a nod as I walked back a few meters. After I reached a good distance, I gave the skill a test.

"[Void Magic: Void Space Creation]" I said. Almost instantly a tear in space was made in front of me. Nothing clawed its way out this time, so it seemed to be safe. Stepping forward I put my hand into the tear and felt nothing out of the ordinary. I walked through it and was met with the sight of what seemed to be an ever-expanding night sky. There were many stars in the 'sky' of this place along with many planets of varying sizes. The ground of this void space was pitch black in color and was completely barren. While the place may have some beauty to it and I feel completely fine, I do not believe it would be suitable for other living beings. Though I wonder, could I change things to my liking here.

I inserted my will into the pocket dimension and willed it to change to a scene similar to the one outside. After a few moments the sky began to brighten, and the ground began to be filled with lush grass. Trees also began to pop into existence, and the space soon resembled the area outside, with the only missing piece being the foxkin village. While it may look like the real thing, one could easily tell that it wasn't. The grass wasn't soft to the touch, there was no breeze going through the trees, and the sun provided no kind of warmth.

"So, this won't work after all." I said as I exited the void space. My exit surprised the group of foxkin as they were met with my face as soon as they decided to get a bit closer to the tear. "Hello there, you all miss me that much~?" I said jokingly, with a large smile. For some reason some of the group began to gain a pinkish tint to their faces again. Seriously, what's with that?

"No, we were just inspecting the tear in space you made!" Said the female with yellow hair. I chuckled before exiting the space fully and closing it behind me. I then turned to Kasen. "It seems that this method won't be a viable way to protect the village. I will have to evolve first to enact my other plan." I told them. "For now, I can fulfill the first two conditions."

"Very well, we shall welcome you into the village and introduce you as someone who came to our aid." Kasen said as we all started to make our way to the village.

"Hey Kay, what do we do about her uh…current look?" A black haired foxkin man asked. I looked down at my body to see if I had made any mistakes when taking the form, nothing seems to be wrong. Kasen looked back and forth between me and the black haired foxkin for a moment, before realization struck him.

"Ah, right. Can you…um…put some clothes on?" Kasen asked me as he averted his gaze from my body. These people sure are weird huh?

"Clothes? Why would I need those?" I asked, genuinely curious. Actually, what are clothes even? I know armor is used to protect one's body, but what purpose do these clothes serve? The Tatenushins only ever wore their armor when it was time to go out hunting or during tournaments. Any other time they were just bare chested. Actually, now that I'm actually taking the time to look my new body over, what are these things on my chest? Female Tatenushins didn't have these. As I poked and prodded at these weird things, the older yellow haired foxkin yelled at me.

"What in the name of the Old Spirits are you doing!?" She screamed at me. I mean I don't understand why she's angry. Ah, perhaps this isn't a natural thing to do; that'd definitely explain her reaction just now. I stopped touching the weird mounds and asked a question that was plaguing my mind.

"Are clothes another type of armor?" I asked in seriousness. The group looked at me as if I were stupid. Kasen was the one to speak up.

"Clothes are what we wear to keep our bodies warm and to hide our privates." He explained, he took off his light armor to reveal a green tunic. Instead of being made from leather, this one appeared to be made using cloth. Yeah, such a flimsy thing would never protect you in a fight. I don't really understand this concept of clothes, but if it would make my time easier here then I guess I could form some over my body. I took inspiration from the robbed guys and made a garment similar to the one the yellow haired foxkin lady was wearing. The end result was a white dress that went down to just below my knees, covering the weird mounds.

"Better?" I ask. The group nods their heads as they continue to lead me into the village. While we walked, they took the time to introduce themselves. The black haired foxkin was named Like. That got a chuckle out of me, how will I go when they say 'Like likes too' to do something. Just thinking about it made me release a loud laugh. They once again stared at me like I was crazy and eventually I apologized for my rudeness. The yellow haired foxkin lady was named Zehefa. Besides them the only ones who were more notable were Elikad, who was a silent giant, with wild untamed golden hair. He was almost able to look me in the eyes without craning his neck. Then there was Therasera, a young muscular foxkin woman, whose body was filled with scars. Her purple hair was tied into braids that fell down her back. Last but not least was the blue haired foxkin man named Miliak. He was also a silent guy, but I could sense the monster buried within his tired expression. The other of the group did not interest me enough to remember their names, though the one guy they lost named Redukin had interested me a bit.

After a bit more walking, we made it to the center of the village. Now that I walked through it I realized this place was a lot bigger than I have it credit for. Based on the knowledge I got from Asteria it would definitely make sense for these people to have a large village; perhaps they could even classify it as a city. Anyways when we reached the center cheers of happiness and joy met our ears. They were so loud I wouldn't be surprised if that Brightlorn Empire or whatever it's called heard them. It was all fine and dandy until they caught sight of me, how they didn't notice me when I walked in; I have no clue. Things were silent for a bit before Kasen spoke up. He introduced me as the village savior and all that stuff. I could care less really, but I decided to be polite and wave at the gathered people. If it keeps those I'm interested in happy, I don't mind being nice and serviceable.

The people came up to me, giving me thanks and baskets full of fruits. I accepted their generosity and spoke with a few who had some questions. When it was revealed that I was a Kitsune, some began to become wary of my presence, but Kasen and his group were able to diffuse the situation peacefully. One individual even tried to pick a fight with me. Let's just say he's lucky Kasen is here. In the end I was able to still converse with a lot of the villagers. These people truly were a nice bunch, who just wanted to live out their lives peacefully. Many here had never even taken advantage of the world's system. The few that did were Kasen and his group, a few more who were guards, and the farmers who used their magic to help with the growth of crops.

I couldn't understand why they would not make use of a tool such as the system, being strong allows you to not be trampled over by those who wish ill events upon you. I shook my head at such foolishness, is this why they really wanted me to stay around? To protect a village full of weak individuals. I guess it wouldn't be the first time I did such a thing. The Tatenushins, while strong, still struggled with catching larger animals for food and their hides for armor and housing. Have I unintentionally made myself weak to those who struggle to live their lives. This could be problematic for me really. I'll add it to the list of things I need to think about whenever I've got the time.

Anyways after that awkward introduction the people continued to prepare what looked like a festival. After asking Kasen what was happening, I found out that it is indeed a festival they are preparing for. Apparently, it was to celebrate their great harvest this year, along with the marriage of Like's daughter and the son of Kasen. Since they are important people to those who I found interest in I made sure to remember their names. Nelutine Passinet is the daughter of Like. She shares his black hair and piercing yellow eyes. As for Kasen's son, his name was Desmios Stonfold. Unlike Nelutine, Desmios takes after his mother who has icy blue hair and purple eyes. The celebration lasted late into the night, many of the residents became inebriated and danced wildly. I was offered food, drink, and opportunities to dance by many males. I did not need to eat or drink, and I was in no way interested enough to dance, so all offers were declined with a smile and a simple "No thank you". Soon it was time for Nelutine and Desmios to say their vows before heading to their marriage bed, whatever that means.

After that was all done it was time for all to head home and get some rest. I did not need to sleep, but I will admit I felt a bit tired after today's events. I was offered a room in Kasen's hut, which was bigger than all the other residents. Pros of being the chief, I guess. Anyways I humbly accepted his invitation, and that is how I found myself in the room where I am now. It was quite spacious, so I was able to be in it comfortably even with my taller stature. In the corner of the room there was a bed made from animal hide and wood. The covers were soft to the touch and my hand easily sunk down into the fabric. Satisfied with its appearance and softness I laid down on it and stared at the ceiling for a while. "I guess tomorrow I'll look over the rest of my skills and titles. Now then let's get this evolution thing done." I said to myself as I opened the status window and looked at my only evolution option. "Still the same one, don't know what I was expecting." I used my finger to tap the evolution's name and as soon as I did so some messages popped up.

[Does the user wish to evolve into the race [Divine Primordial Two-Tailed Ghastly Kitsune of Astral Descent] (Unique Divine Beast Species)]

"Yes." I say blandly.

[The user has chosen [Divine Primordial Two-Tailed Ghastly Kitsune of Astral Descent] (Unique Divine Beast Species) as their evolution. Estimated time of completion is twenty-four hours. User will now undergo evolution]

As soon as I finished that message, my whole being started to feel lethargic. This was a feeling unknown to me, and it made me quite uncomfortable. That feeling soon passed as I was wrapped in some sort of cocoon. While that happened, I could feel my consciousness fading and my vision started to darken. Soon all I could see was an endless dark abyss. A few hours later I felt something calling to me through the inky blackness. I was unable to move my real body, so I used my will to head towards the thing that was calling me. As I neared my will started to form a body similar to the one I was currently using. I assume this is what my parents and Master referred to as an astral projection.

Using the projection, I traveled for what seemed like decades, but I soon came across a light within the black canvas. I traveled toward it and when I finally reached it I was transported to somewhere entirely different. When I finally got my bearings, I found myself in what looked to be a large palace-like structure. I looked around for a bit before a voice called out to me.

"Ah, there you are, I've been waiting quite a while to meet you little foxy~." Said the voice of a woman. I turned in the voices direction and was met with the sight of a woman, who could only be described as enchanting. She stood about three meters in height and had a body full of seductive curves. She wore a revealing green and golden dress that brought attention to those aforementioned curves. Her hair was long, and a glossy, raven black color. The smile on her face, along with the look in her eyes promised both mischief and fun to any that met her gaze. Upon her head rested a golden crown with two golden horns that curved backwards. The beautiful l figure began to approach me, all the while keeping that mischievous smirk on her face.

"Who are you?" I asked with a bit of hostility in my voice.

"Calm down there my dear, is that any way to treat someone who gave you their blessing~? Forgive my rudeness. You may address me as Loki, Goddess of Mischief and Unnatural Beasts~."