Stocks of Stark Industries

Wesley did not notice the tail behind him. Fox drove the stolen car quietly behind him and called Sloan.

"He's shopping and seems to be… changing himself, that's my feeling," Fox reported.

"Well, this is a good start, isn't it? Only he can get rid of Cross, and it can be solved with a little money. Keep an eye on him, and when this new feeling passes, then he will come back." Sloan smiled after he put down the phone. He smiled happily. I'm not afraid of you spending money, but I'm afraid you won't.

Wesley drove back to the hotel and turned on his computer. Without looking at anything else, he looked for news about Stark. He didn't know if it was a coincidence, but the news on the Internet was all about Stark being rescued and returning to the United States tomorrow.

"It's really easy. I saw him yesterday and he's back tomorrow. It's luck." Wesley smiled happily.

"You need a stock account now, or you won't be able to operate it."

"Of course, I'm an account manager after all, right? This is very simple." Wesley began to operate. He had a lot of savings in his bank account. It was easy to open a stock account, but he canceled it halfway through.

"They're watching my account, so I can't use this to open a stock account. It's better to go directly to the exchange. Artificial certification is still very reliable." Wesley changed his clothes directly, jeans and jacket with a T-shirt inside. Then he tidied up all his clothes and put them in his new suitcase. He took his wallet and driver's license and left the hotel again. He got into his new car in the parking lot and put on his sunglasses.

But then Apple reminded him, "There's an SUV behind you on your right. It followed you to the hotel." Wesley had no intention of anti-tracking, but his eyes were Apple's cameras. They were the same as Apple's. That's how awesome they are. Every time he looked in the rearview mirror, he would record it and analyze it.

"Don't worry about them. I knew they would follow me. Now that I'm spending money like crazy, they're happy to see it happen. Only then can I enter their trap. But keep an eye on them to prevent any accidents. Sigh, I should have brought that pistol with me. I shouldn't have left it at home." Wesley regretted it a little, but forget it. He was still an ordinary person. It was too dangerous to carry a pistol.

He started the car and drove straight out of the hotel towards the stock exchange.

He opened an account directly, verified his identity, and then deposited three million dollars. Wesley then went to the bank and withdrew the cash directly, leaving only 59 cents in the bank card.

Wesley was still prepared to spend the remaining four hundred thousand dollars in a brown paper bag, but how to spend it was a problem. He decided to wait.

"Fox, where did Wesley go just now? His bank account is missing more than 3.4 million dollars." Sloan called again.

"Stock exchanges and banks," replied Fox.

"Well, it's a little interesting. As expected of an accountant. Okay, continue to keep an eye on him. I'll get someone to replace you tonight." Sloan put down the phone and began to hesitate. Is the other party going to buy stocks? He used to be an accountant, responsible for account management, so he should have some knowledge about investment. However, stocks are not a short-term thing, unless there is news, but it's impossible for a poor man like him to have any news. Then he will have no money soon, and he will be back soon.

Wesley returned to the hotel, ate in the restaurant, and returned to his room. He went straight to Stark Industries' website. It was really a huge arms group.

"The shares of the movie Stark Industries are down more than forty percent, right?" Wesley asked, recalling the plot of the movie.

"Yes, at least 40 percent. According to my analysis, it should be around 50 percent. It will continue to fall until Stark is pushed out of the board of directors, but the stock recovered very slowly and only returned to its normal price after Steck regained control. According to calculations, in the second movie, Steck will rise to the highest when questioned by Congress."

"That makes sense. But didn't he give up arms and change the energy source later?" Wesley asked again.

"I can't analyze this. There are too few clues, but you just have to buy it after you reduce it by fifty percent and then wait. Stark Industries will not go bankrupt." Wesley nodded in agreement. He is now checking the stock price of Stark Industries.

The stock price of Stark Industries was $110 before Tony Stark was kidnapped. It is now $101, but after the news of Stark's rescue came back, it rose to $105 and almost returned to its normal price. It is 2007 in this world, and the stock price is not very high. It is estimated that if Stark has been developing arms, it can reach above $250 in 2016.

"Exactly how many shares will be lowered?" Wesley asked again.

"It's 56.5 percent lower in the movie, but we can't calculate it completely based on that," Apple replied.

"Then it shouldn't be a problem to buy it after reducing the price by 55%, but the capital is too little!" Wesley complained. It was only three million dollars. Even if it was reduced by 55%, it was only 63,000 shares at the price of 47.25 dollars. If the profit per share doubled, he would only make about five million dollars. It was too little.

"Maybe you can borrow some money?" Apple said.

"Borrow money? Do you mean to borrow money from Sloan and the others?" Wesley's eyes lit up, but he immediately hesitated. Would Sloan lend him money? Especially if Sloan was going to kill him after he finished. If he lent him money, then they wouldn't be able to get it back.

"They are constantly threatened by your father, so now they need you, not what you need them." Although Apple is a waste system, the analysis problem is not wrong, but it needs to be compared through some information.

"I'll try." Wesley went straight downstairs to the parking lot, glanced at Fox's car, and then walked over. Fox generously opened the window. "So? Have you figured it out?"

"Don't tell me you're protecting me!" Wesley bent down and put his arms on the door.

"We're protecting you. You're special. The other party might not let you go. You saw it that night." Wesley didn't want to dwell on this issue. He asked to borrow money. "I want to invest without a sum of money, but now my father's inheritance is not enough for me. I wonder if as his friend, you will lend me some?"