Father's Home

Carlos Gibson looked at Wesley, his face thick with guilt. "I'm sorry. I just don't want you to go my way. At the same time, it's for your own safety."

"Parents always like to delineate the path of their children, and so do you, so I won't say much. But now that I'm still on this path, I've decided to go on it well. I don't want to be ordinary, because I'm not ordinary in the first place." Wesley wouldn't blame Carlos because he was a time traveler. His son's body was taken by him, so he wouldn't complain.

"Come in, I'll show you. You can live here from now on," Carlos said incoherently. Wesley just smiled and pulled his suitcase in. He didn't start to visit the house immediately, but went to the window. There was a telescope here, and he could clearly see his original rental.

She sat down and observed with binoculars. Fox had stolen a car and was waiting for her in front of the door, his face full of anxiety. She had been waiting for a few minutes, but Wesley had not appeared.

"Do you like foxes?" Carlos came over and saw Wesley observing foxes.

"No, I just spent more time with her. I don't really like her. Besides, she and I are two different people. We won't be together, and she may not be able to live. She is a real Fate Assassin. After knowing the truth, she may end her life." Wesley looked at the anxious fox and then answered. He really didn't want to be with the fox. Their thoughts are completely different, and he is still confused as a time traveler.

At this moment, a few more cars approached. The mechanic and others got out. "Wesley is gone. We lost him just now when he went to park."

"How did this happen? Did Cross find him?" Fox asked hurriedly.

"I'm not sure. There are no gunshots nearby, so they didn't exchange fire. Things are not simple. Let's split up and look again," said the gunsmith. Then everyone got in the car and began to look for Wesley.

"Look, they're starting to get anxious. This is a good sign. We have enough time to make a plan." Wesley stood up, then pulled the Beretta 92 out from behind him and put it aside. "Whose gun is this?"

"X. His code name is X. He's as good an assassin as I am. But he and Sloan have changed, so he's my first target." Carlos picked up the pistol and looked at it. "This is a good gun."

"Well, it's indeed a good gun, so I kept it." Wesley opened the suitcase, poured out the cartridge and bullets, and began to press the bullets into the cartridge.

"You can do this later. We can prepare the room first." Carlos was completely out of it. The first time he was alone with his son was more than twenty years ago, when the child was born.

"I am now an assassin who has received harsh training. I like to be ready to fight at any time. Now that they have lost track of me, they may be able to find this place." Wesley placed a pressed cartridge beside the pistol, then picked up an empty one and continued his movements. He looked carefully at each bullet and pressed it into the cartridge.

"Okay, then I'll go and tidy up your room first." Carlos felt the atmosphere was very awkward, and he could only go and tidy up the room first. Wesley looked at his back and smiled. He was an introvert, and like Wesley in the past, he was worthy of being father and son.

After sorting out all the empty clips, he pulled his suitcase and walked to his room. It was easy to judge the direction. The single building on the second floor was very empty. There was a kitchen and a bathroom, and there was basically no furniture in the other rooms.

"I'm sorry, there's not even a bed here." There were few pieces of furniture in the room Carlos had organized. Wesley smiled. "Now we're ready to fight for our lives, but we're not ready to live together, so there's no need to prepare anything. Just give me a quick tour." Wesley put his suitcase in the room and stood at the door, waiting for Carlos.

"Okay, come with me." Carlos took a quick look with Wesley. There is no first floor here. When Wesley came up, he took the outside stairs to the second floor. Carlos's room only has a sofa and some cabinets with Wesley's childhood photos on it. It seems that the kitchen has not been fired for a long time. Only the bathroom is relatively intact.

"Have you always lived here? Why don't you give yourself a good environment?" Wesley asked.

"There's no need. Our lives are not stable. It's just… I need this place when I miss you. It's also my secret stronghold. No one in the Assassin Brotherhood knows about this place." Carlos rubbed his hands together.

"I'm your son. You don't need to be nervous. Or you can treat me as a friend." Wesley couldn't bear to see Carlos so nervous. The man was too introverted and he was in a bad state. If someone came to the door now, he would be in great danger.

"Not a bad idea. We can make friends first." Carlos finally relaxed a little. "I'll show you my studio. You'll like it there. Maybe you'll like it." Carlos went to the closet and opened the cabinet door. The back panel of the cabinet is still a door. After pulling it open, it leads to the attic.

The first thing he felt when he walked in was that the place was a mess. That's right, it was a mess. The guys in the Brotherhood were all like that. They liked old things. There was a pair of muskets in a wooden box, but they had been modified so that they didn't fire a single shot in the movie. Wesley didn't even know what they were there for. They had completely become redundant guys, and he didn't like this look at all.

There were a lot of rifles on the walls, old musket shapes with extra-long barrels. Carlos had used them for long-range sniping. They needed to be matched with the kind of separate-propelled bullets. There were also a lot of electronic watches on the table, some of which had been unpacked.

"Is the insecticide yours?" Wesley asked.

"No, but he's very creative. It's just that no one appreciates it," Carlos said.

"Good idea. I think so too. We can use this to attack Textile Mill Seventeen. What do you think?" Wesley said.

"Sure, but my plan is to clean up the people outside first and attack when they are concentrated." Carlos's plan is the opposite of Wesley's.

'Do you believe the Loom of Fate is correct?'

"Yes, the Assassin Brotherhood was founded more than a thousand years ago and has been passed down since then. There is no need to doubt this."

"So you want to continue?" Wesley asked Carlos.

"Maybe it's time to end…" Carlos fell silent. The brotherhood has gone bad. He wants to bury these with his own hands and they will not appear again.