Fighting the Iron Man Regiment

It was night when Wesley returned home. The next morning, he drove to the New York Division of S.H.I.E.L.D., where he changed his credentials, Level Four Agent ID.

"It only upgraded me by one level? That's good, it's better than nothing." Then he drove to the Expo and began to look around for a suitable position for sniping. There was nothing he could do about flying in the sky. He didn't know what would happen after Apple upgraded, but now he still needed a safer place.

Wesley was looking for a position ahead of time, while Ivan Vanko was preparing his Iron Man Regiment, remote control, and at the same time a special suit of his own, using the best materials.

Tony Stark was also getting ready. Although he didn't know much about the current situation, a genius physicist like Ivan Vanko, a guy who wanted revenge, would not give up the opportunity. Especially since Justin Hammer, the idiot, had probably provided a lot of resources for the other party. He called Colonel Rhode and asked him to adapt to his battle suit as soon as possible.

Everything was quietly brewing until the new product launch began.

"Wesley, are you ready?" Tony Stark had arrived near the Expo in his armor, ready to attack at any time, but there were too many people here. He could only wait for the other party to start.

"It's ready, 2300 meters from the main entrance, but I can only attack ground targets. Have you found out what their new product is?"

"I found it. Iron Soldiers. And they are divided into four types of Iron Soldiers: Air Force, Navy, Army, and Marine Corps."

"Good, the Air Force is definitely yours. If the others appear on the ground, then I will deal with them, but if they fly, I can't do anything."

"Where is your battle suit? Why don't you put it on and fight?"

"I'm not suitable for it. Besides, I can solve one of them with one bullet. These steel soldiers must be remotely controlled. Pay attention to their antenna positions."

Today was the last day of Apple's upgrade. For the time being, Wesley could not use Apple's ability, but the other party would not wait for him, so Wesley could only rely on himself. He did not bring the Iron Man Armor because it was not suitable for his fighting style. He could only give up and hope that Apple could give him a way to get along in the future.

"Well, be careful. I'll send Rod to help you if necessary, and so on… Someone called me."

He answered the phone so that Colonel Lord and Wesley could hear. Ivan Vanko had actually taken the initiative to provoke him.

"Okay, his battle declaration has been issued. Then it's our turn. The tactic is like this. I go in and draw them out, and then you two attack."

Colonel Rod said, "No, no, no. I should be the one going in and drawing them out. I'm a soldier. This is my mission."

"Rhode, you're wrong. His target is Tony, so I'll go. That's it. Be ready." Tony Stark started up and flew directly through the air. Wesley put the Barrett M82A1 up and adjusted it on his own. But he was not a rookie. He could still do it without an apple. The clip was full of armor-piercing bullets. Then he pulled the bolt and the first bullet was loaded.

"Attention, there are eight robots of each kind. I'm in." Tony Stark landed on the stage and then looked at Hammer. "Where is Ivan Vanke?"

A total of 32 Iron Man Robots turned their heads and looked at Iron Man. Tony Stark turned around and looked at them. Then, he started up and flew straight up. The Iron Man Regiment behind him all used arm machine guns to shoot at him. The glass roof of the main hall was shattered.

"Pay attention, there are eight Air Force robots coming out behind me."

"Don't worry, I'm ready." Colonel Rod took off directly, ready to intercept in the air.

At this moment, Wesley asked, "Did you see their antennas?"

'In the head, all of it.'

"Good, I like this position." Wesley quietly looked at the main entrance of the main hall through the scope. People were running out crazily. Behind them was a pile of robots. Looking at the equipment on their shoulders, Wesley knew that these were Army and Navy robots.

Thump, thump, thump. His heart began to beat faster. As soon as these robots walked out of the front door, Wesley pulled the trigger. Without looking at the result, he pulled the bolt again with his hand. The second bullet was loaded, and then he aimed again. At this time, he saw through the scope that the first bullet hit the head of a Marine robot. The entire head was broken, and the parts scattered a little.

Bang! The second shot. His primary target was the Marine robots. Their shoulders were equipped with small missiles or rockets or something like that, which were more lethal. He pulled the bolt and then aimed and fired.

These robots rushed to the stairs in front of the main entrance of the main hall, and their numbers had been reduced by six. However, Ivan Vanko also discovered Wesley's position through their equipment. The feet of the Army robots were fixed in place, ready to fire at Wesley, but in the process, two more Navy robots were destroyed, and their antennas lost their function. Ivan Vanko had no way to control them to self-destruct.

The Army robot had begun to aim at Wesley, but he still had no intention of moving. He continued to fire two shots. One clip was empty, and the other fired. Wesley half-crouched and began to attack the shells with his pistol in both hands.

That's right. He used his special ability and the cannonball had a clear trajectory in his eyes. Especially after his physical strength doubled, he was even stronger in this special state.

Boom! Boom! The six shells were all blown up. These were just small-caliber shells with average power. Tony Stark and Colonel Rhode had already killed eight Air Force robots and were returning. However, the last eight Marine Corps robots left in the main hall took off and rushed directly towards them.

Wesley blew up the shell and then lay down again. The explosion of the shell gave him some cover and he quickly reloaded his sniper rifle. Wesley waited for the smoke to clear.

Ivan Vanko's main target was Iron Man, so he gave up on Wesley for the time being. The remaining six Army robots began to aim into the air. Wesley had another chance. As soon as the smoke cleared, he pulled the trigger in an instant, then pulled the bolt and continued to design, firing six bullets in ten seconds.

The powerful recoil of the Barrett M82A1 was not something that ordinary people could control, but Wesley could. The physical strength provided by his special ability in an instant allowed him to perfectly withstand the recoil.

"Guys, I killed sixteen of them. You're too slow. Also, remind you to destroy the heads of the robots to prevent accidents."