The Origin of Trust

Wesley scanned Nick Fury's blind eye, then entered it into Elizabeth's terminal and encrypted protection.

Nick Fury said when he was done, "Do you know why I trust you?"

Wesley was stunned. Trust him? He had never thought about this before. He had always believed that he could read minds. Wasn't it normal to trust him so much? To put it bluntly, he was not a qualified agent. It was all a game mentality. He just liked it. And most of his missions required strength or his connections.

"I haven't thought about this. Why did you suddenly ask this?" Wesley tilted his head and thought about it. He couldn't figure it out, so he asked directly.

Nick Fury looked like he knew it. Then he said, "I have no choice. I can only trust you. You and Tony Stark are the same kind of people. You have a genius mind and a cynical attitude, so you can be friends."

"I admit that he has a genius mind." Anyway, Apple is him, and he is Apple. "But I don't think there is any cynicism?"

"No? A billionaire came to be an agent because of your feelings?"

"At that time, I seemed to have no choice but to be an agent, right? Phil has been monitoring me for a long time. If he really wants to find trouble with me, then I can only agree, right?"

"No, you have a lot of ways. Why hasn't the Assassin Brotherhood been wiped out for so many years? Because of their strength, both the FBI and the CIA have discovered the organization, but they don't dare to act. Do you know why?"

"Aren't you afraid of the assassins' assassination? This is easy to understand!" Wesley answered casually.

"That's right, it's because of this, and you and your father are the best of them. No one will really go to war for two assassins who want to retire. It's not worth it. Besides, you basically don't have any big crimes. People like you are let go every day in the United States because it's not worth it."

"So I can refuse at that time?"

"Yes, it's just that you don't want to refuse. Looking at your performance later, I know that you are not a person who will be threatened. Your means are very fierce, and you kill people without saying anything."

"I killed Hydra's people."

"What's the difference? You have the same ego as Tony Stark. He's a playboy at most, and you used to be an assassin. Even if it hasn't been long, life is easy for you. It's just a shot. You have no reverence for life."

"Are you serious? Am I like this?"

"Yes, we can do a psychological test if you don't believe me."

"That won't be necessary. Tell me about your trust issues." Wesley didn't want to be studied, so he didn't argue. Who cares? Just do your thing and make yourself happy.

"There are very few people I can trust. There are problems in S.H.I.E.L.D. I knew about this a long time ago, but I couldn't find them because they rarely act. But there are problems because there are problems. It's not like there are no signs if you don't do it. The problems that follow are getting worse and worse, but I have no way to distinguish them. I know most of the people in S.H.I.E.L.D. I know most of them. They have risked their lives to complete the mission, which makes it difficult for me."

"At this time, Phil told me that you can 'read minds'. I was overjoyed, and I could only trust you. After the New York bureau incident, we collected the evidence you submitted bit by bit. Only then did I completely trust you."

Wesley pursed his lips. 'What does your trust have to do with me?'

"I know you may not think highly of my trust, but I just want to tell you this and thank you. Without your help, even if SHIELD can defeat Hydra, our losses will be difficult to estimate, and SHIELD will inevitably be disbanded. We can only move in secret."

"Oh, you want to continue the operation even if you are disbanded?"

"That's right. Earth needs S.H.I.E.L.D. If there is no S.H.I.E.L.D., then Hydra will have no opponents. They will develop and operate unscrupulously. We must protect the safety of the earth."

"You make it sound so great?"

"Not great, but that's what we do. You don't believe me?"

"There's nothing to disbelieve. Everyone thinks differently. Many people do think that way. Don't forget that I can read minds, but there are some people who don't. Even if they're not from Hydra, some of them do it for good treatment at work, or they like such an exciting life."

"I admit that there are such people, but they are indeed doing this job with their lives. Well, let's not talk about this anymore. Today is mainly to thank you. You have completed all your tasks perfectly. When you come back from the night of the championship, I will call a meeting of senior agents and introduce you to everyone and then promote you to your level."

"Don't worry, I will find Hydra. How can I leave?"

"A Quinjet is ready. Your box of alien metal has been put on it. You can take the fighter directly to Stark Tower."

"That's good. I'm leaving." Wesley took the fighter's notebook and left. On the flight deck of the mothership, a Quinjet was on standby, a pilot and a copilot. The box that Wes had used to store the metal was fixed in the back. After Wesley boarded, the fighter took off.

The fighter jet was very fast, and Wesley had half a mind to get his own. This fighter could take off and land vertically, which was very convenient. Although it was much less armed, Wesley did not lack weapons.

Three hours later, the fighter jet flew into New York. After landing at Stark Tower, Tony Stark got someone to unload the box and the fighter jet left directly.

"Hey, Wesley, we haven't seen each other in a long time," Tony Stark said happily.

"Yes, how are you preparing? Don't lose the championship night."

"How can that be? As long as I can use my hero, I won't lose. Of course, you can't drag me down. Have the other three been chosen?"

"This is not my business. Kyle will solve it. It's fine as long as the two of us work together. Now help me get a weapon. 'Jazz Armors' lacks melee weapons. This is what I finally got in SHIELD. For this, I spent more than a month in SHIELD headquarters!"

"Oh, what kind of weapon do you want to make?"