Phil Coulson Dies?

"Okay, clean it up and continue the search, especially where they passed through. Search carefully and see if anything is missing." Wesley turned around and walked away. The remaining people were confused.

The leader thought for a moment, then walked to the front and observed with the reflector. There was no movement at all. "Tactical formation, advance." With him leading the team, a group of people began to enter to check the situation. The result was that they could not understand. All the intruders had been shot in the head.

Only then did they know how powerful Wesley was. They clicked their tongues and continued with the search. Wesley's words worked now because he was powerful. They began to search carefully, and Natasha Romanov dealt with Hawkeye. The results were not easy to say.

Wesley walked directly back to the command center. Nick Fury saw Wesley enter and immediately asked, "How's it going?"

"The situation is under control. Only Hawkeye is left now. Agent Romanov has gone to deal with him. There should still be fighters around. It's not a big problem…" Before Wesley could finish, Elizabeth's warning came again. "Alert, the prisoner has escaped."

"What?" Wesley was completely stunned. How did he escape? "There's a picture?" Wesley doesn't care about Nick Fury. He miscalculated repeatedly. Hawkeye didn't arrive and the other intruders were killed. So who let Loki go?

"What's wrong?" Wesley turned around in surprise when he heard the voice. Bruce Banner and Saul stood behind him.

"Why did you leave the lab?" Wesley asked gloomily.

"Oh, someone said there was an intruder. We came here in case Dr. Banner was attacked," Saul said. Wesley understood, and so did Nick Fury beside him. They looked at each other and said nothing.

Now was not the time to be entangled with Hydra, nor was it the time to fall out with them. Hydra had no intention of being completely exposed. It was just to make things easier for Loki. If it was made public now, SHIELD would really be in trouble.

"Where's Phil?" Wesley thought of Phil and Coulson. He looked around in a hurry and didn't see Phil Coulson. In an instant, he had a bad feeling. Without saying anything, he turned around and rushed out. Nick Fury also felt that something was wrong and followed closely behind.

However, by the time they arrived, Phil Coulson was sitting against the wall, his white shirt stained red on his chest. "Elizabeth, call the medical team!" Wesley shouted and rushed over, shouting in his mind, "Apple, find a way to save him."

"I'm sorry. My heart was pierced. I had no choice." Apple's voice made Wesley desperate. I could have saved him, but I didn't expect a little arrogance and mistake to cost Phil Coulson his life.

"Alert, the prisoners have boarded the fighter and are preparing to escape." The alarm sounded again and Wesley roared angrily, "Shoot them down."

The dense formation fired instantly, and then some anti-aircraft missiles began to aim, but the distance was too close and the missiles could not be fired yet. Loki crouched on the open rear hatch and raised his scepter. A blue barrier protected the fighter, and the dense formation's large-caliber bullets had no effect at all.

Five hundred meters separated them, and the missiles fired. Three missiles rushed out with smoke trailing behind them. Loki fired blue rays from his scepter, and the missiles detonated.

"Sorry, Mr. Gibson, the attack is invalid." Wesley watched helplessly as Phil Coulson was pronounced dead by the medical team and carried away. Nick Fury hesitated for a moment and then followed.

Wesley knew that Nick Fury wanted to resurrect him, but resurrection also required a lot of pain, especially when modifying memories. In the first season of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, Phil Coulson's resurrection scene was too terrifying. The brain was completely exposed, and then the memory was changed by machinery. Just thinking about it made him cold.

He blamed himself. He blamed himself. Wesley felt that he had underestimated others and relied too much on the plot. Although he had reminded Apple, he had not expected himself to do the same.

"You don't need to blame yourself. Your arrival changed a lot of things. We can't take care of all of them. It's like Hydra's early action." Apple comforted Wesley.

Wesley returned listlessly to the command center and sat at the round conference table. Gradually, everyone returned except Natasha Romanov, who had captured Hawkeye and was now taking care of him.

When Nick Fury returned, he was still holding some things in his hand. Wesley glanced at them and then lost interest. Those were the Captain America cards that Phil Coulson had collected. This trick was of no use to him because he was already regretting it. Maybe his subconscious really did treat this place as a game?

"These were found under Coulson's jacket. He will never be able to get your autograph." Nick Fury threw the cards on the table, and there was blood on them. When Steve Rogers picked them up and looked at them, he heard Nick Fury continue, "Thank you, Agent Wesley Gibson, for your efforts. The damage to our attack was minimized, but unfortunately, I lost my most trusted subordinate."

"Yes, we study weapons, but I didn't pin my hopes on those weapons this time. Instead, I started a more risky project. That's my ideal. Mr. Stark knows about the Avengers plan, and Agent Wesley Gibson was the first to be called up."

"I remember Coulson was excited when he completed the conscription mission. He came to tell me that he had succeeded and that the Avenger program had a first member, although Wesley didn't know it at that time."

"This idea is actually to gather the powerful people on the earth and see if they can play a greater role, and if they can work together to fight a strong enemy we are not sure we can defeat when we need them most. Coulson believed in this ideal, the existence of heroes, until he died."

After Nick Fury said all this, the person he couldn't stand the most was Tony Stark. Among these people, he was the only superhero in reality. Captain America had been asleep for seventy years. His deeds were all in comics, and the others didn't become superheroes. They were still unknown, but Iron Man's name had already spread all over the world.

He wanted to stand up and leave. The atmosphere was too oppressive, but Wesley, sitting next to him, pressed his arm. "Don't get too excited, Tony. My mistake is the biggest one here." Wesley looked around and then whispered, "I can't say it directly, but I miscalculated and underestimated a lot of people. Otherwise, things might not have gotten to this point."