Battle of New York (5)

The pursuers behind Tony Stark were being cleared, and the number of pursuers on Wesley's side was steadily decreasing, but the next wave of attacks had already begun. Once again, a large number of enemies poured into the space channel, and this time the number of Ironclad Wandering Dragons was increasing.

"Wesley, come closer to me. I'll use lightning to help you get rid of your pursuers." Saul was already standing at the top of a building with a huge lightning rod.

"No, Saul, use lightning to attack the intersection of the space channel. There are not many pursuers behind me. We can't let them complete the transfer of troops. The nearby people have not been evacuated."

"Okay, I understand." Saul raised Mjölnir high and thunder rumbled in the sky. Now and then there was a flash of lightning, and then more lightning fell, all attracted by Mjölnir. Wesley looked at it with envy.

When the Chitari army surged out, Saul pointed Mjolnir, and thousands of thunderbolts seemed to hear the horn of conquest. In an instant, the electric light flashed straight to the space channel, and the large number of Chitari troops that had just surged out were immediately wrapped in lightning.

The small aircraft could not withstand it at all and directly exploded in the air. The wreckage fell down, and the Iron-Armored Wandering Dragon could not withstand many attacks. It kept exploding and finally died.

"Huff…" Saul gasped as he flew down from the top of the building and formed a line with Captain America and the others. They have blocked another wave of attacks, but they don't know how many Chitari troops there are. There are still small aircraft rushing down the space channel as if there is no end. After all, they are too few.

Wesley finally got rid of the tail behind him and hurriedly flew toward Captain America and the others. "How are you guys doing?"

"It's okay. The number of enemies is still manageable, but we don't know how many enemies there are. We have to close the passage as soon as possible," Steve Rogers said.

Wesley nodded. "Natasha, go to the top floor of Stark Tower and see if Dr. Selvig is awake. Then see if he knows how to turn off the space generator."

"What happened to Dr. Shavig?" Saul asked curiously.

"It's okay, I'm just going to reboot his brain," Wesley said indifferently. The others' mouths twitched. Brain reboot? The meaning was clear. Dr. Shavig was knocked out. "The S.H.I.E.L.D. space carrier hasn't arrived yet?"

"I'm not sure. Ask him," Steve Rogers said.

Wesley nodded, then asked Apple to contact the mothership. "Director, when can the mothership arrive?"

"We have some trouble here. The World Security Council doesn't allow space carriers to go to the battlefield?" Nick Fury's words stunned Wesley, then he hurriedly asked, "What reason?"

"To prevent S.H.I.E.L.D. from being exposed and the secrets of the mothership," Nick Fury said helplessly. Wesley frowned and thought about it. In the current situation, he still had the heart to care about these things?

"Wesley is now on a secret channel, and only the two of us can hear it. If Hydra is not found, then I will not hesitate to disobey orders. But now I must continue to stay in the position of director, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable." While Wesley was thinking, Nick Fury adjusted the channel.

"Well, I understand. Then there should also be Hydra people in the World Security Council. Give me a list of them, and the mothership can't be put into battle. What about the fighter jets?"

"I didn't dare to send out the fighter jets. They were going to launch a nuclear bomb just now. If it weren't for Elizabeth's existence, I'm afraid the fighter jets would have been deployed."

Wesley looked up at the sky. Closing the space channel was only a matter of time. As long as Dr. Selvig was awake, that was about it. He hoped that nothing had changed, but he had to teach these aliens a thorough lesson. The alien mothership had to be destroyed.

"I see. Then the army can't be counted on?" Wesley asked again.

"Yes, they want SHIELD to fall even more."

"Damn it, bastards, they actually did this at this time…" Wesley's anger could be imagined. Having sacrificed Phil Coulson, he blamed himself very much for making a mistake.

"That's the way it is. I'm still trying to figure it out, but the National Guard is in place. Now it's up to you to defeat the aliens. Once you succeed this time, our voice in S.H.I.E.L.D. will be much higher, and it will be much easier to deal with Hydra. The control of the World Security Council will also be relaxed. At least they won't object too much when we have another proposal."

"In addition, you suspect that there are Hydra people in the World Security Council?"

"Not bad. Okay, that's it. I'm going to continue fighting. Let's talk about it later."

Wesley switched channels and then said seriously, "Everyone, the situation is a little bad now. The S.H.I.E.L.D.'s space carrier can't come. The World Security Council stopped them from fighting and even wanted to launch a nuclear bomb." Wesley's words made everyone angry. Except for the Hulk, he couldn't carry a radio.

"What? How can they do that? This is Manhattan." Tony Stark exploded and his tone was filled with intense anger.

Black Widow and Hawkeye didn't say anything. Maybe they were used to this. Saul asked in confusion, "Don't they know that this is war? If we don't defeat the Chitari, when all their armies pass through the space channel, then the earth will be finished. How long can we guard it?"

"Okay, everyone, stop talking. Natasha, are you in place? Is Dr. Selvig awake?"

"Uh… he just woke up. I'll ask him later."

Boom! The Chitari troops passed through the space channel again. Wesley could not estimate how many of them there were. When he watched the movie, he only gave a Chitari mothership a long shot from afar. In proportion, that mothership might be thousands of times the size of the Ironclad Roving Dragon. Who knew?

"Fight…" Steve Rogers roared. Wesley and Tony Stark flew up and the battle started again. Three Ironclad Wandering Dragons rushed out of the space channel and rushed straight to their position.

Loki, who had been knocked out by Wesley before the battle, was now awake. However, his physical injuries made it difficult for him to move. Wesley did not show mercy. If he could, he really wanted to kill this guy.