Returning Home

The Jazz Arms had an extra pair of energy guns. Wesley had designed them according to the dual guns of Holy Lance Ranger Lucien. The muzzles were the largest and were thickened with heat-resistant metal. At the same time, a secondary muzzle was designed.

What was a secondary muzzle? Normal firearms only had one barrel, one round at a time, but Wesley had added an extra one under the main barrel. The entire energy gun looked a little huge. Fortunately, it was for armor.

An extra barrel was not used for normal shooting. In Wesley's words, it was used for finishing off the enemy. The safety on the gun had a control. After it was turned on, it could fire two shots at once, but the energy bomb fired from below was slightly less powerful. Tony Stark and the others did not know why Wesley had designed it this way. Wesley was just having a chuunibyou attack. Perhaps there would be some surprises in the future.

Another function was to shoot continuously. Holy Lance Ranger Lucian's big move, Holy Lance Baptism. Wesley added such an ability mainly because he was scared by the sea of people in the Battle of New York. If he had such a pair of guns at that time, how much easier would it have been?

"Do you still have that half-moon energy shock you released at the end?" Tony Stark asked. He also took a fancy to this move and wanted to try it on himself.

"Keep it. It will be placed with the sniper rifle." Wesley's sniper rifle was almost complete. He had made this himself, but he had enlarged the original and increased the power of the energy bomb and the caliber of the electromagnetic gun. However, he looked very domineering when he put on the armor and picked up the sniper rifle.

Dr. Selvig asked in confusion, "How are you going to get these things?" The other two then remembered the question.

Wesley smiled mysteriously and reached out with his hand. The two guns and the sniper rifle disappeared. The three of them looked at Wesley in confusion. Wesley smiled. "The space gem has an ability to hold something." In fact, the space gem doesn't have this ability at all. Wesley is just making an excuse for the internal space.

"It's amazing. Unfortunately, we can't analyze the space gem," Tony Stark said regretfully.

"Don't be discouraged. The earth has only been developed for a short time. How can it be possible to understand this kind of thing? Didn't Saul say it? Even their Divine Realm doesn't understand it. At most, they can use it. It's already good that we have one now."

Now that the equipment was ready, Wesley put it away. Now that he had the space gem, Apple's abilities could be maximized, and it was getting ready to upgrade, but it would take a little longer to prepare. This upgrade would change a lot.

Now that the job was done, he stayed for a week. It was time to say goodbye. As for the problem of the comprehensive laboratory, he would leave it to Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. He had wanted to invite Dr. Selvig, who was a talent, but he wanted to go back and continue his research with Jane Foster.

Wesley put on his Iron Man Armor and left directly at night. He landed on his rooftop and knocked. Mindy ran to open the door.

"Brother, you're finally back. Mindy misses you and Annabelle." Mindy jumped up and Wesley hurriedly caught her. Annabelle ran to Wesley's feet and rubbed against his leg affectionately.

"Well, I miss you too, but Annabelle seems to have put on weight again. Did you feed her too much?" Wesley looked at the chubby Annabelle and said speechlessly.

Wesley hadn't eaten yet, so he ran to the kitchen and made some food. The Americans ate simply enough anyway.

"How long can you stay this time?" Carlos and Hannah came to the kitchen to see him.

"I can stay for a while. Consider it a vacation. Also, I need to hear the company's situation report. I don't have to run over myself. Just let them come over." Wesley was waiting for the company to be listed. He would be really rich then.

Wesley had a good rest that night. At Tony Stark's place, he could only sleep on the sofa. That guy actually did not prepare a guest room. Wesley did not have the strength to complain about this.

After a good night's sleep, he got up early the next day to train with Mindy. At the same time, Wesley grabbed Annabelle and put her on the treadmill for her to run on. Annabelle was very obedient and ran on the treadmill obediently. When she was tired, she would cry out, but Wesley wanted her to lose weight. Why do you eat so much for a cat?

After breakfast, Wesley took Mindy to school. It was starting to get cold. It was October, and Mindy was well dressed, at Hannah's request. Mindy was obedient, and she didn't pursue the beautiful frozen people.

"Mindy, how is school now?" Wesley asked in the car.

Mindy said excitedly, "It's great. I have so many friends, and it's good to learn how to arrange flowers. I can practice in the flower shop. Carlos and Hannah say it's good."

"Well, it's good that you found the fun inside. Do you have enough pocket money? Did my assistant give you pocket money on time?" Wesley was often absent, so he directly handed this matter to Evelyn Salter.

Evelyn Salter was in a tragic situation. She couldn't see her boss at all. She was completely serving his sister. She had bought a good Chevrolet sports car with the money Wesley had given her. Now and then, she had to run to serve Mindy.

As a capitalist, Wesley couldn't leave her idle now that he had paid for her services, especially since she was a CIA agent. He wanted her to do everything, especially Mindy.

"Evelyn is very nice and sends me pocket money on time every week, but I can't spend so much!" Mindy was distressed.

"Then save it. When you need it in the future, you can use your savings, right?" Mindy never spent money recklessly, and there was a lot of cash in the house left by her father, but Mindy was very sensible. Her general pocket money was to buy cat food and pet care for Annabelle.

"Good idea. Should I use the savings jar or keep it in the bank?"

"It depends on how you like it. You can choose for yourself." As they spoke, the car had arrived at the school. Wesley watched Mindy walk in with her friend before leaving.

Home was a good place. Wesley returned home and slouched on the sofa, watching TV. He picked up the phone and called Evelyn Salter. "Hello, Evelyn? It's me, Wesley. Organize the company's situation report and report to me tomorrow morning. Also, call Kyle and Phillip and ask them to come and report too."

The line went dead. That was what bosses were supposed to do. After stretching, Wesley went back to his room to have some fun. Now he had introduced several heroes, but Wesley was going to use the Battle of New York to design all the Avengers.