The Future Vibrating Woman

The plane took off. Wesley called the plane a flying base. Sitting in the living room, he poured himself a drink and then told some stories about the Avengers. Fitz and Simmons listened with interest.

The plane was moving fast. As they chatted, the plane had crossed the United States and landed at a military airport in California.

"Wesley, come with me to bring someone back." Phil Coulson got up and said.

The two of them drove away and entered the city, heading towards the target they had long discovered, although this target was deliberately discovered.

S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters did not use Elizabeth. Only the mothership was in use. Wesley could understand this as a security need. S.H.I.E.L.D. would not use the smart system he had developed everywhere unless one of their own people developed it.

There was a van parked in an alley. They walked towards it. Outside, they could hear a woman talking in an impassioned language.

Phil Coulson pulled open the door to the middle of the van. The woman inside was surprised for a moment, then laughed awkwardly because she had just said, "You'll never find us."

A black balaclava. Wesley put it directly over her head, then propped it up and pulled it into their car. It was a simple and crude way for agents to capture people. Wesley did not like it, but it was indeed simple and effective.

No matter what she said along the way, Wesley and Phil Coulson didn't say a word as they drove back to the airport. The walls of the interrogation room on the plane were specially made. Wesley knew about S.H.I.E.L.D.'s technology, which was generally targeted at superhumans like them, and there was no problem holding ordinary people.

After bringing the prisoner into the interrogation room, Wesley removed the hood from her head and then sat her in a chair.

"You guys made a mistake," she said as soon as she sat down.

Wesley just smiled. The future Vibration Woman was now a bold hacker who actually wanted to break into SHIELD to steal information. She was really bold.

Wesley did not invade her memory. He was still interested in Vibration Woman, but he had no intention of using his powers until Phil Coulson made a request.

"What's your name?" Wesley asked.

"Skye," the woman hesitated and then said.

"Not a bad name. So why did you join Tides?" Wesley began to lead the interrogation. He didn't ask for information directly, but it was as if he was chatting.

"If you want to know the truth, your S.H.I.E.L.D. is hiding a lot of secrets. The New Mexico incident, the New York Harlem incident, and of course, you will also hide the Centipede Plan."

Wesley smiled, then asked, "Does any of this have anything to do with you?"

"Why doesn't it matter? Aliens and monsters appeared on Earth. Don't we have the right to know?"

"And?" Wesley continued.

"Then… then we can…" Sky was speechless. She really hadn't thought about what would happen next. Who would?

Wesley shook his head and said, "You're a selfish bunch. You all have good computer skills. Why don't you get a formal job? It doesn't matter if you don't have a degree. The point is that you have the skills. A high-paying job isn't difficult, but you just have to do nothing and look for the 'truth.'"

"We have a right to know."

"Hehe, your 'right to know' has spread countless dangerous information. Do people really want to know this? Of course, I don't deny that some people want to know, but there are also people who don't want to know, right? Ordinary people think about how to live every day instead of the world being destroyed or the interstellar war. What is everyone thinking about the recent Battle of New York? Some people like the Avengers, and some don't, but so what? They are there. They exist. Can they be erased?"

Sky frowned in thought as Wesley spoke again. "You want to know the truth, so have you thought about whether they need privacy? So what if you dig them up? Mr. Tony Stark is there. He's Iron Man. What do you want to do?"

"What about the big green thing?" Sky asked curiously.

"I won't tell you unless he agrees himself, but I can tell you that I'm part of it."

Skye looked at Wesley more closely and then said in surprise, "You are Wesley Gibson, the developer of TT?"

"That's right. I personally like the life of an agent, so I joined S.H.I.E.L.D. My code name is 'Sir'. You should have seen it at the Battle of New York."

"Indeed I have. You are the black Iron Man."

"It's not Black Iron Man. Like I said, I'm Knight. Iron Man only has Tony." Wesley looked at Sky and said again, "Now I'm here. What do you want to say and do? You dig up my privacy, so can I sue you?"

Sky was stunned. Hackers like them had always been very proud of themselves. They used their skills to dig out other people's secrets. There were pros and cons to this kind of thing, but it was ultimately not in line with the law.

"You have the right to know and I have the right to privacy. So how should we deal with such a contradictory problem?" Wesley pressed again.

"I don't know."

"Do things without thinking about the consequences. Am I right to say that? And hacking into SHIELD and stealing information. You have broken at least a dozen laws now. Am I right?"

"So what do you want?" Sky was speechless, but Wesley didn't think she was really convinced.

"There was an explosion not long ago, and you were at the scene and filmed it. Do you know who that person is? And what does the centipede plan mean?"

"Hehe, there's nothing you can do with my notebook, right?" Sky laughed proudly.

Wesley looked at her solemnly and then asked, "Are you showing off your skills?"

Sky was shocked. Wesley, who had been smiling, suddenly looked at her seriously, which caught her off guard. Wesley ignored her thoughts and stood up to leave. Phil Coulson stood aside and said, "Since you know his name is Wesley Gibson, you should know that he is not unfamiliar with computers."

A moment later Wesley came in, Sky's notebook in his hand. The notebook had been activated. Wesley put it on the table and pointed the monitor at Sky. On it was the official video of Sky. The notebook had been opened.

"Using GPS encryption. Not a bad idea, but it can't stop me. Can you say it now?"