Jungle Gunfight (2)

Wesley killed at least fifteen people as he approached Phil Coulson. "Phil, I'm going to attack the jungle. Go to the temple door and form a line of defense."

Phil Coulson was about to agree, but Camilla, who was beside him, objected. "We should retreat. We don't know how many people are in the jungle. It's too dangerous for you to attack alone."

"It doesn't matter. I can handle it," Wesley said indifferently.

"Maybe you can take care of it, but my people will suffer heavy casualties." Seeing her insistence, Phil Coulson hesitated and nodded in agreement.

Wesley frowned. He didn't want them to board the plane. At the very least, it would keep them friendly. What would Phil Coulson think if they made a move on the plane?

"Wesley, go get the car and pick them up. We'll approach that side first." Now that Phil Coulson had made a decision, Wesley didn't say anything more. He got up and ran to the car.

Instead of taking the main road, he moved through the jungle to avoid becoming a target, but there were still a lot of rebels in the jungle. They wanted to rush the temple, but when they saw Wesley running through the jungle, they turned their guns.

Wesley's eyes scanned the jungle, and the apple in his mind kept pointing out the enemy's position, "Nine o'clock…two o'clock…" Any place Wesley's eyes scanned was carefully observed by Apple, and Wesley didn't have to look at it at all. He directly accepted Apple's command, then raised his hand and fired. Although the accuracy of the shot was reduced, it could at least ensure that the enemy would lose the ability to fight or shoot.

Such cooperation was becoming more and more like gunfighting. However, he did not rely on precise calculations, but on precise records. Apple saw the situation in his eyes through his retina, and all Wesley needed to do was keep looking around with both eyes and then follow instructions to shoot.

The drawback was that he lost a certain degree of accuracy, but he could still use it while moving without standing on the spot.

The car was not far away. He quickly arrived at his position and opened the door to start the car. Bullets hit the car with a ping-pong sound. The bulletproof ability made Wesley very safe. He drove the car to the entrance of the temple at a high speed and directly blocked the enemy's shooting route.

Melinda May was opening fire. When she saw the car arrive, she was in no hurry to get in. Instead, she shouted at Wesley, "What if you can't get the stuff out?"

Wesley slapped his head. Only then did he remember that the timid Fitz did not dare to take the thing down directly. He took a step to the passenger seat and got out on the other side. Then he rolled forward and got out and approached the temple door.

Rushing into the temple, Wesley quickly entered. Fitz, Simmons, and Sky had already packed their things, but Item 0-8-4 was still embedded in the wall. The three of them discussed it anxiously.

Wesley ignored them and stepped forward. He grabbed Item 0-8-4 with both hands and pulled it out of the wall and into the black bag on the ground.

"Oh, you actually…" Fitz held his head and was about to start chattering when Wesley interrupted him. "Keep up."

She stuffed the bag into his hands and walked out with both guns drawn. Melinda May was relying on the car to fight back. Wesley shouted, "You drive." Then the two guns were fired, and the surrounding rebel firepower suddenly weakened.

"Get in the car, quickly." Wesley turned back and shouted to the remaining three people.

The three of them stumbled into the backseat of the car. Wesley fired several more shots and then got into the passenger seat. The car started immediately. Wesley looked around and was relieved to see Phil Coulson get into the Peruvian military police car.

As they sped along, Wesley's car led the way, followed by a pickup truck belonging to the Peruvian military police. "Melinda, set it to autopilot mode when you get on the plane."

Melinda May gave Wesley a strange look and then said nothing. Soon the car drove directly into the plane. Wesley got out with a sniper rifle in his hand. Then he stood on the back door and loaded the gun and began to aim.

Phil Coulson and the others followed closely behind. The car stopped and everyone began to get out of the car. Then, two people relied on the back of the car to shoot. There were a number of cars behind them, and there were a lot of rebels. This was not like in American dramas, but this was normal.

Wesley pulled the trigger and a rebel ready to use the machine gun fell with a bang. He pulled the bolt and another bullet was pushed into the chamber. With every bang, someone must fall to the ground. The rebels were a little afraid. Some of them began to retreat.

Everyone boarded the plane. The rear door closed and the plane began to taxi and finally take off.

Phil Coulson opened an ammunition box on the side. The Peruvian military police placed the weapons in it one by one and then closed it. This kind of box had a password lock and was difficult to open. Wesley did not talk to them. These things were not his business. He helped Fitz and the others pick up the equipment box and enter the laboratory.

Fitz followed angrily. He was very angry at Wesley's rough treatment of Item 0-8-4. "I thought you should understand that you should know what is here and how dangerous it is for you to do this." He was very bold this time and roared at Wesley angrily.

Simons and Skye stared at the two men. The door to the lab was closed, and from the outside they could only see Fitz craning his neck and shouting something at Wesley. Wesley did not contradict him, but looked outside. All the Peruvian military police had gone upstairs, and Phil Coulson opened the door and came in.

"Did something happen?" He looked around solemnly.

Fitz went mute again. Wesley looked at Phil Coulson and said, "You have no problem with the woman, right?"

Phil Colson nodded. "No problem. I'll leave the rest to you and May. I'll go up and watch them. You take care of it here." Then he turned and left, and Melinda May walked in.

"The plane is on autopilot and will soon fly to the scheduled flight path and enter the S.H.I.E.L.D. surveillance range. What are you going to do now?"

"If you don't want to participate, you can watch the three of them here. I'm fine alone." Wesley looked at Melinda May and said.

Sky couldn't accept the strange atmosphere and shouted, "What the hell are you talking about?"