Phil Coulson Missing

Vacations were always pleasant, but Phil Coulson did not lock himself in his office this time. Instead, he drove his beloved car, Laura, away. No one knew where he was going.

Wesley felt that he should hurry up. He took the flash drive Melinda had given him and began to look at it. This was a project that Phil Coulson had been responsible for in the past. The purpose of the project was to revive members of the Avengers.

Several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who were seriously ill had once joined this project. Although their illnesses were all cured, they later showed symptoms of mental instability and kept carving a pattern.

The image remained in their minds, and at every moment they searched for the answer. Wesley knew that this was an alien city built on Earth. As long as they saw a model of the city, these people would not go crazy, because they would find the answer they wanted.

It sounded very simple, but the American series was full of ups and downs and extremely brain-burning answers that were best not known at all. Wesley looked at the information. One of the men had made his own model of the city and had not been sick since. Wesley was looking for him.

One of the agents was very crazy. Not only did he hunt other people, but he also had crazy ideas. Now that this has not happened, it is necessary to stop him.

After reading the information, Wesley needed to go out and visit these people one by one. It would be best if they all saw the model of the city. After all, the modified memory was not strong. As long as they saw the model, they would know what they were dreaming about and would not go crazy.

Wesley had been out all day and had transferred the three people closest to the base. Three more were too far away and needed more time. He was going to come back and talk to Melinda and then get ready to go again.

"Phil didn't come back. He's been out all day, and I can't reach him," Melinda May said as soon as Wesley returned.

Wesley paused, then asked, "What do you mean? You think Phil is missing?"

"Yes." Melinda May nodded. As the leader of a team, Phil Coulson should not lose contact all day. This situation is absolutely abnormal, so it is normal for Melinda May to judge that he is missing.

"I see. Get Fitz to locate him immediately and see if the positioning device is still effective," Wesley said immediately.

"Fitz is already working, but there is no movement at all. His phone is turned off or destroyed. In addition, his car is in a parking lot and has not been moved. We entered the surveillance system of the parking lot, but today's records have been erased. Whether it can be restored is unknown now."

Wesley was silent for a moment. It seemed that Phil Coulson was indeed missing, and it was likely that he had been kidnapped by someone else. It would be easy to guess that this person was John Garrett. Only he had the motive to kidnap Phil Coulson. He wanted to know the secret of Phil Coulson's resurrection.

"Understood. Ask Fitz to take the equipment and Sky and I will go to the parking lot. You will continue to look for clues at the base and Simmons." Wesley immediately began to pack the equipment. Although he knew who had the motive, it was not easy to find the person.

This time, Phil Coulson's disappearance was different from the American drama. Wesley was a little nervous. Although he had known for a long time that he had changed things a lot and could no longer rely on the plot of the American drama, Wesley still could not help but want to follow the plot.

The three of them set off with their equipment. Wesley was in charge of driving, and Sky was sitting in the front passenger seat. She asked anxiously, "Is Phil really missing? He's a level eight SHIELD agent, and he's driving his 'Laura'. Who can take him?"

"One of us can," Wesley said.

"What do you mean?" Sky asked blankly.

"I didn't want to tell you so early, but now that something like this has happened, I have to say it first so that you can be mentally prepared." Wesley hesitated and finally decided to tell them. "Fitz, open the communication channel on the plane. I have something to tell all of you."

"Oh." Fitz looked at the serious Wesley and immediately opened the communication on the plane.

Melinda May asked, "Did you find anything?"

"We haven't arrived yet, but there are some things that we need to tell you and the entire team. You and Simmons should also listen. This matter is top secret. Although your authority is not enough, the situation is unusual. After listening to it, you need to keep it absolutely confidential." Wesley said it seriously, and the others listened carefully.

Even Melinda May didn't know that Hydra had taken root inside SHIELD. Now they were all stunned when they suddenly heard such a situation.

Melinda May was the first to react. Then she asked, "In that case, only the New York Division is credible now. The headquarters has the largest number of people. What about the other divisions? Won't the other divisions suffer heavy losses if they attack?"

"Yes, but that was before. Now we have a solution, but it will take some time. I am telling you this to show that you are all trustworthy now. No matter what, you have to keep this secret. The decisive battle between SHIELD and Hydra is once again won. If it succeeds, we may directly uproot Hydra, including their personnel at all levels of the United States."

"Can I be trusted, too?" Sky asked.

"Yes, give me your hand," Wesley said. Sky reached out both hands in confusion. Wesley said to her arm with the metal ring, "Remove the restriction." The metal ring opened instantly. Wesley looked at her and said, "Take it off. When Phil comes back, he will test you and see what level you can become. You can only become a first-level agent, but your recent training has been good and you can be tested. If your results are good, you can become a third-level agent."

Simons suddenly asked: "How do you tell who is Hydra?"

Wesley didn't hesitate and said, "Because I can read minds, but it takes a certain amount of physical contact to detect the other party's thoughts. At the same time, it consumes a lot of physical strength. I completed this mission at headquarters when I was designing the intelligent program for the space carrier, Elizabeth, and identified the personnel at headquarters."

"Oh, my God, you really can read minds?" Sky asked in surprise, as did the others.

"Yes, but I can say in advance that I have never used it on you," Wesley said with a smile. This is indeed very scary, especially for Americans. They take their privacy very seriously.

"Are you sure?" Sky asked again.

"I'm sure. If I used it on you, then I don't think it's the inspection period now, right?" Wesley gave Sky a smile, and Sky was stunned and then understood what Wesley meant.

"Humph, you passed."