
Wesley and the others began to prepare their equipment, one combat suit for each of them. Even Fitz and Simons had prepared combat suits. This time they would also need to fight, because Wesley was ready to fly the plane back to headquarters.

Someone needed to attack the underground factory in the headquarters, but if it was very difficult to attack from the outside, they could fly the plane back to the headquarters under the banner of returning to the headquarters. The internal tarmac was the closest to the factory, so it could ensure the fastest entry.

Although there were only a few of them, their combat power was not low, because Wesley could put on his armor and charge forward. There was no situation of being trapped in the plane.

Sky, Fitz and Simmons were nervous. This was the first time they had participated in such a large-scale battle. Although their usual training had been effective, their experience in actual combat was still lacking. Now they needed to familiarize themselves with the tactical formation on the plane with the help of Phil Coulson and Melinda May.

Wesley, on the other hand, was preparing to meet with Nick Fury and the others to discuss the specific attack plan. The New York Division's combat forces would take three hours to arrive at headquarters, and at this time, Wesley and the others would need to enter the headquarters early. As for whether there would be a battle, it was unknown.

"Beep." Wesley received a text message on his phone. He took it out and saw that it was an address from Maria Hill. Putting away his phone, Wesley found Phil Coulson.

"I'm going to go and see the director. You guys continue training so that the rookie doesn't have to be too nervous. I'll lead the charge. They're safe," Wesley said.

"Understood. Help me send a greeting to the Director." Phil Coulson nodded and said, "How are you going to go? In the current situation, Hydra may be watching us?"

"Don't worry." With a smile, Wesley summoned the space gem in the back chamber of the first floor. The gem floated in front of him. Sky and the others watched in surprise. The gem could actually float. How magical!

Wesley opened the spatial door and stepped in. Then the spatial door disappeared.

"What is this?" Fitz asked.

Phil Coulson looked at them and said, "This is a space gem in the Tesseract. This gem is also known as the Infinity Stone in the universe. The Tesseract is the self-protection form of the space gem, but if they meet their acknowledged master, they will return to their original form."

"You mean these gems have their own consciousness?" Simons was surprised.

"I'm not sure. Even Wesley isn't sure. The Infinity Stone has existed for too long. He hasn't mastered the exact way to use it, but now it seems that he finally mastered some of its uses."

Wesley appeared for a moment fifty kilometers from the base, then opened the portal again. His goal was a dam on the outskirts of Washington and he needed to cross the United States.

It took Wesley only twenty minutes or so to reach the dam. Instead of summoning his armor, he walked to the dam and found an iron door in the middle of the dam. It was not closed and chained, but it was not locked. He pulled the door open to reveal a long corridor. Although the light was dim, Wesley's eyes could see far and he stepped inside.

Nick Fury lay weakly in a hospital bed surrounded by thick clear plastic. A lot of medical equipment was working and a doctor in a suit was busy.

Wesley walked over. His footsteps alerted the doctor. He picked up the pistol at his side and suddenly turned around, but Wesley didn't care. Then he stood still, holding up his hands. When the doctor saw him, he breathed a sigh of relief and lowered the pistol.

"Mr. Director looks terrible!" Wesley smiled and walked in.

"You're here? Not bad. I feel terrible now. This is the worst injury I've ever had," Nick Fury said.

"How did they suddenly attack you?" Wesley asked.

"They were probably stimulated by my actions. I hired pirates to attack a SHIELD ship and then sent Captain America and Black Widow to rescue the hostages. I copied a random piece of information."

Wesley knew. Wasn't this the opening scene in Captain America 2?

Nick Fury continued, "In addition, I've applied to terminate Project Insight."

"Why? Aren't the three new space carriers not equipped with a lot of weapons? Even if they complete it, it doesn't matter, right?" Wesley asked.

"There are no weapons installed, but the fighter is equipped with the latest F-35 and F-22. There are very few Quinjet configurations," Nick Fury said.

"Then what's the problem? These fighter jets are vulnerable in front of the Iron Man Armor."

"What if they're configured with tactical nukes?" Nick Fury asked Wesley.

Wesley was surprised. That would be a little troublesome. Although he was not afraid, once the tactical nuclear bomb exploded, the civilians would suffer heavy casualties. "Where did they get the tactical nuclear bomb? Although SHIELD has it, there can't be too many, right? You mean the fighter jets are all equipped?"

"That's right. Hydra didn't just infiltrate SHIELD. Other American government departments were also infiltrated. The intelligence I received showed that they transported a large number of tactical nuclear bombs into the underground factory of the headquarters."

"That's why they agreed not to install weapons. Are these people crazy?" Wesley was a little angry. This is a crazy act that doesn't care about the consequences. It may start a nuclear war. Now Hydra is no less powerful than Red Skull in World War II.

"Maybe. That's why we have to stop them. Agent Hill went to pick up Captain America and Black Widow. They will be here soon. Take a break and wait for them to come."

Wesley walked out of the medical area and sat down next to him. There were a lot of things prepared here. It seemed that Nick Fury had a lot of secret small bases! He took out a cigarette and smoked it. What he was worried about now was that Captain America wanted to disband SHIELD, but Wesley would not agree. It did not matter even if he did not participate in the battle, because his trump cards were God's Domain and Phil's team, which were already the New York Division's combat equipment. It did not matter to him if Captain America was gone.

Not long after, there were footsteps again. The doctor went out and saw Maria Hill coming in with her men. Black Widow seemed to be injured, but she didn't care about her injuries. Instead, she went outside the medical area and looked at Nick Fury.