Aftermath (1)

Alexander Pierce actually threatened Wesley in turn, but Wesley smiled. He would have done his best to protect SHIELD anyway. SHIELD would not disband just like that.

"Hehe, your wish will not be fulfilled, and SHIELD will not be disbanded. Our allies will not agree. Do you want to know the attitude of the Realm of the Gods? Do you want to see the power of the Realm of the Gods' army? Do you think those politicians dare to ignore the opinions of the Realm of the Gods? Moreover, none of you Hydra will be able to escape. Even the one on the World Security Council will not be able to escape." Although Wesley was smiling, Alexander Pierce felt his scalp go numb and his body go cold. He stopped talking.

Wesley ignored him and led him out of the minister's office, where Steve Rogers was still tending to the unconscious Winter Soldier. Wesley ignored him.

Maria Hill took over the command of S.H.I.E.L.D., but she didn't know what to do now because there were still many branches under the watch of the Divine Realm Army, which needed to distinguish between friend and foe as soon as possible.

"Agent Wesley Gibson, please come to the director's office immediately." The radio sounded and Wesley handed Alexander Pierce to Phil Coulson and went to the director's office.

"You're going to take office now?" Wesley asked when he came in.

"Of course not. Nick Fury will not appear now. I can only command. Although the situation in the division is stable, we need to distinguish them as soon as possible. What should we do?" Maria Hill looked at Wesley and asked.

Although the two of them were very close in the past, they had separated now and everything was business.

"It turns out that when I was at headquarters, I compiled a piece of information. It is all information about the Hydra members of headquarters, including what they know. According to that information, we should be able to find a portion of the Hydra members. We can look at them first and then interrogate them," Wesley said.

"Got it, shouldn't you help with the interrogation?" Maria Hill asked.

"There are too many of them. I can't interrogate them all. You just have to publicize my ability. Confess and I'll deal with them. Then find a few stubborn ones for me to deal with. It won't be a problem to intimidate them."

"That makes sense. I understand. Go ahead."

Wesley returned to his team's plane. Skye was sitting on the couch in the living room. Wesley had calculated that she would not be able to help much and must be here.

"What do you think? Do you have any ideas about this battle?" Wesley sat beside her and reached out to take Sky into his arms.

Sky pressed his head against Wesley's chest and then said, "It's scary. So many people died. Why are they so crazy? What's so good about Hydra?"

"Desire. Human desire can burn the soul." Wesley felt that he said it very well and laughed unconsciously.

"Do you have desires?" Sky asked.

"Yes, I want to have dinner with you now." Wesley whispered in Sky's ear. Sky raised his head and kissed Wesley, but an alarm sounded and Wesley's name was shouted on the radio.

"Huh? It should be fine. Why is there an alarm?" Wesley stood up strangely and then said, "Don't go out on the plane. Be safe."

Wesley stepped off the plane and went to the lobby on the first floor of the headquarters building as requested by the radio. Steve Rogers was there, as well as Maria Hill, Victoria Hand, Phil Coulson, and others, all senior agents of SHIELD.

"The U.S. military has sent troops and they are now outside at the traffic bridge. They want to enter SHIELD," Maria Hill said.

"And the reason?" Steve Rogers asked.

"Washington is the capital. There is a battle here. They said they want to ensure the safety of the capital while investigating the situation of SHIELD," Maria Hill said.

"Hehe, are you here to snatch something?" Wesley said disdainfully.

"Whatever their purpose? What should we do? Report to the World Security Council?" Maria Schell asked.

Wesley thought for a moment and said, "Well, it's time to report the situation to the World Security Council. Tell them everything and highlight Hydra's strength. At the same time, report my ability. SHIELD will be purged very thoroughly this time. Also, report the thoughts of our allies. The military alliance between SHIELD and God's Domain is about to begin. This matter is the main point."

"Understood. What about the army outside?"

"Captain Rogers and I will handle it. How about that?" Wesley looked at Captain America.

"Okay, the two of us will deal with it. I don't think they will dare to attack." Steve Rogers is even more disappointed with the current army, mainly because Wesley has been saying that they are here to rob something, and the technology of aliens is terrible. Steve Rogers knows very well what will happen if he falls into the hands of the army. He is extremely disgusted with war.

The two of them found a car and drove directly to the traffic bridge. Then, they parked the car and walked out of the door. Three tanks were parked side by side outside, their muzzles aimed at the checkpoint on the SHIELD traffic bridge. More than a dozen SHIELD armed agents were confronting them.

Wesley stepped to the front and then shouted, "Let your commander do the talking."

The American soldiers hurried to call their commander. They didn't know much about SHIELD, but this was the headquarters of SHIELD in Washington. These soldiers didn't want to fight because there were many fighter jets parked outside SHIELD. The Quinjets were parked outdoors. If they took off, their troops would be bombarded.

A colonel walked out. Wesley actually knew him. The colonel in the American drama was very famous. He walked up and said, "I am Colonel Glenn Tolbert of the United States Air Force, in charge of this military operation. Now I ask you to remove the checkpoint immediately and accept the supervision of the United States military."

"Sorry, S.H.I.E.L.D. is not under the jurisdiction of the United States government. Even though S.H.I.E.L.D.'s predecessor was under the jurisdiction of the United States, we are now under the supervision of the World Security Council and belong to a semi-independent intelligence agency. Now you can go back," Wesley said directly.

"You have a fight here, in the capital of the United States, so the American military has the right to take over," Colonel Glenn Tolbert said.

"This is not something that can be done just because you say so. We don't agree with this. Leave now, or we will see you as a threat to S.H.I.E.L.D. and take countermeasures." Wesley was not polite at all. The colonel's performance in the American drama could be said to be very stubborn.

"Can I understand that you are declaring war on the United States?" Glenn Tolbert stared and said. The atmosphere on both sides was very tense, and the battle seemed to be on the verge of breaking out.