Weapon Modification

The weapon improvement work in the Divine Realm was very easy. They had a mature theory, but it had never been taken seriously. They had always maintained their own habits, and Wesley saw it very clearly.

In the Divine Realm, which has a history of thousands of years, it is very difficult to change. It is very similar to some of the history of China. If the national gate had not been broken, they might not have had the idea of changing. After the Divine Realm was attacked by the dark elves, Wesley stated the pros and cons, which led to the change of God King Odin. With the cooperation of the 'scientists' of the Divine Realm, the weapons and equipment were easily transformed.

The newly made weapons were then placed in the square at the main entrance of the main city. God King Odin came to watch in person, and Wesley took on the role of commentator again.

"Your Majesty, these are defensive weapons modified from the weapons of the Realm of the Gods. Of course, they can also be used to attack. This still needs to be improved. Now, let me explain it to you." Wesley stood beside God King Odin.

Odin looked at the pile of weapons and nodded. "Then I'll have to trouble you."

Wesley first pointed at a weapon that looked like a six-barreled Vulcan machine gun and said, "This is an improvement based on the weapons on the Divine Realm spaceship. It is very similar to the machine guns on Earth, but the ammunition is different. The Divine Realm uses energy weapons and fires energy bombs. Although the rate of fire is very fast, because of the flying ability of the spaceship, the firepower is limited. Now, we have modified it into a single unit and can use it as an air defense weapon. There is no problem in using it alone."

With a wave of his hand, someone began to demonstrate the design of the sky. A single seat with a mechanism under the feet rotated left and right, then fired into the air, and strings of energy ejected into the sky.

"Such an attack doesn't seem to be able to stop the fleet's attack," Odin said.

"It is true that a single one cannot complete the task of blocking, but now we have only improved on one. This weapon needs to be used intensively and form a fire net in the air. At the same time, because the single unit is not very large and is very concealed, it is easy to cause major damage to the enemy's first wave of attack. We have also made a defensive camouflage animation, please watch it, Your Majesty." Wesley waved and someone took a laptop. Wesley opened a video and Odin watched it carefully.

This was a demo animation that used the Dark Elves' fleet to attack. Then, the six-barreled energy machine guns formed an air defense fire net. No matter how agile the fighter jet was, it would only be crushed when it hit a large net.

"Well, it's really good. It's a big net with dense shooting." Odin nodded with satisfaction.

The defense of the Divine Realm was too thin, especially when the continent was changing. There was no first line of defense, and there seemed to be only one line of defense in the entire Divine Realm. Some fixed turrets were very useless. They had never thought about this problem. For countless years, they had been fighting on other planets, and the Divine Realm had always been peaceful, which made them relax.

Wesley's arrival had changed a lot, especially since Loki was still locked in the dungeon. He hadn't come out yet. Would the plot of Thor 3 still happen? Wesley wasn't sure. Anyway, he hadn't seen Thor 3. He would think about it when the time came.

"We are in charge of this kind of air defense system. On Earth, we use radar to coordinate with it. However, there doesn't seem to be a radar system in the Divine Realm. This research will take some time, and we can only use manpower for the time being." The Divine Realm really doesn't have radar. Generally, they use Heimdall to observe the enemy. Once Heimdall can't be seen, the Divine Realm has no means of counterattack.

"Not bad," Odin praised again.

Wesley continued his introduction. This time, the experts at S.H.I.E.L.D. learned a lot about improving their weapons. It was very helpful for the upgrade of S.H.I.E.L.D. equipment.

"Next is the artillery. The original artillery is very problematic. At the same time, the placement of the artillery is also problematic. A linear defense mode is not desirable. Once it is very easy to break through, the firing mode is very slow. We have improved on this."

The turrets of the Divine Realm were very weak in the battle with the Dark Elves, and they were basically not very useful, so this improvement was also a key point. The original turrets were a little like dual-installation anti-aircraft guns. This model has been used on Earth for a long time and has been replaced by a large number of missiles. Now the Divine Realm uses energy cannons, but without the support of radar, in this case, they can only increase the number.

"This is a quadruple energy gun battery that we have improved. This kind of saying is from the earth. There is not enough fire density and arrangement space in the dual-installation, so we have improved the quadruple-installation, upper two and lower twenty percent square arrangement." The advantage of the energy gun is a lot, especially the ballistics problem. It is very flat and does not have curves like gunpowder shells. When attacking, it is basically direct.

"At the same time, we have also made adjustments to the positions of the artillery." Wesley took out his notebook again and then opened a map. "The red dot on it is the position of the deployment. Basically, three artillery batteries as a group, carrying out a triangular deployment. Multiple groups carry out a large-scale defense, and can form a dense fire net to cover the face. Coupled with a six-barreled energy machine gun, even if the Dark Elves' fleet doubles, their fighters can't break through our defense net.

"Okay, let's set it up like this." Odin was very happy. Last time, the loss of the Divine Realm was too great, and he had to rely on Wesley to turn the tables in the end. This made him very unhappy. The earthlings should be the target of protection, but now they needed an alliance. The dignity of the Divine Realm was challenged.

"The other thing is the weapons of the soldiers. We have fought with the Chitari, and some of their weapons can be borrowed. The spears of the soldiers can be equipped with long-range weapons, which does not affect close combat and is very helpful for the improvement of combat power. The other problem is the shield. The defensive area of the small round shield is too small. Although it is convenient for close combat, it is difficult to ensure safety when charging, so we have improved it according to the shields of the ancient European era and the current ones."

Wesley took a shield and then covered it up. "This is a round shield with an energy generator installed inside." Wesley put on the shield and stood a little further away. Then he activated the energy generator. The edge of the round shield appeared to extend and the defensive mask expanded. "This is an energy shield. Although it doesn't last very long, it's enough for a few charges. Close-combat warriors can put away the energy expansion."

"As for some of the tactics and tactics of ancient Europe, including some theories of multi-service warfare, we have also collected some information this time. We hope it will be helpful to the Divine Realm."