
"Wesley, I need to go home and see Pepper. I'll be away for a little long this time," Tony Stark said.

The three of them returned to the Avengers headquarters, which had not been officially put into operation yet. Recruitment work was underway, and it was easy to find civilian staff, but it was difficult to find technical and combat personnel. This time, they were prepared to look for them from the SHIELD Academy. After all, SHIELD was now in a difficult financial situation, and it was difficult for the students here to enter SHIELD to work after graduation, so Wesley directly contacted Maria Hill and gathered a group of graduates here to work in the Avengers.

Such an approach could help SHIELD survive a difficult period without a brain drain. Once SHIELD had survived this crisis, it would be difficult to find people here again, so Wesley acted quickly this time.

"Well, go back. I'm going home too. What about you, Bruce?" Wesley asked.

"I'll stay here. Anyway, I need someone to watch the house and interview. I can choose the technical staff, but what about the combat staff?" Bruce Banner asked.

"Go find Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff. The two of them can handle it. What about Clint Barton?" Wesley said.

"I don't know. He said he won't be back until headquarters starts running," Tony Stark responded.

Wesley thought for a moment. The guy had probably gone home. Hawkeye Clint Barton had a family, which no one knew about, so he disappeared whenever he had time. Otherwise, how could he have had several kids, hardworking guy?

Bruce Banner came to Wesley's side, then looked at the departing Tony Stark and said, "Tony has been busy with something recently. There will be some small scars on his arm. What do you think he is doing?"

Wesley froze for a moment, then looked at Tony Stark. While he was thinking about Hawkeye, the guy had actually gone away. And the small scar on his arm? He tried to remember. After Apple's reminder, Wesley remembered the plot of Iron Man 3. Was it going to start now? Wasn't Tony Stark dangerous, then?

"What's wrong with you today? Why are you always in a daze?" Bruce Banner patted Wesley's shoulder.

"Oh, I thought of something. Forget it, I'll go back to my room and take a rest. You'll be responsible for the recruitment. Finally, I'll review them. Of course, you need to make it clear to them that my 'mind reading' is not acceptable to just anyone." Wesley walked toward the room. There were still many people he wanted to find.

Peter Parker was in high school, and Wesley had asked Apple to hack into the surveillance system. Apple had handled it easily, which surprised Wesley.

"Wasn't it difficult for you to invade before? Why is it so easy now?" Wesley asked doubtfully.

"Recently, I have studied my coding, so I have some different understanding. My program is now very unique in the network. In the past, I hacked according to your mind. Now, I will change the way I do it. It is nothing more than to explain it and can only be described. Just like the three-dimensional world and the thinking world, don't some theories often appear in novels? Just like how people in the three-dimensional universe can't detect the thinking universe, I am like this now. I am unimpeded in the network, and I didn't hack into these systems at all. Instead, I changed the way I observe them." Apple explained.

Wesley was stunned for a moment, and then he thought about it carefully. It seemed to be true. Apple's coding method was many civilizations higher than that of the earth. It was indeed easy to hack into the earth's system. And just as it said, the earth's surveillance system could not find it at all. After all, its coding used elements as a language.

"I see. It will be much more convenient from now on. Can you keep invading?" Wesley asked.

"No, I can only hack into the network when you come into contact with it because I can't leave a subsystem in the network. I don't even understand the code myself, just like you can use a computer, but can you make one?"

"No, it seems to be the theory. Unfortunately, we don't understand these coded languages," Wesley said regretfully.

Using the surveillance system, he quickly found Peter Parker. He was currently in school and probably didn't know if he had become Spiderman. Wesley wasn't in the mood or the patience to continue observing, so he asked Apple to change him.

Scott Lang. The Ant-Man was still in prison. He hadn't been released yet, and he hadn't become an Ant-Man. But Apple had found his information. It was close to the time of his release. He would probably become an Ant-Man soon. Another superhero.

"It's really interesting that the superheroes appear one after another so densely."

Finally, there was Steve Strange. The famous surgeon was still enjoying his success. Wesley was a little disappointed, but it was a good thing that this guy had not been in a car accident. He still had a chance to follow her and find the mages.

As for Star-Lord and his companions, Wesley was not in the mood to think about them. They were in outer space, and Wesley could not find them even if he wanted to. Wesley was not familiar with Marvel's other heroes, because he had not read Marvel's comics, and most things in this world were movie-related. He could not figure out what kind of connection existed.

After a day off, Wesley went straight home. After being in the Realm for so long, SHIELD had sent over the internal design of the plane for a long time. Wesley was now busy with the problem of the private plane.

The villa had been built. He had been in the Divine Realm for more than a month. The villa had been completed and was now being renovated. Carlos had been keeping an eye on it. At the same time, the dock berth by the sea had been built. The yacht had been driven back and placed at the dock. This way, he could often drive the yacht out to sea, and the maintenance was still handed over to the club. After all, their yacht was not small.

The strange layout of the villa attracted the interest of the neighbors. Many people would come over to take a look at it at night. The villa built by the new neighbor was so strange that everyone expressed strong interest and waited for the new neighbor to check in before inviting them over for a party.

The apartment had been completed with cultivation and was no different from a new one. Wesley had no intention of renting it out. It would be good to keep it for him, especially when Sky came to New York to see him. Now Sky was busy and the Phil Coulson team had begun a intensive mission. Hydra had a lot of guard work, especially now that they were short of personnel. Four space carriers had been deployed and all the combatants had boarded. The Quinjets had begun to move out frequently.