Battle of Chaida Star (2)

The commander shook his head and said, "We can't attack yet. Once this is a sabotage plot, our fleet will suffer heavy losses."

"I understand your concerns, but it's a pity to lose a chance for a large-scale sneak attack because of this. Are you sure you don't want to participate in the first wave of attacks?" Wesley asked.

"Yes, I have to be responsible for Cheddar." The commander seemed determined to let the saboteur and Ronan's fleet collide for the first time, but Wesley would not let go of this good opportunity.

"Well, then I'm going to fight now. You should start evacuating the citizens. The battle will be very fierce." Wesley turned to the door, and everyone looked at him. They thought Wesley would use the destroyer ship to fight. The combat power of such a ship is almost negligible, and they thought Wesley was just bluffing with his identity.

Wesley ignored their stares. As soon as he stepped out of the door, a suit of dark armor appeared on his body. Then the thrusters were activated, and the armor rose directly into the air, heading at high speed toward the rear of the Destroyer fleet.

The members of the New Star Legion were stunned. They had just seen Wesley's magic. The armor of the Divine Realm appeared and disappeared, and now it was a set of technological armor. The commander was surprised. If this was not the technology of the Divine Realm, then it was from Earth?

"Scan his armor," the commander said.

"Yes." Someone began to operate, but their scan was completely useless. The power of the space gem filled the armor, and their scan could hardly penetrate the protection of the space gem. "Commander, our equipment can't scan, and the other side found their scanning actions and scanned us."

"Forget it, start evacuating the citizens now. The fleet is ready to take off at any time. They will take off immediately." The commander said.

Wesley flew to the rear of the destroyer fleet. They had two small attack ships, and they were surrounded by destroyer fighters. Wesley looked up. Ronan's ships had appeared and were losing altitude. The atmosphere was tense.

Ronan wanted to use the power gem to destroy Cheddar, so he ignored it and charged straight at the Destroyer fleet. The Destroyer fleet suddenly attacked, and the two small attack ships opened fire. Two balls of red matter were fired, and then they began to spread out, forming a red plasma wall that blocked the view. The Destroyer fleet immediately began to dive down and attack.

Wesley didn't participate. He took out his energy gun. "Charge up. It's time for us to use the Holy Lance Baptism. Such a good position is rare." The Holy Lance Baptism is a big move that mimics Lucien's in League of Legends. Two guns shoot continuously, but this is not a game. This kind of continuous shot requires a lot of barrel. Wesley's two guns can only use this skill twice before the barrel is directly scrapped.

"Do you use a double-barreled or single-barreled gun?" Apple asked. Wesley's energy gun is a double-barreled gun, one big and one small, one above and one below. It has not been used yet.

"Double-barreled. Ronan has a lot of undead fighters. Calculate the angle of the double-barreled scattering and calculate the best attack distance. No matter what, use the undead fighters on their side to block the door of the battleship."


The red plasma wall in front of them began to disappear, and the saboteurs had suddenly closed in on Ronan's warship. Wesley adjusted his position, his two guns raised in both arms. Apple had already discovered where the fighters were coming and going, but there were too many of these positions, and he could only take care of one side.

The warships finally began to send out their Necro fighters. Like a swarm of bees swarming out of a hive, their numbers were overwhelming. Wesley's twin guns opened fire, and blue energy bullets whipped into the fighters like a whip. The swarming Necro fighters began to explode.

The series of explosions showed no sign of stopping, and Wesley shook his arms, the blue whip lashing.

"What is that?" Ronan said as he watched the situation outside.

"I'm not sure. I've never seen him before," said Kamora's sister, Nebra. She is also the goddaughter of the Titan Thanos and is now in charge of the warship. "But his destructive power is too great. He can actually block the launch port of the fighter and shoot. We have suffered heavy losses. Do we still want to continue to descend? The fleet of Cheddar has not been launched yet. Our forces will be insufficient."

"No, ignore them and continue to land. Even if you crash, you have to land on the ground of Cheddar. Then everything will be over. Do you understand?" Ronan looked at Nebra and said.

"Understood, full speed ahead, close the protective door, then go to guard the control center." Nebra took people to set up.

Wesley's attack had caught everyone's attention, and the Nova Corps commander was starting to regret that she hadn't followed Wesley's advice. Wesley could only hold one side, and it wasn't a complete defense. There were a lot of loose ends, and Wesley had single-handedly destroyed a third of the enemy's necromantic fighters.

The Holy Lance Baptism was indeed satisfying, but Wesley could only stop now. The two guns did not have enough energy. This was not because the space gem did not have enough energy, but because the energy that the two guns could store was limited. And the Holy Lance Baptism was too fast for the energy supply. At the same time, the barrel could not take it anymore. At the same time, a large number of undead fighters pounced on him.

As the undead rays pierced his body, Wesley began to fly at a high speed. He held the two guns in his hands but did not put them away. He needed to let the barrels cool down for a while. If he put them in his body space, everything would remain the same and would not cool down.

"There are more and more undead fighters around. Wesley's room to hide is starting to shrink. Lock on them and launch the micro missiles."

"Understood." Apple's supercomputing energy was activated, and the surrounding undead fighters began to be locked on. Then the shoulder opened up and the mini-missiles fired, and the exhaust smoke instantly drowned Wesley's figure.

These aliens might not have seen a missile before, especially one so small. They had no intention of avoiding it at all. Then there was a series of explosions. Wesley instantly accelerated and broke through the sound barrier to rush into the sky. So many fighter jets exploded, and the debris that followed flew everywhere. A large number of debris also hit many fighter jets.

Kamora was on a fighter with Peter Quill and Drakos. They were waiting for the little raccoon to punch a passage for them. Kamora was not responsible for piloting, so he saw Wesley fighting. "That's Wesley. His armor is so powerful."

Peter Quayle stole a glance and then continued to steer the fighter to avoid the attack. "Yes, it seems that we need to go to Earth to take a look."