Dangerous Outsiders

Phil Coulson fell silent. Wesley's idea could not be said to be wrong. It was just that he did not expect Wesley to be prepared to die in battle. But he did not want to accept such a statement. It was too pessimistic.

"Did you make any preparations?" Phil Colson asked.

"Yes, the Avengers are preparing to build a moon base. We are preparing to stockpile a large number of Iron Man Regiment. In addition, I brought back the blueprint of the Star Fighter, which will be mass-produced later, but these are just to prevent the army led by the other party. Facing the Titan Thanos, these methods are not enough," Wesley said.

"These are not enough? Is he really that powerful?"

"Yes, you have seen the army of the Chitari. Why do they listen to Thanos when they are so powerful? They are not stupid. This is a matter of strength. We have no way to avoid the problem. Although the five Infinity Stones are now scattered for safekeeping, we don't know what the other side has. According to my situation, Infinity Stones can't coexist with each other. They are mutually exclusive. How does Thanos want to make them coexist?"

'You mean he's found another way to get the Infinity Stones to be used together?'

"That's for sure. Okay, let's not talk about this now. We'll have time to prepare. Now let's talk about this negotiation!"

Phil Coulson thought for a moment and said, "This meeting was proposed by the other party. It seems that they do have plans for peace."

Wesley, on the other hand, was unimpressed. He knew exactly what the other party was planning. Daisy's mother was going to start a war, and the person who went to negotiate was the target she was hunting. Killing the other party was hurting her, completely putting herself in the position of the victim. Then, using her position among the Outsiders, she could immediately gain the trust of her companions and finally start a war.

"What does SHIELD mean?" Wesley asked.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. means to register their personnel and abilities, and we will not destroy their current lives. Of course, if some of them are willing to join S.H.I.E.L.D., it is also a good thing. After all, if there are crimes committed by aliens, then we need special personnel."

"Understood. I'll talk to them. I don't think we'll be able to talk much the first time. We'll have to talk a few more times." Wesley didn't continue to ask, and Phil Coulson thought Wesley was in a bad mood. At the same time, it was really difficult to negotiate anything the first time.

After their discussion, Wesley went straight home and would come back when it was time to leave. Phil Coulson watched Wesley leave and decided to help him. He turned directly to Daisy Johnson.

"Daisy? Can I come in?" Phil Coulson returned to the plane and knocked on Daisy Johnson's room door.

"Come in." The voice was hoarse.

"What's wrong? Are you sad? For Wesley?" Phil Coulson stood in the doorway and said. The room on the plane was really small. There was basically no room for anything except a bed and a cabinet.

"I'm fine. Have you confirmed the negotiation mission?"

"Yes. In addition, if you know Wesley, you should know that he doesn't care about your identity. Think about the people around him. This time, he brought back a group of aliens. Why would he care?"

Daisy Johnson remained silent while Phil Coulson continued, "Think about it, Wesley… Wesley must have something he can't tell you. Although the two of you haven't been together for a long time, the feelings between you should be very clear. Think about it more and you'll understand." Phil Coulson was not prepared to say much about Wesley, and Wesley only told him.

Wesley was not in a good mood when he got home, but he was happy to face his family. They hadn't seen each other in months, and Mindy complained that Wesley had been away for too long. She hugged Annabelle and chattered in Wesley's ear.

A few days after returning home, Phil Coulson called, and Wesley immediately came to S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, then boarded a plane and went directly to the base camp of the Outsiders.

"Wesley, be careful," Phil Coulson said as Wesley was about to get off the plane.

"Don't worry, but you have to be careful and be ready to fight," Wesley reminded them.

"Do you think it's not safe?" Phil Coulson asked sensitively.

"Yes, some intuition. It won't go well this time, so you'd better be ready to fight. Don't get ambushed. Use the freeze gun. That way, no matter what the result is, we will be in the right." Wesley said and got off the plane.

A man with no eyes was waiting for him here. This was Gordon, an alien who could cross space and bring others with him. He was one of the important people of the alien race now.

"Welcome. Jia Ying is waiting for you." With that, he turned around and led the way. Wesley followed behind.

Jia Ying, Daisy Johnson's mother, was an alien who had lived for an unknown period of time. She could absorb the lives of others to replenish her own, but she had suffered great pain. After she was caught by Hydra, all her organs were dug out, but Carl Johnson, Daisy Johnson's father, Jia Ying's husband, found her body and finally stitched it up. Then he absorbed the vitality of others and survived again.

The encounter was tragic. From that time on, she wanted to take revenge. All along, she had been trying to control the Outsiders.

Wesley followed Gordon to Jia Ying's office. Daisy and his father were there. Jia Ying sat at the desk and said, "Welcome. To show our sincerity, we absolutely hand over to S.H.I.E.L.D. a felon, Carl Johnson. I think you know his crimes very well. I will ask Daisy to put him on the plane."

Wesley was not very clear about Phil Coulson's mission in the past year, but it was true that Daisy's father should have a lot of criminal records, and his surrender was also for his daughter and wife. A poor man, a crazy man. Wesley admired him. He was crazy for his family and chose to plead guilty.

Wesley didn't say anything, but went straight to the front of the desk and sat down. He took out a cigarette and lit it. Only then did he say, "That's not important. What's important is today's negotiations. If they're done, this gentleman may be excused."

Jia frowned. This was not going according to her plan. At this point, Daisy should leave with his father and put him directly on the other party's plane. She would use the Terrigan Crystal to kill the other party and then hurt herself. It would be best to declare war.