Prelude to the Convention

Wesley was on Ford's latest product the next day, accompanied by a driver, a bodyguard, and a Chinese man. He was a buyer from a foreign bank, named Xu Ming, and was fluent in English.

"Mr. Gibson, what do you want to see?" Xu Ming asked.

"Of course it's famous. This is a good place, especially the geographical location. Once the rights are developed, it will definitely shock the world. However, the current situation is not good!" Wesley sighed. This place was also called Magic City. Many people in the future wanted to live here, and the competition was unusually fierce.

"Yes, the country is in a mess, and it can't be compared to your United States." As a broker, Xu Ming had to say something to please him, but the person he said was different. Wesley frowned, then felt helpless and stopped talking.

Xu Ming did not understand. Was he wrong? However, he did not dare to say more now. This person was obviously in a bad mood. As the car drove through the old Shanghai streets, Wesley observed the traces of history. To him, these were history.

Although Wesley had changed the memory of the foreign bank manager, he did not delay things. He asked the director of the film company to look for Ruan Ling. It was also today that the director received a notice from the manager that he had met a girl. She was very good-looking and elegant. She was very suitable to be the female lead. He went to arrange a chance encounter and then signed in with the company.

China's movies had already started, but they were still silent movies. After the film company was bought over, they directly obtained the latest audio film equipment and film. They were happy now and the company even established several cinemas in Shanghai.

However, no works had been released yet and the director was preparing for it. He did not expect to receive this job. He did not have any dissatisfaction. He would see who it was first. After he met Ruan Ling, he took a fancy to this girl at a glance and thought that the manager of the foreign bank really had good taste. So he went straight up to talk to her and invited Ruan Ling to a cafe in the French Concession.

"Miss Ruan, you fit the image of the female lead in my movie very well. I wonder if you are interested in the film industry?" the director asked.

Ruan Ling was living in poverty now. She was naturally happy to have a job in front of her, and it was the kind of job that appeared on the screen. For a 16-year-old girl, it was undoubtedly something she yearned for.

"I'm willing, but I… don't know how to perform!" Ruan Lingyu said nervously.

"It doesn't matter. Now that our country's movies have just started, most of the film companies are still silent movies. We can't afford the high-priced audio equipment, but our company has been bought by a foreign company in the United States, and we have the latest audio equipment and film. We have also established several cinemas, which are absolutely the best and most luxurious. This is your chance."

The two of them hit it off and directly talked about the contract. However, the director did not have much authority and directly asked Ruan Lingyu about the treatment she needed so that he could go back and ask about the experience. However, he thought that it was not a big problem.

At this moment, many people came into the cafe. They were also here for coffee. Although they were wearing suits, they looked like decent people. The suits looked awkward on them.

"Brother Qi, why are we drinking this? Why don't we go to the casino and play a few hands!" The person who came in was led by a man, and the person beside him said to him.

"What do you know? This is the French Concession. Only people with status can live here. There are most foreigners here. If we wear this, we are people with status. Of course, people with status have to come for coffee."

"Brother Qi, you're right. Then let's try it?" Someone beside him quickly said.

This group of people sat down and shouted, "Waiters, serve coffee." The foreigners who did not understand felt that they were too noisy and understood that the Chinese were laughing at their ignorance. This group of people had really never seen coffee before, and they were not from Shanghai.

Japan was suppressed by the United States and fought for the market with the Americans in China, but they had no advantage. Wesley's technology completely surpassed theirs. At the same time, the United States gained the favor of China during World War I. The goods were good and cheap, and they fought for many markets. Even the British were no match for them. But Japan had no ulterior motives and was preparing to contact the last emperor today.

The people who came today were the remnants of the Manchu Qing Dynasty who had received special training. When they first arrived in Shanghai, everyone cut their whips and put on their suits. Today, they were ready to come out to see the world and came directly to the French Concession.

The boss of the coffee shop did not know these people, and the boss was Chinese. If it was a coffee shop run by a foreigner, he would have sent the customers away long ago. After all, in this era, foreigners were tough in China. After the coffee was served, these people took the first sip and then spat it out. "What kind of bird shit smell is this?"

When Ruan Ling heard their shouts, she was amused. Brother Qi, who had noticed her long ago, immediately stood up. "What? Little girl, are you looking down on us?"

"No… no." Ruan Ling was shocked and hurriedly explained.

"Everyone, this is an employee of our film company. Please forgive us if we have offended you. Today's coffee is on me." The director hurriedly stood up to smooth things over.

"Who do you think you are? What's wrong with our Brother Qi not being able to afford coffee? You have to give me an explanation today, otherwise this matter will not end." The lackeys at the side hurriedly jeered. They could see Brother Qi's purpose.

The director was experienced and knowledgeable, so he naturally knew that these people were up to no good. He hurriedly said, "I am the director of the New World Film Company. We are an American company. This lady is the female lead named by the manager of our foreign bank. Please give her some face."

When Chico heard about the American company, he was a little hesitant, but his underlings didn't care much. They whispered in Chico's ear, "Brother Chico, Ri doesn't get along with the Americans. Should we…"

When Brother Qi heard that, he agreed. What are we afraid of? Anyway, Ri doesn't get along with the Americans, so it's not bad to give the new master a greeting gift.

"What American? Are you trying to scare me? Our children used to be famous in the capital. This little girl has taken a fancy to him. Today, she will go back with him. Tomorrow, he will let her go back." After saying that, he pulled her out. The boss of the coffee shop had already called the patrol house. These people were obviously not from the Qing Gang.

The French Concession was Huang Jinrong's territory, so the boss naturally knew about it. Moreover, Huang Jinrong had to interfere in this matter. Someone had crossed the line.