A Night in Shanghai

Ruan Ling looked at Wesley in surprise, trying to reconcile him with a general. However, she had never met a general at all, and what she could think of was very rare, but a general was enough for her to yearn for.

"Miss Ruan, may I invite you to dinner?" Wesley said to Ruan Ling with a smile.

"Yes, but…" Ruan Ling lowered her head and rubbed the corner of her clothes with her small hands.

"Xu Ming, the three of you accompany Miss Ruan to buy some things. Miss Ruan will shine at the banquet." Wesley turned around and instructed, then said to Ruan Ling again, "I hope Miss Ruan won't refuse my invitation."

Ruan Ling nodded shyly and left with Xu Ming. The director of the New World also got up and prepared to leave. Wesley waved his hand and said, "Send the script to my villa tomorrow. I want to see it first."

The director now knew that this was the big boss of the United States and a general. He quickly nodded and left.

Only then did Wesley speak to the French consul. "Are you going to deal with those people?" Wesley took out a cigar and handed it to the other party. The two of them sat in the cafe and smoked.

"They say it's Ri's own people. Now, this is not clear…" The French consul started and Wesley knew what he wanted to do.

"Are you French people so incompetent now? Such a thing happened in your concession, and you actually have to look at other people's faces. If you can't do it, then hand him over to me." Wesley was not polite, and at the same time, he used words to provoke the Consul.

However, how could a person who could be a Consul be persuaded by such words? The French Consul was still enjoying his cigar and taking his time. Wesley smiled. "It seems that the Consul doesn't care about this, but it doesn't matter. Just leave him to us. That way, the Consul won't have any trouble."

"No, no, no, Your Excellency is wrong. This is something that happened in the French Concession. We should deal with it." The French consul said.

"Then we have to go through the judicial process. That's fine too. I filed an appeal in a foreign guild in China. If needed, I can directly transfer lawyers from the United States."

"That would be best." The French consul smiled and nodded.

Wesley understood that the French consul was going to be businesslike, and Wesley was more satisfied with that. After all, going through the judicial process was the most appropriate arrangement. Even if Japan himself were to clamor, it would be of no use at all, and they would not offend the United States and France at the same time.

The two of them finished smoking their cigars and said their goodbyes. Wesley walked out of the coffee shop and called for a rickshaw to return to the villa. He felt the rickshaw of this era. It was okay to sit in it, and he experienced the Shanghai of this era more realistically. Then he returned to the villa and began to tidy himself up for his evening date.

At this moment, Huang Jinrong listened to his subordinate's report and understood the general's approximate identity. He hurriedly got someone to check on the general and Gibson Trading Company. It would be best if Wesley's information was placed in front of him.

"This person is really a big shot. I can't reach him, and I can't afford to offend him." Huang Jinrong touched the big bald head and sighed, "Pass down the order, pay attention to the safety of Miss Ruan. There must not be any more problems in the French Concession. Also, greet the people who have been caught and don't let them feel comfortable."

After Huang Jingrong gave instructions to his subordinates, he sighed alone. There was not much information about Wesley, and most of it had been reported by the media and newspapers. He did not know why such a person had come to China, but he had to be careful. Otherwise, he would be in trouble. Fortunately, this person lived in the British Concession. Otherwise, he would have a lot to worry about.

Wesley did not know any of this. When he returned to the villa, he soaked himself in the bathtub. The hot bath water made him feel very comfortable. He had been working since coming to this universe, and now he could finally have a good rest.

In the evening, Wesley asked for another car and drove off. During the day, he was already very familiar with the roads in Shanghai and drove directly to the Riteshot Hotel. It was built in 1910 and was now the best hotel in Shanghai with more than 200 rooms.

Wesley had made a reservation and arrived half an hour early, waiting for Ruan Ling to arrive. However, when Xu Ming arrived with Ruan Ling, there was a little tail behind them. This person was Zhang Damin.

This person had hurt Ruan Ling greatly in a parallel universe. Wesley did not have a good impression of her and completely ignored her. "Miss Ruan is really beautiful." Wesley got up and pulled out a chair for Ruan Ling. When she sat down, he gently pushed it forward.

He took the menu handed over by the waiter and said, "I wonder if I can order for Miss Ruan?" The menu was in a foreign language, and Wesley was considerate enough not to put it in front of Ruan Ling. Ruan Ling and Xu Ming had a lot of questions in the afternoon, most of which were about Wesley. Xu Ming was smart enough to say a few more words.

Xu Ming introduced his boss's great achievements. Xu Ming was an agent and was proficient in the ways of the world. After some explanation, Ruan Ling was full of admiration for Wesley. Zhang Damin had always been obsessed with Ruan Ling. Today, he saw a car pick up and send her off, and she was also a foreigner, so he naturally followed her to find out the truth. The Zhang family was rich, and Ruan Ling's mother was a servant in the Zhang family, so Zhang Damin could often see Ruan Ling, and the surrounding playboys naturally did not want to let this beauty go.

However, he was now destined to fail. He was not comparable to Wesley. "Lingling, aren't you going to introduce me to this gentleman?" Zhang Damin followed her in and then took the initiative to talk to her.

Before Ruan Ling could speak, Wesley spoke first. "I'm sorry, sir. Are you familiar with Miss Ruan? According to me, Ling Ling must be a very close person."

Wesley's words made Zhang Damin momentarily unsure of how to answer, but he was also a shameless person. Then he immediately said, "Oh, Lingling's mother works as a servant in our house. Of course we are familiar with each other."

Ruan Ling's eyes turned red when she heard Zhang Damin's words. The status of the servant's daughter was too different, which made her beautiful wish of the afternoon instantly dashed. Just as she was about to get up, Wesley said again, "Oh, I see. But since Miss Ruan is about to become the female lead of our company, her mother is indeed not suitable for the job of a servant."

Wesley waved his hand and Xu Ming walked over. "Take someone to pick up Miss Ruan's mother and send her directly to the British Concession. Prepare a villa for them and send 10,000 dollars over. Miss Ruan is going to be the pillar of our company. Tomorrow, you will arrange for a tutor to teach her English. She will learn it while filming. In the future, Miss Ruan will go to the United States to develop her acting career."

"I understand, boss." Xu Ming turned to look at Zhang Damin. "Sir, our boss is going to eat. Please leave. If you can bring us to your house, we will pick up Miss Ruan's mother and leave."