Ragged Hornet

Wesley watched intently. Sam Witwicky was now being played by his father. He walked around the front of the Porsche dealership and drove away. The surveillance equipment was not high-definition, but Elizabeth had changed the face and Wesley could see it clearly.

The young man looked aggrieved and sat talking in the car while Elizabeth mouthed a comparison and gave Wesley a subtitle.

The father and son arrived at a used car shop and they began to pick out the first car of Sam Witwicky's life. It was probably the same in the father's boyhood, Wesley thought.

At this moment, an old Chevrolet quietly drove into the used-car lot. "Pull up the camera and pay attention to the driver's seat," Wesley said hurriedly.

Elizabeth zoomed in. The driver's seat was empty. Wesley jumped up in excitement. "That's right. The incident has begun, just like in the movie. It looks like there's not the slightest problem getting the Transformers."

"There's still some time. We'd better speed up the research. In this way, we can accumulate a portion of the information. Then, we can use the dead Decepticons and Autobots to conduct more detailed research. Finally, we can design one that we can use, but we might need the Pyro Company to activate it." Apple analyzed.

"Not bad. I need to hurry up. But this Bumblebee is really interesting. He knows how to help Sam Witwicky pick up girls. Why doesn't he know how to get himself a better appearance?"

"Maybe it's a sense of superiority. In their opinion, the machine products on Earth are backward existences, so it's okay to transform into anything, just like their choice after landing."

"Well, whatever they see changes. And maybe it has something to do with their primitive shape-shifting. After all, planes are faster than cars. Even if they are aliens, they can't change that fact."

"I need to study it. The information is insufficient."

"Elizabeth, continue to monitor their actions. Apple, let's continue to study it." Wesley no longer paid attention. After all, he didn't have much time left and hurriedly began the research work.

Elizabeth continued to monitor Hornet. The father and son each drove a car back home. After parking the car, Sam Witwicky quickly ran upstairs and looked up his account. He found that it was zero and nothing he had put on the Internet had been sold.

"I have a car, but I'm still short of a girlfriend." He cleaned himself up and looked like an adolescent boy. He was a little restless. He returned downstairs again, drove his car, and set off directly, but there was a lot of black smoke coming out of the exhaust pipe. Bumblebee's scan was really complete. He completely made himself ragged. Not only did he lose paint, but even the exhaust gas simulated was very similar.

However, as long as you open the front hood, the beautiful engine will be visible and pleasing to the eye.

Wesley, on the other hand, continued to analyze Transformers, especially their transformation principles. At the same time, their simulation system was too real. The tires were rubber. How did their metal bones do it? This kind of question had always confused Wesley, but these were definitely not magic or anything like that, although Transformers movies looked a little fantastical.

"If only I could completely record their transformation process. Now there's no way to study it at all. After they turned into cars, they couldn't scan the metal seams. I really can't believe it." Wesley rubbed his chin and looked distressed.

"The opportunity will come soon. Don't forget, Bumblebee should send a message tonight, but he didn't mute his engine."

"That's right, let's do that. We'll go there directly now. We have to film his entire transformation process. I'll go and prepare the equipment." Wesley hurried to prepare the equipment. He took all the high-speed cameras, scanners, and other equipment that could be used. Then he drove away.

Sam Witwicky attended John Marshall Middle School in Los Angeles, and his home was only a few blocks away. Wesley had to get into the city, so he hurriedly took his things and drove all the way to Sam Witwicky's house. Only then did he find a place to start eating and then stay in the car and wait patiently while the target was still taking the child home.

When he returned, Wesley started the car and followed him from a distance. Then he found a relatively secluded place to park. Time passed slowly. Wesley had enough patience. It was not until the early hours of the morning that the Hornet's engine began to roar. Did this guy not know that his engine was loud? Instead of following the Hornet, Wesley asked Elizabeth to adjust the surveillance. He was following Sam Witwicky.

The huge engine woke the already excited guy up and he hurriedly rode his bike to catch up with his car. Wesley quietly followed him. They came to a dilapidated factory. Instead of driving in through the front door, Wesley parked the car outside the wall and got out. He looked around and saw that there was no one around and no surveillance equipment. He put the sports car into the internal space. Otherwise, his car would be too conspicuous.

Standing under the wall, he jumped over and gently landed and began to run faster. He was worried that Bumblebee was about to change shape. Fortunately, Bumblebee had just entered an empty area. Wesley hurriedly took out his equipment and set it up. Multiple equipment began recording at the same time. He was holding one himself, hoping to get closer. At the same time, he had to observe Sam Witwicky's position and not let him discover it.

Click, click, click. There was a unique metallic sound that made people feel comfortable. When he was young, he liked to listen to this. Bumblebee had transformed from a car into a huge robot. Wesley was amazed by this process. He had traveled between parallel universes and had seen little, but he was still amazed.

After the bumblebee transformed, it no longer looked tattered. Its appearance simply drove Wesley crazy. He wanted to take out the energy sniper rifle and shoot it and drag it away, but he thought better of it. The plan was more important.

Hornet began to turn on the headlights toward the sky. The lights shone directly into the night sky and spread far. The camera in Wesley's hand was modified and had many additional functions. "Quantum communication? The ultra-long-distance communication level that Marvel Universe can't reach?" Wesley was surprised.

Apple said, "It seems that the technology possessed by the Transformers is indeed worth us staying for several years. It is very helpful for your overall technology storage."

Wesley steeled himself and then went back to filming. After the Hornet had launched the communication, it changed shape again. Today's mission was over and Wesley packed up and left.