School Ball

Wesley was given the opportunity to attend the school dance. The professor he asked questions from was very interesting. Seeing that he was very young, he asked him to attend the dance. Wesley naturally would not miss this opportunity.

As night fell, the boys and girls in the university dressed themselves up so that they looked handsome, cool, and beautiful. They were unrestrained in their youth. Wesley, on the other hand, was dressed in a casual suit. His lazy expression made him look like he didn't care much about anything, but he was handsome and tall. He was surrounded by the fiery gazes of the girls.

Wesley was naturally not tempted by these young girls. He came to the table alone with a drink in his hand. He was waiting for Sam Witwicky. A young boy who had just entered university would not have any resistance to this place. He would definitely come.

The dance was lively and full of activity. Wesley was alone at the table, admiring the dance. But Wesley took a few more glances at the young people who came in later. Because Sam Witwicky was in the group, he seemed a little uneasy and obviously had something on his mind. He guessed that his video date with his girlfriend had been put aside.

"Young man!" Wesley sighed.

Young people could never resist temptation, and he had something on his mind when he came here, so he was naturally not very active. He wandered around the dining table, but soon, he felt that something was wrong. His eyes kept blinking, and his fingers unconsciously tapped on the cake, and then he wrote something on the table.

Wesley quietly approached him from behind and gently placed a hand on his shoulder. Then the apple began to run at full power, constantly recording the information left behind by the fire seed source in his mind.

A hot young girl seemed to take an interest in Sam Witwicky and gradually approached him. Wesley frowned at her, his eyes full of warning, but the girl ignored him and continued to approach Sam Witwicky.

Wesley turned sideways and blocked her with his body. "Miss, what can I do for you?"

"I am very curious about this boy. Can you make way?" The other party said with a smile, but the apple had made Wesley feel the radiation and energy magnetic field emitted by the other party. Wesley looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, so he suddenly grabbed the other party's arm.

The girl reacted quickly and tried to break free, but the back of her arm was firmly clamped and she did not move. "Sir, if you continue like this, I will shout," the girl said in panic, but the next moment, she disappeared.

The dim light gave Wesley the best cover. The girl was a Decepticons. After two years of silence, the Decepticons were finally moving again. They had allowed sound waves to invade American military satellites and had gotten the information they wanted. The girl was here to take out Sam Witwicky.

Wesley naturally did not care what they wanted to do, but he had to keep Sam Witwicky in this state so that he could make contact and download information about the source of the fire. No one was allowed to interrupt him.

With no one to disturb him, Sam Witwicky was still in a strange state, and his presence was not in the least noticeable, but the arrival of the Bumblebee interrupted everything. A car alarm shrilled and Wesley reluctantly took his arm away. He still did not know how much Apple had downloaded.

He turned and left the dance. The rest of it had little to do with him. Although there was no Decepticons, Wesley knew that nothing would change. Wesley drove straight off campus and back to New York.

With his booked ticket, Wesley took the next day's flight directly to Egypt. He was not very familiar with Egypt, so there was no way to use the Space Door directly. At the same time, he needed some excuse to disappear. Now that he had arrived early, it was naturally the best excuse, because no one could predict the future, and his preparations were complete.

After getting off the plane, Wesley first rented a SUV in good condition, then bought a lot of fuel and food and fresh water. He filled the car and then went on a trip alone. Naturally, he knew where his destination was.

Sam Witwicky's first college dance was interrupted by Bumblebee. He drove to see Optimus Prime, but he had no intention of fighting again now, but things would always push him forward.

Sam Witwicky and his girlfriend met on the university campus. There were no accidents, but when the two of them left the campus and looked for a hotel, the Dominating Tiger's surfboard transformed into a helicopter and took them away.

Fortunately, Autobots came to the rescue in the end, but Optimus Prime was besieged and killed in the end, and Sam Witwicky began to flee. Wesley had Elizabeth monitor the whole process with a satellite.

"Have you downloaded enough information?" Wesley drove the SUV alone in Egypt and then communicated with Apple.

"It's basically enough, but I know there's still a part that hasn't been downloaded. I think we should contact him again," Apple said.

"This is not easy. From now on, he has Autobots following him. It is not easy to contact him alone." Wesley frowned.

"Have you forgotten what you prepared? Don't you have to collect Transformers' bodies? This opportunity can also be made available to Sam Witwicky, and it will be done openly."

"That makes sense, but it's a little eye-catching. But it doesn't matter. As an agent, I've learned how to do makeup." Wesley smiled, then stepped on the gas and the SUV began to accelerate.

Dagger Point was the Gulf of Aqaba, the border between Egypt and Jordan. Wesley had made a beeline for it. Of course, there were photos taken along the way. He would use the scenery here to design a new vehicle, and this time it would not be a sports car, but an off-road vehicle.

With travel work on both sides, his arrival would not arouse suspicion. The final action was a little dangerous. Not only did he have to face the Decepticons, but he also had to touch Sam Witwicky in front of everyone. This was not easy to do.

Sam Witwicky, on the other hand, found the former Seventh District agent, Reggie Simmons. They studied it together and finally found the heavenly fire, which brought them to Egypt. The Degenerate King Kong of the Decepticons, the oldest Supreme, issued a final ultimatum to humanity to hand over the boy or start attacking Earth.