A Beautiful Stranger!

Shortly after leaving the funeral home, Scarlett and her friends arrived at Tucker's house, but they didn't get out of the car until after eight. Scarlett ignored Mrs. O'Hara's repeated calls and threw her phone into the car's storage area.

In front of a white glass mansion, Scarlett was standing between Cornelia and Avery with her hands now entwined with those of her companions. She took a deep breath. "Here we are." She spoke while fixating on the house. Tucker's house.

At 15, Scarlett was aware of Tucker's intense love of partying and it was one of the barriers preventing the two of them from being together. Whenever his parents are away, Tucker takes advantage of the chance to party with his basketball teammates every weekend. Even though they still liked one another, the fact that Scarlett was a bookworm and Tucker wasn't didn't make them compatible.

The mansion had a large pool in front of it and music was playing inside. People from the lower classes who weren't invited to the party were loitering outside the mansion while those who had been invited were inside.

"Scar, take a deep breath. I am aware that you don't normally do this but let's consider it a step outside of your comfort zone." said Avery.

"I suppose you should use this opportunity to stop holding yourself responsible for what happened to your father." Cornelia said.

Scarlett felt guilty for a split second. She was at the party despite knowing she wasn't supposed to be there. She was aware that she shouldn't have let go of her father so quickly, but she did. How could she? She let go of her friends' hands and turned around, turning to leave when she heard Tucker's voice. Scarlett halted abruptly and turned around. "Tucker." She spoke, shyly tucking her hair behind her ears. She swallowed. Hard. Her heart started to beat very quickly.

There, Tucker stood handsomely. Scarlett was unable to take her gaze off of him. Even after 8 years of liking Tucker, she still harbours the same childhood crush on him.

He flashed a wide grin. "I didn't know you were coming. He pointed to the balcony. "I saw you from the house so I thought I should personally come say hello to you." Then his face grew grave. "I heard about your dad and I am so sorry." She graciously consented to his hug when he offered it. It was Tucker. She'd do anything to be in his arms.

Scarlett sniffed as she let go of him. "Thank you, Tucker." She said. Her friends caught her attention and understood the signal she was sending.

"Cornelia and I will see you later, Scarlett. If you need us, we'll be inside." Avery snatched Cornelia by the hand and led her away.

"I feel so bad for being here, Tucker. Today is his funeral." Although she attempted to contain them, tears were in her eyes. "I feel so bad for being here. Despite the fact that he was my best friend, I let him go so easily."

"Shh. Don't say that." He gave her another hug. "You didn't let him go. You still have him in your heart." He held her hands while gradually releasing her. "I'll be here for you always, Scar. I'm here whenever you need someone to talk to."

Scarlett nodded. "Thank you, Tucker." As she let go of her hand, she grinned.

Tucker drew her nearer to him. "Come on. Let's go have some fun."

She gave him a glance. "By the way, congrats on your wins, Tucker." She encircled him as they entered the house through the front door. It appears to Scarlett that she will get the man she wants tonight. But is there really a happy ending? Of course! Sometimes there isn't, and in Scarlett's case, she knew she wouldn't get the happy ending she desired because she could see Cassy coming toward them.

"Tucker!" As she ran to them, Cassy yelled. At first, she didn't even present herself as having noticed Scarlett with her boyfriend. After giving Tucker a lip kiss, she turned to face Scarlett. "Hi, Scarlett.'' She gave her a hug. She had always been aware of Scarlett and Tucker's unique bond, which was one of the reasons she detested seeing them together. "I had no idea you were coming," she said.


Before Scarlett could finish, she intervened. "I'm sorry to hear about your father, but I wouldn't have attended this party if I were you. Everyone is aware of how close you are to your father, who is also your best friend. It's hard for me to think that you didn't grieve for him enough. Rather, I found you at my boyfriend's party." She wrapped her arms around Tucker's shoulder.

Indignantly turning to face Cassy, Tucker let go of her. He was dating Cassy primarily because she had big boobs and was attractive. He didn't like her attitude at all. His gaze was fixed on Cassy. He said, "Say sorry to her right now."

Cassy snorted. "Tucker, I'm your girlfriend. Scarlett is merely one of your friends. Are you really going to take her side?"

"Cassy, what you said was awful and nobody deserved that. Not even Scarlett. So apologise to her."

Scarlett shook her head. "No, Tucker." She spoke softly. Scarlett will always act calmly if Tucker is nearby. "It's fine. I am fine. She is right, you know? I shouldn't have come here in the first place. I will leave." She turned around and ran out of the room and Tucker couldn't chase her because Cassy held him back.

While running, Scarlett bumped into someone and fell, but the other person caught her. She was frightened and gasping for air, but she was also grateful that she hadn't. She raised her head and looked at the person who had helped her. Her heart started to race when she finally caught a glimpse of the person's face. Her first thought was, "How could someone be this beautiful?"

The man was tall and appealing. He had a face that could make girls swoon, and Scarlett wondered how God could have created a man with such beauty. His flawless lips were beckoning for her. He was wearing a black jacket and a pair of black jeans. She only became aware that he was holding her waist when he finally let go of her.

"Thank you." With a sniff, Scarlett said. Given how attractive he appeared, he ought to be one of Tucker's friends. But she had never before seen him. "If you're looking for Tucker, he's in there."

The man said nothing; he just nodded and walked away, and Scarlett never took her eyes off him until he was gone. Maybe this night wasn't really hers. She turned toward the gate and got out. Once outside, she went to her car, got in, and sat down.

As she reached into the compartment box for her phone, she rested her head on the chair's back. When Scarlett turned on her phone, Belly had left some missed calls. She sighed and shut her eyes, but she was startled by an unexpected voice.

The voice of a man.

He was arguing, as though he were on a call with someone.

After rolling down her car window, Scarlett took a quick look outside and remembered the previous encounter. He was the person she had run into. He was the same person in whose eyes she had been lost. He was making his way toward the woods.

Scarlett exited the vehicle and went after him but before she knew it, he vanished from view.