
Scarlett came to a stop in front of the trees. Where could he have gone? She thought. She turned her head in all directions, but all she could see was the shadows. She took a step forward before turning around and walking backward, telling herself it would be foolish to follow that boy inside.

The part of her that was in love wanted to follow him to find out what he was up to, but another part of her warned her against even attempting to do so.

After waiting outside for a while, Scarlett exclaimed, "Fuck it." She had to go inside to look for the boy because he hadn't come out. She turned on the light on her phone before entering the woods, but all she could hear were the sounds of crickets.

Following that, she stepped on something that made a noise, which startled her; however, when she flashed her light in its direction, she saw that it was nothing more than a thong of dry leaves. She moved forward and kept looking, but she couldn't find anything. "Where did he go?" She asked herself, but her query went unanswered.

She dreaded having to go alone into the pitch-black woods. If anyone had wandered into the woods after dark, they would have been terrified as well. Scarlett felt a strong breeze suddenly blow over her, making her feel chilly. As she went on walking, she circled her in her arms. Will it rain? she questioned.

The clouds began to cover the moon, making the scene as dark as possible. Scarlett continued to move forward while holding her breath in the hopes that nothing would come out of the undergrowth to harm her.

She noticed a sign board as she kept walking. She turned her flashlight toward it since she couldn't avoid it. "Stay away. Danger." It reads on the sign.

Scarlett came to a halt and whirled around. She moved more quickly. "This is a bad idea." She said. "He is not worth it." She kept moving forward toward where she had begun her journey, but it appeared that she had become lost.

Scarlett sighed and looked around, trying to recall where she had come from when she heard a leaf rattling. "Is that you?" Scarlett shouted, but nobody responded. She shook her head as she tried to find her way back to Tucker's house, but she heard a growl this time. And immediately, her phone dropped to the ground. Her breathing grew increasingly rapid.

She trembled as she knelt to pick up her phone, and when she finally stood to her feet, Scarlett turned to look behind her when she became aware of a presence and noticed the bright red eyes staring at her in the darkness. She didn't know what it was, but it was a werewolf. To Scarlett, it was a strange beast due to how huge it looked.

The cloud that had been blocking the moon's view began to dissipate, and the bright, full, white moon began to turn red.

The sniffing became more frequent, the rattling persisted, and then a growl could be heard once more.

The wolf hiding in the leaves could see her from a distance. It could see everything clearly and could hear the loud crunching sound of her feet on the leaves as she walked backwards and the quickening of her heartbeat.

The wolf sounded furious. It emerged from the leaves looking very irate before finally revealing itself to her.

Now that she can see it clearly. It was big and black, but the only thing that caught her eye was the brightness of its eyes. Red. It appeared as though he was prepared to kill his next human victim mercilessly.

Slowly approaching her, the wolf growled. It has always despised humans and will continue to do so. The girl in front of it wouldn't be its first or last victim.

It knew there were still hunters around because it had already killed one of them. As a result, the wolf would keep killing people until it could draw the hunters from their hiding places.

It growled and accelerated, trying to keep up with Scarlett.

It enjoys it when humans beg. It always enjoys it whenever they do and becomes more eager to eat them as a result.

As it drew nearer to her, Scarlett gasped. It appeared as though she had only recently realised what was about to happen. Her eyes widened. Turning around, she began to run as fast as her legs would carry her, but the beast was faster and stronger, and she soon found herself on the ground writhing in agony.

It had used its side body to push her off to the other side of the woods, and she struck the side of her back on the ground.

She groaned. "What the fuck was that?" she asked as she fought to stand. "Did it possibly eat the boy she was looking for in the woods?" She had a bruise on her left arm and a sting at the side of her stomach. Her phone was over where the beast was standing when she raised her head to look at it, and it was staring at her. She was in pain. She had never felt this kind of pain before, not even during the death of her father.

Dangerous red eyes that she was looking into were staring back at her. She only had one thought after realising she was in danger. Was she going to die?

She couldn't get away, though. She could get up and run, but it would catch up with her and kill her. In either case—laying or standing to run—she would die.

She broke down in tears. She had such strong fears that the creature would eat her whole. She had never imagined that her death would take place in this way in her entire life.

"You never know how you will die." Scarlett clung to those words tenaciously throughout her early years.

She had prayed for the kind of death where she fell asleep and never woke up. The peaceful kind.

Her stomach began to immediately feel as if it were being pierced by a set of razor-sharp teeth. "No, let me go!" Scarlett screamed and fought to get away, but it was useless. She couldn't get away from the beast. She was drawn back to it as it continued with its meal. She was its meal.

The wolf was furious. Angry at her, and Scarlett could tell from just the red eyes she saw.

Was she really going to die? Will she have another chance to see her father? Was she experiencing this because she attended a party immediately following her father's funeral? Is this the last day she will spend on Earth? She kept asking herself so many questions.

Her flesh was being severely torn apart by the beast's teeth. She could feel tears trickling down her cheek. She was numbed, but the pain was still there. It's a feeling where you're not sure what you're feeling.

Her hands trembled. They couldn't move; they were just so still, shaking, and still. You know that sensation you get when you know it's almost time to pass away? That was how she felt as well.

Scarlett felt her hand get damp all of a sudden. The wetness was very thick. It was as thick as blood. Her own blood. Her hand was drenched in her own blood. "Please... let me go." Her voice was so frail that the beast wouldn't even be able to hear what she was saying.

It wouldn't allow her to live. It was a beast after all. They prey on humans, and they haunt humans. Even as her voice continued to shake, Scarlett clung to the possibility that she might survive. With each passing second, she could feel its teeth slicing deeper into her body, and if it continued to eat her, she would eventually perish.

Her phone started to ring, and the red eyes' attention abruptly shifted from her to it. Would she describe her predicament as "fortunate"? given that her phone rang?

The ringtone on her phone grew louder and more frantic, and the beast started to growl. Scarlett was unaware that something like that even existed in today's world. A beast? She was a bright student, but she didn't know that there were beasts. It was all a myth to her. Were there more of them out there?

The beast removed its teeth from Scarlett's flesh because the sound from her phone was too loud for it to tolerate.

Though she exhaled in relief, she could feel her stomach bleed steadily more. She was losing so much blood that she could feel the chill spreading through her entire body.

Once more, the beast bowed its head toward Scarlett, but this time its red eyes were fixed on her almost-ripped stomach rather than her eyes. Was it going to continue eating her up? Scarlett finally gave up at this point.

She closed her eyes tightly and clenched her fist. She believed she was doomed, but to her surprise, she no longer felt the teeth.

After a while, Scarlett finally flipped her eyes open and instantly noticed what the beast was doing. It was sniffing her.

It does, after all, have a heart.

The beast turned to face her, and she could see the red eyes of the creature staring into hers. The moment she heard a slow, quiet growl, the beast bolted from her side and sat down.

Why was it staring at her so strangely? Could it read her?

She became puzzled.