Sending Scarlett To England!

October helped Scarlett into a thick cardigan and also helped her out of bed. From what she witnessed yesterday between her father-in-law and Scarlett, she has tried so hard to distance her daughter from him. She doesn't know why Scarlett fears him now. Her father-in-law has always been a man with a thick face whom everyone feared. "Come on, Mia. Time to go." When October tapped her, Mia raised her head from the phone she was pressing. She didn't want her summer to be over yet. Not with how much she already enjoys the werewolf world.

Ever since she visited the packhouse, she has wanted to go back again. Mia groaned. "Are we really going back home?" She hates home. Her friends weren't allowed to visit the mansion because October has some rules about not allowing strangers into their private space. Mia is still perplexed as to why she permits Avery and Cornelia. Perhaps it is because they practically grew up with Scarlett or because their parents are best friends.