

2 Years Later


I grunted as I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror. That fucking eyepatch. Those little bastards have been able to hold out for this long but I haven't given up just yet. I put on a face cap and headed towards the door.

" Honey....where are you going? "

I turned around and stared at her while trying to keep my irritation in check.

" How many times have I told you not to ask me that fucking question? "

" I'm sorry. It's just...I...you've been going out a lot lately, since we moved here and you've been skipping work. I just thought...."

I could no longer contain my anger and suddenly threw a punch at her. I might as well just take out a little bit of my frustration on her, before I get the boys. I walked over to her and pulled her up by her hair. The tears in her eyes irritated me so much so I punched her right across the face and threw her against the wall.

" Mind your goddamn business "

" Dad....please stop "

I turned around to see Taeri hurdled in a corner. She was such a wimp for a nine year old and I couldn't believe I birthed her. I gritted my teeth when she ran over to her mother.

" My goodness. Why are you people so whiny today? It's disgusting "

I groaned loudly before heading out the front door.


Taemin and I stood hand in hand as we took selfies in front of the Namsan tower. He hung his bag around my neck and handed me the camera so I could take pictures of him.

" Hurry up.....hurry up. The lighting is perfect now. Hold on let me take off my coat "

I rolled my eyes as he threw his coat over to me.

" Okay.....I'm taking it. One.... two....three "

I smiled once I saw his sparkling eyes and big smile. He looked so beautiful.

" One more....one more "

We took a couple more pictures and just enjoyed the fireworks. It was the school break so we decided to unwind and relax and it's been amazing to spend every second of every day with him.

" Slow down. The cake isn't running away ". I said as I wiped icing off his lips

" I know....haha "

He giggled as he held up a spoonful of cake to my mouth. I smiled at him and accepted the cake.

" My boyfriend is the cutest "

" Ya.....". He said as his cheeks turned rosy pink.

We headed home after a while of gaming and sightseeing.


I laid in bed while Taemin sat in front of the mirror, drying his hair. I walked over to him and took the towel from him.

" I keep telling you to always let me dry your hair "

" I know....I keep forgetting "

He stayed silent while I gently towel dried his hair. I turned his chair so he wasn't backing me anymore. He wrapped his hands around my waist and suddenly looked up at me.

" Eunsoo I can't stop thinking about Aunt Jisoo and Taeri. What if they're not okay? "

" Don't worry. They're fine. Byungchan may be sick in the head but he would never hurt his wife and kid. Okay? "

I moved closer to him and rested his head against my body. I hate seeing him so down, but we are all really worried right now.

" They're okay "

" Yeah "

We both got into bed and pulled him close me while patting his back gently.


" Sir....we have the location of the two boys, the mother and Byungchan. They are all in Anyang "

" Even Byungchan? "

" Yes sir. He moved across the country for awhile but he is in Anyang now "

" Interesting "

" Sir...should we take action now? "

" Hold it. This is too Interesting to be cut short. Don't you think "


My heart pounded in my chest as I walked down the street. Someone was following me. I held the hilt of the knife inside my coat and took another turn.....away from home. I turned up an alley and waited for whomever it was to show up. I am sick of running and hiding. I felt cold sweat breakout on my forehead as I waited. Soon enough, he showed up.

He stood a few feet away from me without moving. He had a mask on so I couldn't really make out his face.

" Who the fuck are you? What do you want? "

The person suddenly laughed and took off the mask.