


I stood, glued to the spot as I stared in horror. The face of the person who stood before me seemed to be taunting me.

" Lee Byungchan "

" Is that anyway to address your elder? "

I gritted my teeth in anger when he grinned at me.

" How did you find us? "

" I'll just go straight to the point. I'm going to kill Taemin and his mother and the only way you can save them is by joining hands with me. Join me so we can take down the real villain "

" You've finally lost your mind "

" Come on...deep down you're just like me. I'm giving you one more chance "

" Just what did we do to you? "

" Let's just say you're all paying for my brother's sin of ever existing. So...what do you say? "

" Fuck you "

I was barely keeping it together at this point.

" You had your chance "

He said and pulled out a knife. I drew my knife out as well and glared at him.

" Let's get this over with..... you fucking psychopath "

He suddenly laughed and put his knife away. I was puzzled but I didn't lower mine.

" I'll see you some other time. Somewhere more.....private "

He said and walked away with a smirk. I picked up my phone to dial Taemin's number but my battery was dead. I don't want to go home just yet.....Byungchan might still be lurking around.

I headed for the sauna across the street and my frustration only increased as I realized I wasn't with my phone charger. I went around, asking if anyone had a charger but I couldn't find any. There were no payphones either. I sat in a corner of the room, worried about Taemin.


I got up really early and headed home. I let out a deep breath and opened the door. I locked the door behind me and peered out through the window.

" Eunsoo where..."

" There's something really urgent that I need to tell you "

" You mean the reason why you slept out and didn't call? "

" Yes...Yes. Byungchan....he is here. I saw Byungchan yesterday "

Taemin suddenly sighed and rolled his eyes at me.

" Seriously? Again? "

" What do you mean? "

" Listen....I....I think you're relapsing "

" What? I just told you that I saw Byungchan. He's here in Anyang. What are you talking about? "

" I kept some drugs around....just in case "

" Drugs? I'm fucking stressed and worried about you and everyone else and you're just gonna make me feel stupid? "

" Yeah. Stressed out just like when you said you saw him in the bathroom, living room and the bedroom? "

" That was a long time ago and it's different now "

" Stop making excuses. If he knew we were here he would have done something already. Just take the damn drugs. I'm sick of all of this "

" Wow....I guess I'm too tiring for you "

" Eunsoo...."

" Fuck this "

I turned around and walked back out. I felt really frustrated, betrayed and angry.


I stared at him as he walked out and slammed the door. I sighed and slumped to the crouch. I laid there for a while just staring at the ceiling. I didn't mean to just go off like that. I was just worried and scared for him.


It was now a few minutes past two in the afternoon and Eunsoo was still not back. I tried calling his phone but it was switched off. I was in the kitchen making lunch when I heard the front door unlock. I quickly dried my hands and walked into the living room.

" Eunsoo? "


I sighed heavily and buried my head into my palms. I shouldn't have left him all alone and I still didn't charge my phone. I was just a block away so I decided to head back a little past four in the evening. When I got home, I knocked and the door slowly fell open.

" Taemin never leaves the door unlocked "

I held the hilt of my knife tightly and slowly entered the house. The place was a mess. Furniture were broken and shattered all over the place. I ran into the kitchen and there was spilled food on the ground.

I looked at a corner and saw a bloodied knife lying on the floor. There was a blood trail that lead to the back door. I followed it but there was nothing there. I ran into the house when I heard a phone ringing.....it was Taemin's phone.

" Lee Byungchan? "

" At your service. How do you like my surprise? "

" You crazy bastard! I swear if you touch...."

" Be quiet. I'm sending you a location. Meet me there so we can.....play. If you call the cops, you'll have carry him out in a body bag. Okay? "

He hung up before I could even reply. I hurriedly placed a call to Yoonho.

" Ya.....Yoonho. I need the gun now "

Yoonho immediately loaded me with questions as soon as he walked in.

" What's going on? What happened here? "

" Byungchan has Taemin "

I said and grabbed the gun from Yoonho. I stopped in my tracks and stared at Yoonho who kept following me.

" What are you doing? "

" Eunsoo there's no way I'm letting you go alone "

" It's really dangerous and it's best if it's just a few of us getting hurt rather than all of us "

" I'm not letting you go alone. I already told Minho and Deokhwa to call the cops if they don't hear from us in an hour "

" Fine...be careful Yoonho "

" You too "

We sent the address to Minho and got into a taxi.

" Yoonho do you think the cops would be able to help? "

" We've gotten enough evidence plus, if we manage to get video evidence of Byungchan today, it will be a bonus "

" Okay "

I nodded my head vigorously as I tried to clear my mind. Yoonho must have noticed my nervousness because he started patting my back.