


We got to the building and Yoonho went through the back while I went in through the front. I walked into the large empty space and saw Byungchan. He greeted me with a chilling smile that sent shivers down my spine. I gritted my teeth in frustration and walked over to him. He didn't even move an inch and just stared at me.

" Where is Taemin? "

" Isn't it too early? You just got here "

" Cut the crap...where is he? "

" Impatience....not quite a good thing "

He walked into a room and came out a little later. He was dragging two people across the floor by their bound hands. He dumped them in a corner of the room and smiled at me.

I looked over at the corner and Taemin and his mother lay there almost lifeless and unmoving. Their faces and bodies were covered in blood. Taemin stared at me with weak eyes and I couldn't control the surge of anger that took over me. I grabbed the knife inside jacket and threw it at him. The knife went flying right into his right arm and he dropped his gun.

I ran towards him, kicked him across the face and kicked the gun away from him. I walked over to him and landed a punch on his face. I reached for his face again but he grabbed my leg and dragged me to the ground. He sent a kick to the back of my head and it felt like my head was being split in half. He got up and looked at the knife that was still stuck in his arm. He pulled it out and came straight for me. I was quick enough to move out of the way but the knife still left a cut on my shoulder. I pulled my gun out and turned to Byungchan. That motherfucker already grabbed Taemin and was using him as a shield. He held Taemin by his hair and held the knife at the base of Taemin's throat. I could barely make out Taemin's face underneath all that blood. I felt defeated but still didn't drop my gun. My grip tightened around the gun as I stared at Byungchan.

" Drop that fucking gun right now or this idiot dies now "

" What exactly are you doing all of this for? Tiger Corp? We already stopped digging into the case and we're not saying anything to the cops either. What more do you fucking want? "

" You see this goddamn eyepatch? It's your fucking fault. I got treated like garbage again because of you. It brought back a lot of memories of my stupid brother, so you'll have to atone for your mistakes "

" What are you talking about? "

" You have no fucking clue just how annoying it is to be stuck in someone's shadow. No matter what I did and what I accomplished, I never got acknowledged. So...I did whatever I could to be the top. Then you idiots went ahead to destroy everything I have ever worked for. All my years of hard work, sent down the fucking drain and you expect me to be lenient. Ha! I'll drag every last one of you down before I go "

" You told Tiger Corp about the escape plan and then killed your friends and your own brother. You're not human you are a monster "

" Friends?...Friends....that sounds so funny. Family and friends will only make you weak and hold you back "

" You're crazy "

" You're just like me...I know it. I know you thought about killing all those people that spoke ill of your father and you must have hated your mother when she implied that your father was a murderer. With time, you will be just like me "

" Go to hell "

I tossed my gun to the ground and kicked it over to him. He picked it up and suddenly smiled at me with a smug expression.

" How would you feel if I shot him with your gun? Huh? "

" Don't...do this.....please "

" Stop !!!! "

We all turned towards the voice as Byungchan lets go of Taemin.


My vision was kind of blurry, but I could still make out the face of the intruder. she was alive all along...Aunt Jisoo.

I tried to move but the binds wouldn't let me. My right hand was starting to come loose but it still wasn't enough to shake off the ropes.

"What the Fuck are you doing here? I told you to never leave the house. How did you find me?"

"Please....stop this. This isn't right " Aunt Jisoo said as she slowly walked towards him with a tear stained face.

" You have no right to tell me what's wrong and right"

" I don't know how deep you are into this but it's never too late...please "

She clasped his hands gently in her's and he stayed quiet for a while. He suddenly smiled and pulled her in for a hug. He looked straight at me as he hugged her and I saw his eyes go dark, before he slowly lifted the gun to the back of her head and then....he fired. My eyes widened in shock as I stared at him.

He grabbed a fist full of hair and pulled her lifeless body off of him before tossing her to the ground. I wanted to scream, hit him and kill him. My hand was slowly moving out of the ropes by now. My breath caught in my throat when he suddenly aimed the gun a few feet above us and fired.