Chapter One

"Caiden your shift is over, I will be taking over from you so let's make accounts before you leave" Luke said as he approached Caiden's bar stand.

"Alright, here's the account book. The weird mustache guy at table fifteen owes two dollars and seventy five cents, the tall man at table twelve owes five dollars and that blonde hair lady over at table four, she owes three dollars and fifteen cents" Caiden said as he wrote down a couple of things in the account book before handing it over to Luke.

"Okay then, I guess I'll be seeing you later then" Luke said after collecting the account book and going through them.

"Yeah sure, have a good night" Caiden said and started walking towards the changing room.

"Actually, it's morning already" Luke corrected and turned his attention to a costumer approaching the stand. Caiden checked his wrist watch and realized that it is past 12am.

"Holy shit It's past 12am, I really have outworked my time, mom must be really worried sick by now" Caiden muttered to himself and hurriedly went to the changing room. He changed from his work uniform into his clothes and started counting his tips.

"Wow I made alot of money today, I should hurry home" Caiden said to himself after counting his tips. He put both of his hands into his pocket and left the club.

"I guess I'll be walking home then" Caiden muttered while looking around without spotting any taxi and started walking home. As he walked, his mind travelled back to his past and all he went through together with his mom.

Caiden Jerome is a nineteen year old teenager who has been through alot with his mom in order to survive, of course it wasn't always like that. He lost his father when he was just seven years old and ever since then, it has from one menial job to the other so as to put food on the table until he got this one. Although he was little when the incident happened, he clearly remembers everything that happened that night.

Caiden's father, Mr Henry Jerome was a news caster in the local region of Brooklyn in New York, he was a kind and upright man, always saying what he was sure of whenever he was broadcasting. Mr Henry's job did well in providing for the family, they were not that rich, but they were not poor either. They had everything they needed and they were a happy family. Until that faithful night, Mr Henry had just returned home and was watching a TV show with his wife and son, when all of a sudden, the door to the house was kicked down and six men all putting on black ski masks and had guns. Caiden could still hear all the words that the men said that night in his head, as if it is happening all over again.

"Everyone, down with your face on the floor, and don't even think of making any sound else I'll blow your fucking brains out" shouted the first man who entered the house and they all laid on the floor trembling.

"So you are Mr Henry, the most honest news caster in the world" the last one to enter who seemed like the leader and the boss of the rest said in a mocking tone.

"who... who are people and what you want from us" Mr Henry stammered out in fear.

"Who are we you say, hmm let me think about that and give you a reply" the leader said sarcastically and placed his hands on his chin as if he was thinking.

"please, please I will do anything, I'm not with money here but I can make a mobile money transfer to any account you want, I will do anything please don't hurt my family" Caiden's father pleaded pitifully such that any body who has a heart would leave them alone but not those men.

"Money, hahaha boys he said he would give us money" the leader said and they all laughed except Mr Henry's family members.

"Do we look like we need your money huh?" the leader asked after his laughter and that of the boys stopped abruptly and his tone became serious again.

"What do you want, please I'll do anything you want please just don't hurt us" Mr Henry begged again, he and his wife shaking vigorously, but little Caiden didn't know what was happening then.

"We don't want your money, we are here for business only" the boss said and then let out an evil laugh.

"I don't know who you people are, and what type of business will you be needing a gun for?" Mr Henry asked still lying face flat on the floor.

"Well let's just say that it's the type that involves life and death" their leader who was now sitting in one of the sofa said.

"We have been ordered to kill you. But, if you cooperate and don't try anything stupid, we might consider letting you live.

"Who ordered you to kill me? I have not wronged anyone why would someone want me dead?" the shocked and fear stricken Mr Henry asked.

"We don't ask, we only carry out the orders. Like I said, if you cooperate, we might consider letting you live, but if you don't, we will kill you, your wife and your son" the leader was saying when something caught his attention.

"You stand up" he ordered pointing at Caiden's mother Mrs Jerome who was clutching unto Caiden tightly. She obeyed and stood up almost immediately, while letting go of Caiden in the process.

"Wow, what do we have here? you've got yourself quite a woman Mr Henry, and no one told us anything about her huh" the leader said while checking Caiden's mother out from the sofa where he sat.

"Bring her closer boys, let's have a good look" the leader ordered and two of the thugs dragged Sonia, Caiden's mom towards their leader.

"Please I beg you, don't touch my wife, I'm begging you" Mr Henry said trying to stand up but was stomped back down by one of the thugs holding a gun above him.

"How dare you, you want me to paint the floor with your fucking blood" the thug yelled and cucked his pistol.

"Ohh don't worry Mr Henry, I won't hurt her, we are just going to have some fun. Right boys?" the leader said and he alongside his boys laughed wickedly.

"Now stay calm beautiful, you and I will enjoy this" the leader said to Mrs Jerome and moved forward to touch her breast, but Mr Henry jumped up all of a sudden and rushed towards the leader.

"Bang" was the sound that followed as every thing happened fast and Mr Henry fell down after some seconds with blood oozing out of his chest.

"Nooooooooo" Caiden screamed in horror as he saw his father laying on the floor and blood pouring out of his chest.