Chapter Two

"Nooooooooo" Caiden screamed in horror as he saw his father laying on the floor and blood pouring out of his chest. He then rushed over to his father's side and held his hand.

"You fool, I told you not to do anything stupid. you just have to act brave and courageous don't you" the leader of the gang spat in anger as he stood up and walked towards the bleeding body of Mr Henry.

"Please have mercy please" Sonia screamed as she ran and knelt down beside her husband who is not dead yet but is loosing too much blood.

"Now you will watch in pain, as I and my boys have our way with your wife. Grab her" the leader said and immediately two thugs grabbed Mrs Jerome and pinned her down despite her feeble effort.

"You better cooperate with us else you will be next" the leader said in a mean voice and immediately Sonia stopped struggling and started crying.

"Boys you can have her after I'm done with her. if there is anything left" the boss said while laughing and started unbuckling his belt.

"The cops are coming, we have to go now" shouted two more thugs who seem to have been standing outside the whole time, making the total number of thugs in the house eight, including their leader.

"Fuck, you see what you've caused, now I didn't have my fun, you will have to die now." the leader said to Mr Henry who is struggling with life and death while lying in a pool of his own blood.

"please have mercy, we will leave Brooklyn, you will never hear from us again please don't kill my husband" Mrs Jerome pleaded in tears as she grabbed Caiden from his side and kept sobbing.

"The order has been given, see you never Mr Henry" the leader said and with that he pointed the gun at Mr Henry and shot him again in his forehead which led to his instant death.

"Let's roll boys, the mission is complete" the leader said and they all disappeared into the darkness of the night as the sound of siren blast were heard a few meters away.

After the death and funeral of Mr Henry, little Caiden and his mom sold their large assets and relocated to Los Angeles. Where they bought a little house and started life afresh, and ever since then life hasn't been smiling at them.

Caiden's mom was an accountant in Brooklyn, but when they arrive at Los Angeles, she could not find any better job so she opened her own mini convenient store.

Caiden entered high school and did really well in academics, he was especially good in physics and geometry and always came out as the best. In sports, he went into taekwondo and kickboxing, he was a taekwondo red belt trainer and he is very good.

He represented the school in many interschool kickboxing competition and he never failed to bring the trophy home. He never gives up in a match, no matter how badly beaten he was, he always finds a way to get back up.

But unfortunately, after high school, he wasn't able to go to college due to financial problems, so he started doing all kinds of menial jobs to earn money until he found his current job as a bar attendant in one of the bubbling nightclub there in Los Angeles, and the pay is actually good.

"Hey you, stupid" a voice called out jolting Caiden out of his past memories. He turned to see who it is, only to realize that they are three boys closing in on him from behind.

"You talking to me?" Caiden asked while looking all around the area.

"Who else do you think we're talking to fool" the one in the middle asked with authority, it looks like he's the leader.

"Rascals, you sure picked the wrong person to mess with tonight" he mumbled inaudibly as he went closer to them.

"What are you mumbling about fool" the boy at the left asked as they got closer to him.

"Now here's the deal, you do as you're told then we'll let you go, but if you don't, then you'll have to suffer an excruciating pa...." the boy in the middle was saying but was cut off by Caiden.

"New deal boys, you three meatheads fuck off now and save yourself from excruciating pain" Caiden cut in already becoming impatient.

"Alright just remember that we tried reasoning with you" the guy at the right said and immediately threw a punch at him. But Caiden is fast enough to duck, and spinning around with his right leg stretched out he swept him off his feet as the boy fell down with a thud.

"Are you guys sure you really want to do this?" Caiden asked in a mocking tone as the one that fell struggled to get back up.

"So you think you are tough huh? let's see how tough you can be" the leader said and pulled out a pocket knife.

Caiden remained calm and observed them all only to realize that non of them has any fighting skills or capabilities.

"Stop staring and attack him you fool" the leader yelled at the boy at the left who is still awestruck. The one that fell down stood up and attacked again.

But this time, Caiden dodged his punches and delivered a punch to the guts while quickly following it with a knee to the face causing the boy to fall backwards.

"You piece of shit, you're dead meat now" the leader said and moved in to stab him in the stomach.

But Caiden twisted his body to one side dodging the attack and almost immediately he grabbed the hand holding the knife and twisted it so hard that the knife fell off the boy's grip, he then grabbed the boy's collar and head-butted him so hard that the boy fell down with his nose bleeding.

"So are you gonna fight or just stand there?" Caiden asked turning to the last guy who has not attack.

"I'm sorry, you won't ever hear from me again" the guy apologized in fear and ran away while constantly looking back.

"This guy is crazy, let's get out here man" the leader said to the other guy who is now clutching his stomach with one hand and his nose with the other hand.

"Yeah man let's go, we're sorry for bothering you" the guy replied quickly as they both took to their heels.

"Of course I know you are sorry, I bet you guys are regretting ever crossing my paths these morning" Caiden said and laughed while clapping his hands to remove invisible dirt, he looked around and realized that his home was on the next street.

"These fuckers have wasted my time, it's now a quarter past 1am, I better hurry home and get some sleep" Caiden mumbled to himself and started walking home.