


Chichi rolls from side to side in her bed restlessly, the event that happened the day before keeps playing in her head. So many thoughts keep running through her mind "Why does she always ruin opportunities by herself with her emotions always getting in the way of great things? All she should have done when that young man, that she still didn't catch his name, asked a question was answer his damn question! Putting every emotion aside! And all would have been fine by now" she hisses. Ever since she got back from the office a day before, she has been indoors mourning her lost job and lost opportunities. She refused to turn on the television or stereo, all she craved was total silence, no noise pollution not even a beep from her phone is appreciated, she had put her phone on silent immediately after she left the office, knowing that the Managing Director would call to chastise and insult her for her childish attitude that cost them their biggest deal and perhaps tell her to come and pick up her termination letter. She has owned up to her loss, she doesn't need anyone to share the bad news with her since it was no longer breaking news. Having made alcohol her only companion since the night before, Chichi manages to stagger into the bathroom to shower before her apartment privileges are restricted and she is thrown out to the airport. Her company caters to every responsibility of hers in Spain; accommodation, feeding, and transportation because she had flown in for duties as requested by the company, she is also paid weekly for inconveniences. After she showered, she had a change of outfit, then goes around the studio apartment checking for what belongs to her as she prepares to pack her traveling box. The intercom rings loudly, she wonders who could be calling her on that line, only her company and the management of the apartment have a link to the intercom. She picks it up "Hello?" the voice replies "Hello Chichi, what's wrong? The office has been trying to reach you since yesterday but it's directed straight to voicemail, are you safe?" it is her boss, Mr. Daniel Ortega, 'so she has been reported to the boss in Nigeria! Wow! Bad news does fly fast' she thinks within herself "Good day sir, yes I am safe. I just haven't been in the right frame of mind since yesterday" Chichi confesses remorsefully "Yeah, I heard about what happened, I also learned that you didn't show up at the office today" Chichi reluctantly explains to her boss "I... I didn't know what to expect after ruining the deal, so I stayed back at home today" "Well Chichi, you have been given another chance to make amends, they already sent you a mail but got no response from you. The CEO has organized a one-on-one section with you and his board of directors at his company, in fact, you must be on your way as we speak, because the meeting is in thirty minutes" Chichi's head spins as she heard this "Go and win this back Chichi, I know you can" Chichi is full of gratitude and fear "I will do my best sir, I have to be on my way to avoid keeping them waiting again" she picks up her blazer and her shoes and rapidly throws them on "Good! Break a leg!" the dialer disconnected, Chichi grabs her bag and phone and rushes out of the apartment.