Chichi relished every bit of the aesthetics of the
neighborhood as her driver approached Louisana. From the sidewalk to the beautiful trees acting as sheds, the neighborhood is filled with high-rise buildings. The distance from the gate to the company seems endless and extremely beautiful, the smell of luxury filled the air. It's a huge firm with extraordinary architectural values, She couldn't but appreciate the structure, the design, and the quality of everything that caught her eyes as they drive in.
She alights from the taxi and walks briskly to the
reception, the interior is no way compared to the
exterior. She could tell that the CEO does have
an exquisite taste, from the floor she walks on to the glass doors that opened to welcome her. The paintings on the wall are originals directly from the painter, she knows a little about paintings but she can tell these are limited editions, perhaps one design to have existed. She walks towards the beautiful receptionist who welcomes her with a smile, she seemed so happy doing her job, where she came from, no one is ever happy right on duty, everyone just acts happy wearing a plastic smile on. Well, anyone who works in this kind of firm doesn't have any reason to be sad, they are obviously paid a great deal, she could tell from the receptionist's perfect skin. Chichi guessed her hourly pay could probably be what she earns annually. She informs the receptionist about her appointment but she told her she is aware as it is already on the tab, she directs her to take a seat in the waiting room and that she would be called in shortly.
Chichi sits on the divan which seems so soft and
perfect for relaxation, unlike the bed she sleeps on at home. The waiting room is so detailed with
information about the firm, she picks up one of the magazines laying in front of her and the gold pen arranged on the stool caught her eye. Everything about this firm speaks of luxury down to the pen they jot with. A guy in a suit walks up to her barely after two minutes of waiting, he informs her that the boss is ready for her on the seventh floor and ushers her to the elevator. The elevator dings, Chichi enters and clicks on the seventh floor, she said a quick prayer as she waits. The elevator door opens into an astounding office, Chichi isn't surprised at the sight, the young man she met at her company a day before was sitting on a chair with his face buried in his laptop. Chichi wonders how someone this young could acquire all this, the net worth of this company alone would amount to billions of Euros, and she read from the
magazine a few minutes ago that it is the smallest amongst Louisana's establishments. The brand must definitely be an inheritance, perhaps from his forefathers, he ought to be the person presiding over the firm at the moment. She walks in with poise, "Good day sir", he looks up immediately from whatever he seemed to have been engrossed in on his laptop, he is good looking though he looks uptight, someone of his caliber shouldn't look less
"Good day, Mrs. Chioma is it? Sorry to have kept
you waiting, do have your seat"
"Miss" Chichi corrects as she takes her seat
"Sorry? I didn't get that"
"Miss Chioma Okaeze it is" Chichi repeats
"Oh! Sorry. Miss Chioma, what would you care for if I may ask?"
"Water is fine" Chichi didn't expect a hospitable welcome, if he is in a good mood, then she better
make good use of the moment and apologize for what happened before that day "I apologize for any form of insult I must have passed yesterday, I am usually not rude a person, I apologize for the misconception" the CEO gives her an intense stare which caused Chichi's heart to pound faster, his face is emotionless which makes it hard for her to read or guess what is running in his head or what he is about to say but the first word that came out from his mouth is "Were you relieved off your job?" Chichi looks at him with curiosity and asked "am I meant to?" The CEO scoffs, he is amazed at her response "Your boss promised me that you would be"
"Oh!" she expresses her surprise then shook her head, she has to pick her words carefully, she
doesn't know which one she would say that will
make her remain in his black book forever. "Actually, I haven't received such letter yet but I am hoping to redeem the deal to make up for the ruins I caused" she explains carefully.
"You shouldn't... you actually won the contract for them" the CEO mutters lightly, Chichi is confused at that moment, she thought she was meant to come and defend the proposal to the board of directors but here she is, and she is told that she got the contract already! Just like that? "We got the contract? You mean the same one I came here to defend?" Chichi asks to be sure they are both on the same page "You defended it already, I don't see any reason you need to do that again.
You are here to proofread the paperwork and get it to your boss" Chichi's tension is eased in relief, she collects the paperwork with her shaky hands which the CEO couldn't help but notice "why are you fidgeting? You've turned chicken in a second?" Chichi gives him a cold stare "I would guess that was said to get back at me for ruining your ego". The CEO couldn't but wonder who exactly she is, he kept a steady gaze at her which she returned confidently. She has the perfect answer to every question, response to every statement not minding the status of the person she is referring to. He likes it! She is fearless and bold, gives no care at all, and dishes it out as she feels with no second to waste "I hope you are smart as you look?" he finally says "Ouch, that means I shouldn't believe what you present yourself as" The CEO gives her a puzzled look, he seems interested in how she perceives him "how do I present myself, if I may ask?"
"You want to be feared, you want to be the voice
that has no face which causes everyone to shiver
when it's heard, you pretend to be brutal meanwhile you are as soft-hearted as a naive child" The CEO looks at her interestingly as she speaks "lost in the world of riches, trying to find your place to feel among amid your family, you want to be seen for what you are and what you can offer, not for your title or your family's rank, you want to be seen as you!" Chichi drops the paperwork noisily on his desk "I see beyond that mask you wear. 30%"
"What's 30%?" The CEO asks, confused about the
"My company will handle everything that has to do with the marketing and publicity of the new product, no down payment needed, but we get 30% of the generated revenue at the success of this product"
she explains coldly. The CEO laughs softly, Chichi
noticed that was the first time she would be seeing his set of teeth, he has great dentition with a lovely smile "You are so sure of yourself that you will pull this through?" he asks her calmly and she nods in affirmation, he throws his hands in the air "You get 15% if it's a success" Chichi cuts him "20% and it's a deal" The CEO goes quiet for few seconds as he tries to think things through before concluding, he knew he had to take the risk if he wants a difference, twenty percent of their generated revenue is high same way it's zero Euros if it fails. He realizes that the odds are in his favor, he concludes and gives her a handshake which she shook immediately "Deal".
Chichi looks around his office, her eyes caught a
small freezer "perhaps I get that water now?" he
apologizes and offers her the water which she took in one gulp. She stands up from her seat set to leave "I suppose that will be all Mr.?"
"Tim Geoffrey" he replies as he stands also to see her out, she clicks on the elevator and waits for it to open "You should smile more often Mr. Geoffrey, it doesn't make you soft as a man". The elevator dings and opens, she enters and faces him, he has the cutest disgusted look on his face. The elevator door closes.