"what do you think about this?", oddete asks her sister showing her a pair of stockings.

Aurora grins at her then winks "if you wanna surprise your fiancé... go for it", she tells playfully making odette roll her eyes on her scoffing.

"You know I never wear anything to please men", oddete tells air quoting most obvious thing.

"Oh come on, now don't become the feminist bitch", aurora whines shoving a red gown in oddete's hand.

Oddete glares at her then the dress for a few minutes but aurora held a still face not backing up, oddete sighs heavily then points at other dresses.

"Seriously red! Come on choose other", oddete tells frowning.

"Men like women better in red, specifically mafia men", aurora tells folding her hands on her chest.

"ha! I will make sure the man who is getting engaged to me see all red-danger", Odette tells scoffing and getting inside the trial room to try on the dress.

She removes her jacket and top along her shorts, keeping the stockings on she pull the red dress on chosen by her sister.

When she tries to pull the zip on she wasn't able to reach it. She groans annoyed with the dress, she always though wearing clothes like this is a struggle though she used to wear frocks when she was a kid but that was back when she was a kid now she feels comfortable in denim shorts or skirts, when in cold days she wears jeans and army pants with shirts, t-shirts or crop top layering it with a jacket.

"Rora.... I swear I already hate this dress", odette shouts so that her sister could hear her.

"Now fucking get inside and help me pull the zip up", odette orders sighing as she places her hands on the mirror and lower her head tiredly.

"Rora!!", she shouts again.

"Get in and help me", she snarls angrily.

First of all she didn't wanted to come for shopping and now her sister pulled her out of home forcefully promising a movie night out as a normal sisters not mafia princess or queen. Then she shoved a red dress and she isn't answering her.

"Rora, get your ass in now!!!", Odette yells again.

The door of the changing room opens as Odette sighs thinking it's aurora.

"Hurry up, so that I can show you this dress and get out of it as soon as possible", Odette tells looking down not raising her eyes from the floor.

The cold fingers touches her skin trailing the opening of the dress which is below her waist, the cold fingers grab the zipper of the dress and pull them up sensually making Odette release a relieved sigh.

Her eyes raises up looking herself in the mirror then behind her. She gasps turning her back to the mirror with wide eyes seeing the person in front of her standing proudly without any shame checking her out.

"Who the hell are you and what you are doing here?", she shouts at the person angrily making him smirk.

"You were in need of help and no one was out, how can I leave such a pretty lady by herself struggling with the zip", he tells in his rough voice making goose bumps rise on odette's skin.

Seeing her react to his voice he smirk internally trailing his finger on her bare arm then looks into her dark brown eyes.

His blue eyes piercing her soul as his eyes rake her body poking his tongue in his cheek then he curses under his breathe looking at the stockings she is wearing.

"Fuck! This is too killer", he tells looking at the stockings she is wearing.

"Oh you didn't see the heels down there, they are definitely a better killer", she mocks scoffing at him with a glare.

The stranger just kept his amused face and looked at the clothes she hung, he nodded his head understanding then said, "badass much".

Odette shook her head then said "badass too much".

He chuckled amused with her encounter. Shoving his hands in his jeans pockets he looks at her admiring her features. The way she is all mad with her furrowed eyebrows and a angry pout, her nose is slightly red and puffed cheeks wanting him to kiss her breathlessly.

"if you have taken enough entertainment for today, I request you to leave me fucking alone", odette rasps glaring at the man.

His hand came in contact with her ass as he pulled her front with his other hand smacked her ass making her release a breathy 'owwww' he chuckled darkly and looking into her eyes straight then said "I don't like when women curse".

This made odette flare in anger as she raised her eyebrow amused then smiled seductively biting her lower lip clutching her piercing.

His eyes fell on her lips admiring them and controlling his sinful desires of what he wanted to do to them, when he was so immersed odette twisted him as now his back is presses on the mirror and she is pushing her whole body on him making him curse under his breathe.

"Fuck, feisty little thing you are", he growls in excitement.

This made odette smirk and wrapped her hand around his neck. No matter how long heels she is wearing she is just near his shoulder without her heels she will be only up to his chest but this little odette can bring any man to his knees with her beauty.

"Do you think women shouldn't curse?", she asks seductively.

He nods his head biting his lip "yes, not unless am fucking her senses out of her head", he tells in his raspy voice.

"Uh- hmm", odette hums against his skin bringing her face close to his.

"do you think women shouldn't smoke?", she asks again to which he breathes out "no".

"what do you think about day drinking?", she asks coming close to his face.

"No baby", he rasps closing the distance between them but odette pushes him against the mirror making him groan impatiently.

"Do you think am beautiful?", she asks after chuckling.

"Yes", he breathes out expecting a kiss from her but he didn't expect what was coming his way.

Odette raised her knee and kicked it in his groin making him yelp in pain as his hands quickly went to hold his most prised possession. He breathes heavily in anger for getting played like this with a girl.

"you fucking bitch", he growls angrily glaring at odette.

"good luck with that hope it functions as it used to one day", odette mocks smirking at him and leaves the changing room with the red dress on her swaying her hips gracefully.

The man glared at her head if looks could kill then she would be dead meat by now. When odette thought she is done with him and had to not see him again in her life she was so wrong.

The blue eyed man's phone rang brining him out of his thoughts deciding to punish and teach a lesson to her.

"hello brother", he tells answering the phone.

"no, am on my way, how can I miss my little brother's engagement", he chuckles teasingly.

After a little chat he hangs up the call walking towards his car.

"who ever you are miss badass too much bitch... no one could save you from me... no one", he rasps angrily punching the steering of his car in fuming rage