"Tell me… water or fire?", asked marco sitting in his comfortable chair swirling from left to right with a wicked smirk on his face.

"Boss am so sorry boss, please forgive me… I have a family", James choked out coughing blood.

It was a time when James used to see people getting torchered but now he is in their place, miserable and badly beaten to death and afraid of most cunning game his boss plays.

Marco release a dark chuckle sending shivers to James spine. His eyes are bulged due to the cuts marco mercilessly drew with a knife, his nails are pulled out along with one ear chopped. James face is all stained with his blood and salty tears making him wince and scream in pain but marco wasn't the one who would forgive people who crossed him. James body was stabbed with small knife in several places and two screwdrivers drives in his two feet to the ground as no animal would be treated as human is far away.

"you should have thought about the consequences when you double crossed me", marco tells tsking.

"Please sir forgive me, I will never go to cops again, I will leave this place and never show you my face please forgive me", James cries harder making marco chuckle.

After coming down from his laughter fit seeing James all bloody and helpless satisfied a inner demon of marco. He likes to see people covered in blood and pain begging in front of him.

That's what be became after these many years—a monster.

"choose….fire or water, if I choose you know how painful will be your death", marco growls impatiently.

"w… Water",  James mumbles with tears streaming down as he looks down in defeat. No one can escape this monster now when he went against him and informed about the illegal deal of weapons he is having to the cops. Somehow he found out, obviously with the power marco holds.

He closed his eyes expecting a bullet to hit him in the head and imagining his wife and daughter's face in his last minute of life.

But to his horror marco chuckled darkly making him snap his eyes open in fear. There wasn't hope because he knows how his boss was.

"you thought your death will be this easy?", marco growls landing a punch on his face breaking his jaw bone as James screams in pain.

"chop this bastards every part piece by piece and throw him in Mediterranean Sea", marco orders his guards who were looking down the whole time in fear that their boss's anger would burn them if they did anything out of line.

"yes boss", his right hand who was enjoying the view of torchering James smirked and answered behalf of everyone in the room.

It was not disgusting to them or they are afraid they were just silent because they fear their boss so much.

Marco nodded his head without a next word he walked out of the dungeon to his mansion which is few meters away from his dungeon where he torcher his enemies.

As soon as he reached his mansion, he went straight into his room which is painted in all black and grey furniture with black bed sheets on his king sized bed. He went straight into the washroom and stripped down throwing his blood covered clothes in a corner and turned the shower on.

His whole chest is covered in tattoos along with his hands till his wrist and his fingers making him look intimidating and dangerous. His body well built and slightly tanned which is adding a good contrast to his tattoos making him look too sinsistic to desire.

As warm waters washed off the blood he applied body wash and got rid of anything else covered his Greek god like body along with his brown silky hair. After a quick shower he dried himself and put on a white shirt with black dress pants with matching coat leaving few shirt buttons open giving a teasing glance of his tattoos.

As he was almost ready wearing his Rolex limited addition watch and Gucci perfume as he was wearing his shoes he heard a knock on his door.

He knows who is behind the door, only two people could dare to disturb him when he was in his bedroom resting or in his office working. As the other person was out taking care of the arrangements of something important in Paris.

"Come in, ma", marco said looking one last time himself in the mirror after wearing the belt on his trouser.

A women in her early fifties walk inside wearing blue knee length dress with cream heals and cream clutch gracefully.

She smiles genuinely seeing marco all dressed up as she requested. "you look handsome as always", she tells smiling softly at him.

"thanks ma, you don't look bad yourself", marco tells winking at elder woman making her chuckle.

The atmosphere of the room fell silent as no one spoke a word. The woman sighs heavily in relief when she reads the text she received.

"everything is arranged", she tells smirking at marco in victory.

"Good,  I knew mario would finish the task", marco adds proudly.

"he did…", she tells smiling proudly.

"you know saving you boys on that day was the best thing I did in my life… I may never take your mother's place but you both are like my own children", she tells smiling sadly.

Marco hugs her comforting and speaks "you know whatever we are today… its because of you ma", Marco tells breaking the hug.

"don't give me all the credits I just supported you guys and everything you both are now… its because of your own hard work", she tells politely.

Marco nods his head with a genuine smile on his lips which very few people gets to see.

"Today is the day… where we will get close to our revenge", she tells sighing with wicked expression on her face.

"yes ma… I swear to God, I will never forgive those people who killed my parents", Marco tells with hatred as his fists clenched and eyes turned red due to anger.

"Rumors tells she is really beautiful", she tells narrowing her eyes at Marco testing him.

"I don't mind how beautiful she is ma… I will make sure she will see hell when she steps her foot in our home", Marco adds with hatred.

A satisfied smile planted on her lips hearing his answer. She made sure the Italian mafia boss never gets attached to any women for her beauty so she brough every miss universe to miss world to Marco and mario's bed. She also made sure the Italian mafia doesn't fall because disputes between brothers for any women so she made sure they have a habit of sharing women as if they are some toys. Both brothers corrupted many women together but now she was worried because it's the first time she is getting a single brother married to the French mafia boss daughter and her being beautiful as a angel dropped from heaven rumours didn't help her.

She sighed in relief internally understanding the only thing Marco and Mario thinks about is destroying their enemy by inflicting pain to his lovely daughter.

Least did she know she is bringing their world, their love, their life to them unknowingly.