The hall of Odette's mansion was decorated with white lilies, curtains were cream colour and the dance floor was shining as a new marble which would allow to see ones reflection in it. The waiters running from here to there with a tray in their hand with champagne glasses and cocktails what not.  

The guests are already arrived and waiting to see odette who was kept hidden for her whole life. It would be a lie if one tells that they aren't excited to see her and her future husband who is none other that most dangerous Italian mafia boss who have made alley with French mafia for their upper hand in country.  

Where as marco was calling his brother sitting in his limo along with his right hand and his ma. He kept calling his elder twin to which he didn't lift any of his calls. 

"Should we track his number?", asked Bianca Ferrari.  

"I don't think it's needed ma, he said he will take care of the trouble but am just worried he didn't updated me", marco tells frowning.  

No matter how cruel and merciless both brothers are but they care for each other immensely and their loved ones which happened to be Bianca alone.  

They would never even think twice before shoving all bullets in their right hand man, Draco Lombardi.  

As soon as marco expressed his worry his phone rang immediately. He answered the call without a second late and spoke.  

"Where the hell are you bro, you are supposed to be with me now", marco said.  

"Am caught up with these fuckers, it might take more time, I guess I will be late to your engagement", mario tells tiredly.  

Marco sighs heavily, he knows he sent his brother for an important meeting and if it's taking time, mario would probably kill them if they piss him off then return. It doesn't matter, mario is good in handing such men so marco didn't ask him to come back soon.  

"okay, take care", marco said to which mario said "okay", then hung up the call.  


"princess, put this on", said a older maid to odette who just rolled her eyes.  

"I don't want that thing on my thigh, get lost from here before I decide to kill you", odette growled in anger making the old lady flinch.  

"Odette!", a manly angry voice echoed from behind her making her flinch.  

Her father never shouted at her but this is one of the time he can't bear her tantrums. There are guests in their mansion who are waiting to see youngest French mafia princess and witness her engagement but here she is behaving as a kid.  

"is this a way to talk to the elders who are helping you?", odette's father scold her angrily.  

She glares him back and rolls her eyes, "isn't it amusing coming from you who kill people", she scoffs making Andre clench his jaw in anger.  

"dad… I will take care of this, you go and watch guests, Italians might be on their way", Aurora tells sighing as she looks cold glare of odette and her father's angry face which looks like he will burst in any second as a volcano.  

"Fill this Brat's head with some senses Aurora, tell her to behave well and keep her mouth shut", Andre tells angrily as he turns his feet around and leave the room shutting the door loudly. 

Aurora sighs heavily looking at her sister.

"oddy… please, don't create any scene… please, your engagement with him will bound two countries, it's good for everyone", Aurora explains to her sister who keeps her eyes on the mirror looking at herself.  

"Why?", was the only word escaped from odette's mouth in a broken voice.  

"Why? Rora? Why it is us? To sacrifice ourselves for the other people's well beings?", she asks looking at Aurora with tears in her eyes.  

The maid nods her head as Aurora gestured her to leave, she hands the thigh chain to Aurora before leaving the room, giving privacy for two sisters.  

"we are born in mafia family, it wasn't our choice oddy… it wasn't yours nor mine", aurora tells in her softest voice.  

"But we are destined… the power our men hold is dangerous, we need to keep them sane, keep them on the right path, take care of the women of the people who work under them", she tells as she knee in front of her sister.  

"We are not weak oddy… we are powerful, we watch our men getting injured and fight death everyday, sometimes we might think that this work they are doing is not fair but do you think if there isnt a lion in a forest, who would save animals from hyenas?", she asks as she ties the thigh piece on her sister, securing it properly.  

She let's the dress fall, getting up on her feet she cups her sister's cheek.  

"Marrying will not stop your freedom oddy, I hope he will be the man who respects your wishes and choices… I do believe he will be a better man… atleast for you, you just have to stay strong and give a chance trusting your fate", she tells pressing a kiss on odette's forehead and a lone tear escapes odette's eyes. 

Aurora gently wipe the tears and smile at her motherly.

 "Mom would have been proud looking at how strong you are", she tells smiling sadly.  

"Am Afraid", odette tells sobbing in her sister's arms making her cry too.  

"I was too…", Aurora tells sighing as she bites her cheek to control her cries.  

"You are just seventeen, I know dad will give you time till you turn eighteen, I hope you get time to meet him and understand each other before marriage", Aurora tells in her broken voice.  

"what if he doesn't agree?", odette asks biting her lip referring to her future husband as she wipes her own tears sniffing.  

"I will ask Dimitri too blast his ass with a bomb", Aurora tells determined making her little sister chuckle.  

"come on, let's get you ready, everyone are waiting to see this little princess", Aurora tells fixing odette's make up and hair one last time.  

When she was about to get out from the room along Odette a maid knocks the door making sisters frown.  

"What?", Aurora asks looking at the maid who looks worried and afraid.  

"Princess aurora master asked princess odette's presence in his office, the Italian mafia boss is here", she tells making odette hold her sister's hand tightly.  

"Everything will be fine oddy", Aurora tells assuring her sister.  

"I will be outside if you need me just call", she tells pressing a kiss on odette's forehead.  

She nods her head weakly as she drags her feet along her sister towards her destiny which will ruin her as she never imagined in her darkest nightmares.