Marco was sitting on the chair in andre's office as bianca and his right hand is sitting on the couch.

The couch was placed right in front of the door facing it with a centre table. A bottle of most expensive champagne is placed in a ice bucket on the centre table with few glasses.

Bianca was looking at the interior of the office judgmentally. It wasn't her taste even so she wouldn't praise it because her hate for French mafia is limitless.

"my daughter is getting ready, she will be here in few minutes", andre tells after sending a maid to bring his daughter to his office.

"It's okay, she might be nervous and shy, girls tend to be so infront of my marco", bianca tells smiling but that wasn't a friendly one.

Marco just smirked at andre's speechless expression secretly. Of course andre knows that men in mafia have affairs and one night stands but when they gets married it's written with blood that their loyalty lies with their own wife.

Just like woman's loyalty lies with her husband. But telling about other women in front of andre… he didn't like it.

Without telling anything in counter back he kept his mouth shut. It's safe for them to not talk anything against Italian mafia when French mafia is without a heir – male child and intending to protect it he decided to marry off one of his daughter to Russia mafia and other to Italian. This would be enough example showing that how much desperate andre is to keep his empire safe.

There was a knock on the door as andre gave them a smile. "Come in", he announced sitting calmly but his inner peace is struck in hurricane Imagining the things his daughter would do Or say.

To say least he was terrified to his bones but it takes years if practice to keep a chill face in the moment of crisis in mafia and he mastered the art.

"meet my daughter…  odette francois", he announce proudly as odette enters the room.

Her eyes weren't on the floor nor her walk was nervous, she carried herself gracefully. She entered swaying her hips in her red dress with a thigh length slit revealing her milky skin with a thigh chain made up of diamonds which was customised beautifully.

Her toes were painted black as her finger nails adding contrast to her look. Besides odette always likes to paint her nails black and it looks good on her fair pale skin.

Her tattoos were revealing as she didn't listen to her father and hid them under concealer. Eyes with dramatic wing eyeliner with a red lipstick she is looking as a seductress in a good way. If bianca heard about odette being really beautiful then the word and praises didn't do any justice to her beauty. Her long black hair was tied in a tight ponytail giving her a strong look.

She in simple words looked like a goddess. Draco's mouth hung open looking at odette's beauty but one glare from bianca made him snap his eyes down in his limits.

Odette didn't broke eye contact with bianca since the second she stepped in the room. Her aura spoke power to bianca which somehow looked challenging to her. She was the first women who didn't felt intimidated in presence of bianca which made her clench her jaw.

This took odette's attention and she smirked at the women.

"hello, nice to meet you", odette spoke in her angelic voice. This made marco turn his head and look at the ethereal beauty standing behind him.

He swirled the chair and laid his eyes on odette looking at her as if he is admiring her every inch of skin with his fingers.

The intense gaze on herself made odette turn her head towards marco and the second she made eye contact with him her breathe hitched.

She gulped but composed herself immediately. How could this be possible, she saw almost same man as marco in mall today. His brown locks are just as the stronger whom she rewarded for helping her and those captivating blue eyes… held something so deep and intense making her to stare into them without blinking.

As if she is trying to unfold the story behind every single thing those eyes were laid on.

"Marco de Luca", Marco tells smirking at her as he gets up from the chair and walks towards odette. His height is also same as the stranger she met at the mall.

Odette gulped as he held her palm in his huge hand and gave a kiss on back of her hand making goosebumps rise on her skin.

His smirk grew looking at it but soon he turned it into a smile and spoke.

"you are beautiful", he complicated odette making her blush.

"Thank you, you aren't bad yourself", odette spoke softly as she looked at her father which he nodded his head with a smile encouraging her to carry on her behaviour.

"I am Bianca Ferrari", bianca stated getting up from the couch.

"This is Draco Lombardi, marco's right hand man", she tells gesturing to draco who is standing on his feet as a solider with his chest puffed out.

Odette smiled at the woman then the man and nodded her head acknowledging them and spoke, "it's nice to meet you all", she said softly.

"You are a pretty woman, I could be at peace knowing your children will be as pretty as you", bianca said smiling viciously.

This made odette snap, she clenches her fists behind her back still with a innocent smile on her lips she spoke, "born in mafia family I just wish my children to be strong, beauty however lies in ones heart", odette comments making bianca chuckle awkwardly.

She wanted to make odette feel awkward but what she intended for her she got its taste.

"Beautiful thoughts as a beautiful face", Marco commented smirking.

He already liked her, she was different from other girls he have met. Being born in royalty she had tattoos specially with the curses and her lip piercing is drinking him crazy already. Her strong and powerful aura speaking heights which he wanted to discover.

"I think we should come straight to the point", bianca tells cutting marco's hungry gaze from odette.

This girl stepped in her life just few minutes ago and she became a threat to her power, which bianca couldn't digest.

"sure", andre tells smiling as he gestures towards the file placed on his table.

Bianca takes the file and reads it with concentration since she doesn't want to miss any point.

When she felt everything is right she smiled at andre then Marco and handed Marco the file.

Marco signs the file without even glancing at it making bianca smirk. That's how much power she has on Marco and mario. She thought she shouldn't be afraid of mere teenager scoffing internally.

"Here", andre hands file to odette. She reads the file with concentration as she bites her lower lip focusing on the context and treaty between French and Italian mafia.

She frowns at some points which didn't went un noticed by Marco. Even though he admired how she looked hot as she read the file without even trusting her own father made him hard.

He likes women, but specially women with brains and odette is definitely a beauty with brain.

A smirk plastered on his face as he asks "is there anything wrong...  princess?", he asks in his deep voice making odette shiver.

"a child will bound the treaty?", she asks frowning.

Marco nods his head and speaks "yes… a de Luca and Francois's child will bound this treaty, without this contract will end", he tells smirking.

Odette gulps as she looks at her father, he glares at her secretly to which she almost rolls her eyes. Clenching her teeth she picks the pen and sign the papers.

Least did she know with a single sign she sold her soul to the devil.

Marco smirks in victory as bianca smiles at him.

"give me the rings", bianca tells as draco hands her two velvet boxes which are red in colour.

She takes out a beautiful huge rock size diamond ring which isn't like odette haven't seen before and hand it to Marco who slides it on odette's ring finger and kiss her hand once again making her suck huge amount of air.

Bianca then hands another ring to Odette  which she slides it on Marco's ring finger.

"Congratulations", she tells andre smiling widely.

"congratulations to you too Mrs Ferrari", andre tells smiling widely.

Soon they congratulate the couple and pop the champagne and serve the drink celebrating the engagement of two mafias which once were enemies and now a family.