After singing the papers and celebrating their engagement with a glass of champagne both Marco and Odette were brought in the main hall where guests are waiting for their arrival.  

The lights were dimmed and a spot light landed on both Marco and Odette now connected their arms gracefully.  

Andre and bianca stood on the stairs little low from Marco and Odette and announced to the crowd.  

"This is my son, Marco de Luca", said bianca proudly.

 "the Italian mafia boss", she announced with her head held high.  

"This is my daughter, Odette Francois, princess of French mafia", andre announced proudly.  

There were many gasps and awes in the hall as women looked at Odette with jealousy for having such amazing body and beautiful features which are a die for and of course Marco wasn't the ignored man, women would fall on their knees right then and there for him.  

Men were looking at odette with desire and lust which didn't went un noticed by Marco.  

He gently placed his large hand on odette's ass bringing her closer to him making her release a shivering gasp.  

"but now she is my queen", he announced smashing his lips on odette's making her eyes widen.  

Andre was happy that Marco addressed her as his queen and according to the engagement treaty it was fine Marco could do anything with his daughter even though she is just seventeen. These things never mattered in the mafia families.  

Bianca clenched her fists in anger but kept her face unfazed with the little heated moment happening there which made guests rooted with applause along with gasps and awe at the sweet couple. 

Least did they know they could be anything but sweet. slowly gazed his tongue on odette's lower lip asking her for entrance but without experience she didn't know what to do, she was just frozen not responding to marco's kiss which made him growl internally in annoyance.  

He bit odette's lower lip as he squeezed her pulp ass making her gasp as she opened her mouth he took advantage of it and thrust his tongue in her mouth devouring her sweet taste.  

She tasted divine like no one else did and Marco knows if he didn't stop here it will not stop until he take her virginity right away.  

He broke the kiss leaving odette all breathing heavily with a flushed face. As much as Marco know about odette that she is a brat who likes to rebel. That's what those tattoos and her lip piercing speaking. Not to mention how badly he wanted to tug on the lip ring but he knows it would overwhelm her and he didn't want to put that show in front of hungry eyes of men who wanted to be in his position. 

A hot cute kiss was enough to announce that she was his and other could poke their eyes out if they don't want to accept it.  

Marco thought that odette didn't kiss him back intentionally which made him angry but he thought he will deal with it later when he is alone with her.  

He smiled softly at odette just to show people and brushed her stray hair behind her ear making her blush. Too real for people to understand that it's fake. 

"I want to announce that from today we formed a greater alliance with Italian mafia as we did with Russian mafia seven years ago", andre announces making the crowd cheer and clap.  

"I request you to enjoy tonight's party in celebration of my daughter's engagement with the strongest and powerful man, Marco de Luca and the announcement of our blood bond treaty", andre tells raising the toast.  

Everyone follows him and raise a toast for the newly engaged couple and take a sip of the drink served.  

"Let's welcome our newly engaged couple on the dance floor to begin tonight's party", Andre tells clapping his hands which everyone follows cheering.  

The dim lights and a sensual music along with the stop light on Marco and odette, they both looked like beauty and the beast. Dancing on the music with odette close to him. This felt surreal to both odette and Marco. There is something for them which is weaving two souls into one, might be the music, the ambience or each other's presence but soon odette found herself enjoying dancing with Marco.  

Her hands wrapped around his neck as he held her hips swaying them with their legs getting tangled in a graceful way before getting detangled. Soon everyone joinedbthe dance floor with their dates. 

The whole dance Marco was smiling at her which was rare, he never smiled at women except Bianca and she can clearly see that the little red riding hood who also have a smart mouth caged the big bad wolf.  

Before it gets out of her hand she has to do something and her head has many ideas of what she could do and the best among her evil plans was to bring mario in between them.  

"Hello, mario, where are you my son, your brother is engaged and you are missing the party, hurry up", she said in her soft tone which she use for twins.  

"am few minutes away ma, I will be there soon", mario said before hanging up the call.  

A smirk plastered on Bianca's lips as she eyed odette and Marco who are now dancing on sway with me song.  

Odette kept her eyes locked with marco's his blue eyes, his beautiful smile which she liked as she never thought she could.  

His eyes were only on her, making her feel butterflies in her stomach.  

"Why didn't you kiss me back?", Marco whisper asked her close to her lips lifting her up.  

He twirled her gently as he back is pressed against marco's hard length formed in his pants because of her.  

Odette gulped thickly understanding what is it as she blushed turning as red as beetroot.  

"I… I didn't know how to kiss… that was… my first kiss", odette stuttered badly making Marco smirk.  

"nice tattoo you got here", he murdered in her ear making goosebumps on her skin.  

"You liked it?", she asks breathlessly.  

"Yes, sois belle a ta facon", he reads the quote on her neck making her smile.  

"be beautiful in your own way", she translates it smiling.  

"I know…", he tells her making her smile widely as she turns around wrapping her hands on his neck.  

"uh – hum", she hums.  

"what else do you know?", she asks raising her eyebrow and smirk at him.  

He grins at her making her heart skip a beat. 

He smacks her ass making her gasp in surprise. Odette glares at him angrily making him smirk. She smacks his chest making him raise his eye brows amused.  

"Though French sounds sexy coming from your mouth… I won't give you right to spank me", she tells seriously narrowing her eyes on him.  

"inteso?", she asks warningly.  

This made marco's cock twitch in his pants as he smirked looked at her lips which he wanted to devour them right away. First time in his life he found himself nodding to a woman.  

"Good boy", odette coos stopping the dance and pinch his cheek making him groan internally.  

She sways her hips and leave the main hall to her room to use washroom. Their cute interaction brought a smile on Aurora's face. For a reason she trusted odette with Marco that he would treat her sister right, she just hoped she wouldn't get proved wrong for trusting him.  

When Marco tried to follow her, Aurora stopped him in his track.  

"following my little sister?", she asks smirking.  

Marco raised his eyebrows surprised, he didn't expect queen of Russian mafia will be standing in his way even though he knows that she is his fiancee's sister. 

"Mrs Aurora Dimitri Anrep, it's pleasure to meet you", Marco tells kissing the back of Aurora's hand.  

"Pleasure to meet you too, my husband would be happy to meet you too", Aurora tells smiling.  

"Ah yes, I didn't find him", he tells looking around for him.  

"He is running late, will be here soon", she tells looking at Bianca.  

Aurora frowns as she looks at her, she looks as if she is planning something in her head which made her to find out more about this woman, she mentally made a note to ask everything about Bianca from Dimitri which he will gladly do for odette.  

"She went to her room, third from the right", Aurora tells taking a step back making way for him.  

"thank you", Marco tells nodding his head and let his feet drag him to where his heart desire.  

Looking at Marco following Odette made Bianca's blood boil, she knows no woman can come between twins for them their brotherhood is important and it will be forever till their deaths, hoping mario will do what is needed to put odette in her place but little did she know where odette actually belongs.  




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