WebNovelTHEIR DOLL100.00%


The bedroom door of odette's room was not locked, which made marco smirk and step inside the room with his hands stuffed in his pockets.  

He expected her room to be a pink or girly shades of walls and furniture but to his surprise it was all black and white just as his and mario's room.  

Marco's room was black while Mario's was grey. But one single blanket caught his attention. It wasn't same as the room Or similar to it, it was in pink colour.  

Why this is standing out of the room? Is it her own or someone's? He shrugged it off as soon as the bathroom door opened.  

There Odette stood shocked seeing him standing in the middle of her room with his hands burrowed in his crisp black trousers, he looks majestic in his black coat. It would be a lie if she doesn't feel attracted to him.  

"Already in love with me?", Odette mocks him coming back from her shock and a smirk made it's way on marco's lips.  

"Well… isn't it illegal to fall in love with a seventeen years, seven months and eight days old?", marco asks raising his eyebrows amused making odette's jaw hit the floor. 

But she smirked hiding her shock and spoke, "oh, isn't it amusing coming from your mouth about legal and illegal trope?", odette comments earning a chuckle from him.  

"Trust me princess, this is the first time I want something so badly but am controlling myself so bad to not do the illegal thing which I plan to do to you right now against the fucking wall of your room", he growls making odette's stomach do flip flops and somersaults.  

Instead of replying to his sinful words she changed the topic, "ho.. How…  how do you know my exact age?", odette's voice doesn't hide surprise in it as her eyes.  

Marco chuckles softly as he steps towards odette, "trust me, I know every single detail about you princess", he tells pushing few strands of hair behind her ear making her suck huge amount of air.  

"about the food you like to the places you want to visit, your hobbies to your studies…about your every single tattoo on your skin to your belly and nipple piercings", marco groans in odette's ear making her clench her thighs tightly.  

This felt weird and new to her, never in her life she was this close to some man and the voice he owns is not a joke, it's sending shivers to her bones.  

She exhales a shaky breathe making macro inhale her sweet fragrance. First time in his life he want to take his time in devouring the goddess in front of him instead fuck her right there roughly as he always does.  

"it.. It's creepy that you know everything about me", odette whispers making him take a step a back.  

She sighs in relief but there is something in her which is disappointed that he created distance in between them.  

"it's not creepy when you are princess of a powerful mafia", he tells making her roll her eyes.  

"Don't", he warns her in his dark voice.  

His pupils dilated in lust making a dark black circle clearly visible in his blue icy marbles which made her soul shiver. 

"don't what?", odette talk back smirking. As marco clenches his teeth trying to push back his animalistic side and rip her clothes off and take her right there.  

"Lemme guess, you want to punish me? Right? Mr de Luca", odette smirks whispering it sensually.  

Though she doesn't have any experience in any kind if sexual activities but she knows what happens between a man and women behind the closed doors.  

"fuck!", marco growls cursing under his breathe and pins odette on the wall making her gasp.  

As odette is pressed between his hard chest and wall taking deep breathes marco attacks her neck kissing and biting her pale white skin making her hiss and moan in both pleasure and pain.  

But odette didn't let the sinful pleasure get to her head as she fisted his brown locks yanking it back.  

Peeling him off her skin. There are definitely dark purple Hickeys formed on her neck but those are her least concern.  

She took her knife out from the strap she has on her thigh under her dress and put it on marco's neck smirking.


Marco was impressed with her little stunt, he smirked back not getting fazed by the sudden attack, if he wanted he could slit her throat with the same knife in a second as his skills and strength is much more than odette.  

"No touching until am eighteen… bello", she whispered against his lips making him smirk.  

Winking at him seductively she swayed her hips and went out from her room before patting his cheek playfully.  

"Fucking tease she is.....", marco growled licking his lips trying to feel her taste on them and sighed closing his eyes. He groans throwing his head back and lighting his cigarette, bringing it to his lips he takes a whiff and blow the smoke out thinking about how he is going to tame the little vixen in her. 



"Meet marco's twin brother", bianca introduced mario to Andre with her fake smiling.  

"oh! It's nice to meet you am Andre Francois", andre greets shaking mario's hand.  

"Am mario de Luca", mario tells smiling at the elder man.  

He was least bit interested in talking to andre, moreover he wants to kill him right there but they need his support as he has biggest weapon making industry in England.  

"where is odette and marco?", andre asks frowning searching for them in the crowd.  

Bianca laughs placing her hand in front of her mouth and tells "your daughter have captivated my son with her beauty… I saw him following her to her room, probably to have some alone time with his future wife", bianca comments making andre sigh.  

"it's okay I will meet them later", mario tells smiling at andre looking at his devastated face.  

"oh, no, it's… it's just, she is a trouble maker, I just hope she doesn't offend marco", andre tells sighing.  

"don't worry it's okay, she is after all princess and soon queen of Italian mafia", bianca tells chuckling.  

"she has every right to be spoiled", she tells smiling.  

Before anyone could speak mario's phone rang making him sigh.  

"Don't worry, go on", bianca tells encouraging him to take the call.  

Mario smiled at her and pecked her cheek before bidding his good bye to andre.  

"Work comes first", andre comments waving his hand off which mario nodded his head smiling as he left the hall.  

"have you found about her?", mario asks in his cold voice earning a answer from the other line.  

"Yes boss, she studies feminism in PSL university in France", the man answered making mario smirk.  

"good, anymore details?", he asks to which the man on other line speaks, "no boss, no one was ready to give out her information as if she is someone important, if you want me to find out more details about her I have to find a detective", he tells making mario sigh. 

"no, it's okay, I will pay her visit tomorrow", mario tells coldly.  

"boss we also have a problem", the man tells stuttering making mario clench his jaw.  

"what now?", mario growls angrily.  

"The products which were coming from us were caught by the Italian cops at eastern coast", he tells making mario curse under his breathe.  

"Sho… Should we inform to boss marco?", he asks stuttering.  

"no, I will come there, no need to tell him now, I will speak to him tomorrow", mario spat walking towards his car.  

"I am coming to Italy", mario said before hanging up the call.  

"Leaving for work", mario typed text to bianca as he settled in car and drove off without waiting for reply.  

Hoping he will come back to deal with the little girl not knowing she is now his own brother's finance.