Beast Hospital

Juniper got a visitors pass and followed Ciro throughout the day at his workplace. The Beast Hospital is very busy during the day. There were lots of people coming in and out of the building and Juniper watched as Ciro worked with different animals and treated them. One of his jobs was to treat the injured beasts, after inspecting the animal he would determine what treatment it needed and get help from a helper or another doctor if necessary. Juniper saw him treating a young lynx cub with a broken leg, he placed a splint around its leg and carried it away.

Juniper observed everything that happened with interest.

When lunchtime came Juniper was looking forward to sitting down with Ciro and eat. "Hey, are we going to have lunch together?" Juniper asked as he sat down.

''No, I cant leave my work unattended.'' Ciro replied. ''But I can order us something to pick up.''

Juniper frowned ''How far away is it?''

''Fifteen minutes, I just ordered it online so it will be delivered direct.'' Ciro turned off his communicator.

They waited patiently until the food arrived. Once it came, Ciro paid the delivery person and they ate together. After a while, Juniper finished his meal and looked at Ciro.

''So, how have you found it?'' Ciro asked as he cleaned up after themselves.

Juniper thought for a moment and replied ''Interesting.''

Juniper continued ''The different species of beasts are fascinating, though do they ever become violent? Do you ever get scared when you treat them?''

Ciro paused and thought for a moment. ''Yes, I used to. Specially when I first took this Job I didnt know much about.. It takes some time to learn but once you do, the fear goes away. If you treat higher level beasts they can communicate to some extent, they are intelligent creatures who have their own ways of dealing with things.''

''Do you find animals more interesting than people?'' Juniper asked.

Ciro smiled and said ''Both are equally intriguing.''

Juniper nodded and then asked ''Have you always been good with animals?''

Ciro laughed and shook his head ''I joined the military at age 18, shortly after that I became a medic there. I struggled to find a job at that point so I could only be a trainee medic, I was terrified of seeing blood at first. After a few years I got used to it and developed into the beast medic area, I was pretty bad at first.''

Juniper nodded and listened intently.

''Then I started doing research and discovered that I was good with animals after awhile and I liked working with them. Eventually, I decided to take a year off since id saved up and travel the galaxy to learn more about exotic animals. I met all my husbands when I was travelling... It was difficult for us all to come together because we were from different places so it took a few years to settle down somewhere. Eventually because Military medics were required to go to many different places, I wanted to have something more stable and stay in one place, My husbands also agreed with this so I took this job here and Ive stayed it in already for the last few years.''

Juniper listened calmly, he enjoyed hearing about other peoples lives.

''Have you ever thought of having your own contracted beast?'' Juniper asked.

Ciro shook his head ''No, I interact with so many. I think if I had one it would not be very happy if I happened to have all sorts of different beast scents on me. Contracted Beasts are very protective of their contractor.''

Juniper nodded in agreement.

''I have paperwork to sort through for the rest of the afternoon, I don't think it will be that interesting.... How about you head back for today'' Ciro suggested.

With that Juniper said his goodbyes to Ciro and left the hospital