Dessert Broadcast

After a short walk outside, Juniper took a taxi back to his appartment. When he arrived he unlocked the door and went inside, he walked over to the kitchen where he made himself a cup of tea and sat at the table. While he drank his tea, he checked out for any messages on the Nexus network.

Junipers eyes lit up when he saw a message from a 'Dstar65' It was addressed to Juniper personally, he remembered this person made a big donation of starcoins from the broadcast, Juniper clicked open the message and read it.

The message began.

Juniper replied quickly to say "Thank you for the kind words" and to tell him he did not need a moderator. However, he received another reply saying that he should give him a chance and that Juniper may change his mind later. Juniper thought and gave in, it wouldnt hurt to have one.

In the end, Juniper accepted Daiju as a moderator.

Juniper was debating what to do in his next broadcast, there were many recipes he could try however he was running low on vegetables he had used them recently, he was limited due to the space on the balcony for growing. Then Juniper thought why not make a cake.

Juniper got straight to work picked the last carrots that had grown and ordered any ingredients he was missing before setting up the broadcasting function. Juniper decided to make a carrot cake, he chose to use a simple recipe and make it in bulk so he could send some out to Gio, Demetrius and to Ciros family, he made some batter in advance to bake so it would be ready to take out during the broadcast.

After turning live he glanced at the chat and noticed there were several people coming into the chat room already.

''Welcome, Im Juniper and I will be making a dessert today which is called Carrot cake.'' Juniper spoke casually as if chatting with a friend, he then reached over to the counter and grabbed a bowl and tipped in the eggs, sugar, oil and vanilla essence.

Juniper looked over to see what comments were coming in:

<'Carrot?? isnt that a vegetable'>

<'I thought this was meant to be a dessert'>

Juniper chuckled slightly and began mixing the ingredients with a wooden spoon.

''It is a dessert. There are lots of desserts that contain vegetables...'' Juniper explained as he continued stirring, ''The mixture is starting to look nice now'' Juniper told the audience, he added the flour, cinnamon and baking powder to the mix and began beating the batter.

''The carrots will need to be washed first and then can be grated'' Juniper poured the mixture into several baking tins and put it into the oven.

Junipers saw as someone asked him how long it takes to prepare the cake.

''Normally it only takes around 20 - 30 minutes bake a cake, but carrot cakes are a bit more dense so will take about 45 minutes, so it may take longer than usual if you are cooking at home" Juniper said apologetically.

''I have baked some cake prior to this and it is almost cool for us to put together.'' Juniper went back to the kitchen and grabbed a the cakes he had baked in advance. He opened up the cake tin and took off the lid, he placed the cake on a plate.

''I am using a cream cheese frosting between the cake layers and on top, to make cream cheese frosting you need icing sugar and cream cheese. Mix them together until smooth, then beat in a bit of vanilla extract." Juniper began to spread the frosting onto the cake.

He finished spreading the frosting he loaded the next layer and repeated.

''Finally some chopped nuts are added on top, you at home can decorate your cake however you like.'' Juniper said cheerfully

Juniper cut a slice and put it on a plate, the 5D experience was set so those in the audience could try it.

The comments were coming into the broadcast room:

<'You should do desserts every week!'>

<'I didnt think a vegetable cake would taste like this.'>

<'This reminds me of my grandma's homemade cooking!'>

Junipers channel was becoming popular and and although there were a few negeative comments these quickly dissapeared in the barrage of positive feedback. His viewers were enjoying seeing the food being prepared. Juniper started to feel confident about his new career choice.

A private message from Dstar65 popped up on his communicator.

Juniper smiled as he thought about how to reply. The audience had been happy enough to pay the starcoin donations for the live stream, so Juniper decided to accept this request.

This was a simple thing so Juniper agreed without hesitation.